Round 2

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The day after the return of Okaro Chief Ekemos allowed Okaro to train Arank and his men along with some of the other villagers. He and Sitsi have lived together for six months and Okaro no longer has the struggle of loneliness. What has became the plans of King Plake? Find out in this chapter...

Okaro sat down next to Mukki, who had been his sparring partner today. "Mukki, I have to admit you're getting very strong."

Mukki blushed at the statement, he never was very confident. "Okaro, thanks for the compliment but both you and I know that I'm not much of a warrior." Okaro reached out and placed a hand on Mukki's shoulder.

"That's not true Mukki, at least not anymore you're not." Okaro looked over the open field where Arank and Tyee were sparring with other members of the clan, trying to increase the number of legitimate warriors in the village.

"What do you mean not anymore?" Okaro turned his glance to Mukki, who still had no idea that he had surpassed Tyee. During the first few months of Okaro's training Arank and Tyee caught on fast while Mukki had fallen behind, Okaro had began to believe in doubting Mukki's ability to become a warrior until one specific evening about two months ago.

...two months ago...

Okaro had just finished dinner at the cabin with Sitsi and decided to go out for the evening patrol he decided to take up after his return. Everything seemed to be in place until he could hear someone near the training grounds.

"Odd, training rapped up back at noon." Okaro went over and checked it out to find Mukki down on the ground facing upward towards th sky, panting heavily.

"Hey Mukki! Why don't you call it a night!" Mukki sat straight up, Okaro must have spooked him.

"Oh sorry Okaro," Mukki barely got the words out, he was tired out from whatever he was doing, "I've just been putting in some extra training." Okaro smirked at that, he was happy to see that he was wrong about Mukki.

Okaro walked over to Mukki and squatted in front of him, "make any progress on your own?" Okaro made sure to keep the smirk on his face in order to keep Mukki calm through all of this.

"Um, I think so, but probably not." Mukki wasn't even keeping eye contact with Okaro.

Okaro reached out and raised Mukki's head by the chin, "Mukki, step one to becoming a true warrior, make sure to be brave and confident. If you can accomplish those two things you can be a great warrior." Mukki didn't seem to believe his friend.

"But, how can I ever protect someone on that alone?" Okaro smirked, viewing a certain memory of a certain hero.

"Let's just say I know someone who saved everyone with that alone." Mr Satan, had saved the entire universe from Buu, something Okaro found hard to believe even if his memory proved it to be true.

Mukki smiled, "I guess I'll take your word for it Okaro."

...back with Okaro...

"Let's just say that I know if the situation called for it you would lay your life on the line." Okaro said, puzzling Mukki about what he had meant by this. "Anyway, I have to get back to the cabin. Time for dinner." Okaro stood and offered his friend a hand, who happily took it and rose to his feet.

"Thanks Okaro, for everything." Mukki hugged his friend and they went their separate ways. After making his way to the cabin Okaro made sure to knock on the door before entering.

"You can come in Okaro." He could hear Sitsi giggling at him. Okaro entered the cabin and flopped down on his own bed, which he was given after his return.

"What if that was someone else that you just randomly granted entrance to." Although Okaro was talking in a joking manor he was being serious about all of this. He wouldn't live it down if harm ever came to Sitsi.

"I said your name didn't I?" Okaro didn't really understand how that meant anything. He looked over to see her preparing meat over the wooden oven in the cabin. Sitsi looked back at him to catch him staring at her. "What?"

Okaro blushed and jumped right out of bed holding his hands up in defense, "I was only looking to see what you were doing." Sitsi giggled at his embarrassment and returned to preparing the meal. Okaro walked over to her and looked down at the food. "That looks pretty good."

Sitsi turned to face Okaro but bumped into his chest. She staggered back but caught herself. "S-sorry." Okaro couldn't ever get over how shy she was, sure he got embarrassed easily but he never got like Sitsi would.

"It's fine Sits..." That's when Okaro felt it, this power level far off in the distance. No, there were many power levels, just like the clone he had fault before.

"What's wrong Okaro?" Sitsi must have assumed that she had done something. Okaro ran out the door of the cabin and located the power levels.

"I have to go Sitsi," he looked back at her, "I promise I'll come back." Before she could get out another word Okaro burst off into the air at full speed, he couldn't allow this threat to reach the village. He wouldn't allow them to reach the village again.

He stopped in midair after discovering something, "they're... moving... away from here." That's when it hit Okaro, they were trying to trick Okaro so that they could reach th village. "They can't outrun me!" Okaro went full burst and in a matter of seconds landed in front of them in a matter of seconds. There were at least a hundred of them if not more. All of them identical to the clone form before.

"I'll give you one chance to leave this place." There was no response. The clone's flew around surrounding Okaro. "Shit!" He exclaimed, taking notice that they were forming some ki blast.

Okaro had to think quickly, the clone's unleashed each and everyone of their ki blasts, all flashes of green. "Super expansion wave!" He exclaimed, unleashing a barrier but it wasn't enough. At least half of the blasts made their way to him. He hadn't felt this before, true pain. He was bleeding all over, his suit torn all over. He could barely keep his self up and fell out of the sky, making full impact with the ground.

He glanced up at the clones, to see another round of ki blasts headed toward him. He could do nothing to brace himself and took the blasts head on. He could feel it, his life force leaving him by the second. The pain was unbearable but he could give no reaction, he was completely drawn of all energy.

One of the clone's flew down and landed next to Okaro, and kicked him directly in the face. Okaro spat out blood. "From what we've heard I'm sure that we expected so much more from you." The clone kicked Okaro in the face again.

All Okaro could think about was the pain, how much it hurt. That's when he realized however, that this pain didn't match the pain he felt when he was alone. He remembered that time he was away from the village, away from his friends, and... away from Sitsi. He wouldn't let these clones succeed. He had to win, somehow.

The clone went to kick Okaro again but this time Okaro grasped the leg of the clone with his hand, stopping the kick immediately. "Don't be foolish, you're finished!" That's when an aura viciously grew around Okaro and in a flash he was to his feet.

"We'll see about that!" Okaro, still grasping the clone's leg, three clone up into another one. "This is pulling out all the stops! Kaioken ×100!" The red aura took over his body, and in the flash an eye all the clone's were holding onto their stomachs in pain. Okaro had punched and kicked them all in the stomach, in only the flash of a second. "I'll put everything into this! Ka-Me-Ha-Me," the red aura of the Kaioken surrounded the ki blast, "HA!!!" The Blast shot out consuming all of the clones and turning them into less them dust.

Okaro had close... to no... energy. He... used... the little energy... he had left... to transmit... back... into the... village.

"Okaro!" Sitsi ran over to the beaten and bloodied man who collapsed into her arms fast asleep.

How about that for a chapter huh? Please vote, comment, and share this story I really appreciate every single person that supports this story. Please give AbdulKhaliq7, Jaffamaster786, an TheSpokenTruth1 a look those three have great stories that are worth a view.

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