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Last time in Dragonball X Okaro had no choice but to go all out against a hordes of King Plake's clones. After digging deep down to pull out all the power he contained he was able to defeat the clones but he was heavily wounded. Using the Instant Transmission he was able to reappear back at the village but fainted shortly afterwards, what awaits Okaro after he awakens? Find out in this chapter of Dragonball X!


"Wow, Okaro, I'm not sure if I can handle how strong you've gotten." Okaro and Goten were sparring in the middle of some grassy plains. This was Okaro's favorite dream, he always enjoyed being around Goten.

"You'll be fine Goten, you just can't give up." What Goten didn't know was that Okaro was only fighting in Kaioken ×75. Goten tried to land a kick to the stomach but Okaro easily evaded the attack and punched Goten in the stomach sending him straight to the ground. "Oh sorry Goten, sometimes I forget my own strength."

"I'm not done yet!" Goten transmitted to be standing in front of Okaro and clinched his fists. "Take this on for size!" Goten's hair spiked up and turn gold, indicating that he had transformed into a supersaiyan. Okaro was jealous of his sparring friend's ability to transform to that state. When Goten transformed his power doubled from his usual best.

Goten flew at Okaro and three a punch at his comrade, Okaro dodged easily. Okaro didn't have the power of a super saiyan but his own power was stronger than that of Goten's. Goten then tried to kick Okaro in the chin but Okaro dodged backward, grabbed Goten's leg and threw him into the air at least 20 meters.

"Crap!" Goten exclaimed, powering up to his max in super saiyan. Okaro knew what was coming next, Goten never did a good job of disguising what his next move was. Goten placed his hands together behind his back and a flash of blue appeared behind him.

"Two can play at this game!" Okaro placed his hands behind him and also formed the ki blast.

Together the two both chanted, "Ka-Me-Ha-Me, HA!" The two released their blasts at the other and the blasts met in a he'd on collision relusting in an explosion.


Okaro shot straight up out of his dream. He yelled as his body hurt and ached all over, he was still recovering from his fight. He could still see the bruises and cuts that he had received in the fight. The pain wasn't as bad but he could tell that he wouldn't be doing anything any time soon.

"Well well, look who's finally awake." Okaro looked straight at the source of the voice to find Arank, who must have been put on security to make sure no harm came to Okaro in his vulnerable state. "Sitsi will be happy to know that you've finally come to."

Okaro closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair. His body was moving at a very slow rate which told him that he must of been asleep for a few days at least. When he opened his eyes he saw Arank standing at the end of his bed.

"You alright?" Okaro smiled at his comrade's concerned expression.

"Yes Arank I'm fine. Just a little beat up that's all." Okaro threw the blanket to the side of him on the bed and jumped straight to his feet next to the bed. His body didn't agree to the sudden, aggressive movements but he pushed himself regardless.

"You sure you should be moving." Arank had made his way to Sitsi's bed and was seated facing Okaro.

Okaro laughed and walked over to hid wardrobe, "I'm not a hundred percent but I'm sure I'll be just fine." Arank nodded to the statement and stood, walking over to the door of the cabin.

"Once you are dressed and ready make your way to Chief Ekemos's cabin." Okaro stopped looking for clothes and looked over at Arank, who was already on the move outside the cabin.

"Odd." Okaro picked up his outfit and began preparing for the day.


"Chief Ekemos." Okaro said, opening the door. He could see the chief nod towards him and that's when he caught a blur approach him. Sitsi flung her arms around Okaro and squeezed as hard as she could.

Okaro patted Sitsi on the head and smiled, although the hug hurt a little on his still recovering body. Sitsi pulled away blushing and smiled at Okaro, "After three days I began to wonder if you'd ever wake up." Okaro couldn't believe he was out for that long, but he was happy to see Sitsi relieved that she hadn't lost someone that was close to her again.

Chief Ekemos stood and pointed to the seat in facing him, "Okaro, there is someone that you need to meet." Okaro was sure that this must have been why Arank was so urgent with him earlier. Okaro walked over and sat, Sitsi also took a seat close to Okaro.

"Who?" Asked Okaro. The Chief chuckled and raised his hand.

"I'll let her introduce herself." Chief Ekemos said, and that's when a woman came out from the back of the cabin and sat next to Chief Ekemos. Okaro quickly noticed that she resembled no one that he had met here. She had silver hair, dark brown eyes, and above all her skin was blue.

"Nice to finally meet you Okaro." Okaro nodded towards the woman's comment.

"Yes, and it'd nice to meet you..." Okaro paused waiting for a name.

The woman smiled and looked over Okaro, something that Sitsi didn't appreciate. "Sareth. Lady Sareth." Okaro's head jerked back.

"Lady Sareth? So are you royalty?" He asked, he may have been asking too much too soon but he was curious.

Lady Sareth laughed at the question, "Well I guess you could say that. Although I'm only the daughter of a high priest." That information alone informed Okaro that Lady Sareth couldn't have been of Contak, for there were no priest here.

"So... where are you from?" This drew the attention of not only Lady Sareth but also that of everyone else in the room, wherever she was from Okaro figured that it couldn't be good.

"That's actually something that you might not want to hear. I'm like you. I've been cast aside by King Plake." Okaro's breath stopped, he didn't even know that King Plake had anyone else with him. That's when he changed his attention to Chief Ekemos.

"So you had no problem with this?" Okaro didn't want to come across rude but he had no choice, he trusted nothing that involved that mad man.

"Oh, I wound say that. Half the village called for her head. But I convinced them that if you could come away from that man and be who you are, then why couldn't we trust this woman." Chief Ekemos changed his glance from Okaro to Lady Sareth, who wore a fearful smile after Okaro's outburst.

"I apologize," Okaro bowed his head to Lady Sareth.

Lady Sareth chuckled and waved the apology away, "I blame no one for not trusting me." Okaro nodded and stood up.

"Well, if that's all I feel like I need to..."

"Okaro, why don't you and Lady Sareth have a talk in private about King Plake. She may be able to help you." Chief Ekemos said, Okaro nodded.

"I would love to help." Lady Sareth said, now standing straight in front of Okaro.

Okaro glanced down at Sitsi who was obviously bothered by all of this. He squatted down next to her and rubbed her hair with his hand, smiling at her. "Don't worry, we'll have plenty of time to spend together tonight." Sitsi blushed and nodded quickly, turnung away from him to hide it.

"Now," Okaro stood again and looked at Lady Sareth, "Let's get down to business."

"Let's." Lady Sareth nodded and followed Okaro out of the cabin straight to the training grounds.

Does Lady Sareth have any information that can prove to be useful? Is a plan in motion by King Plake? How will Okaro react when learning so much more about his creator? Find out in the next chapter of Dragonball X.

Please give TheSpokenTruth1, AbdulKhaliq7, and JaffaMaster786 a look those three are doing a great job at writing and deserve some attention.mention a user usermention a user

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