The Aftermath

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I have to say that I'm absolutely shocked with all the support that this series has received. I really hope that series will last a long time and I already have so much more planned so I hope you all will enjoy!

...Aboard King Plake's Ship...

"Dammit!" exclaimed Lady Sareth, slamming her fists down onto the table she was sitting at. She couldn't believe that the clone had failed. She didn't really care that Okaro was still alive but this only meant that King Plake would put even more time into this madness.

"You must calm down." said King Plake, taking a seat at the table. Lady Sareth was surprised by how calm the King was behaving, this wasn't like him recently.

"This isn't like you my King." said Lady Sareth, much calmer than before. The King didn't give an immediate reaction, instead he just sat in silence. "My King... I've never seen you like this."

King Plake began to laugh, almost uncontrollably. "There's nothing to fear My Lady. This next plan cannot fail." said King Plake.

"Let me guess, this plan still involves killing that clone does it not?" asked Lady Sareth, getting a glare from the King.

"Yes, you do not understand. I will not be made a fool, not anymore!" exclaimed King Plake, the familiar anger of his returning. Lady Sareth just wished that the King would walk away from this but she knew arguing was futile.

"Of course My King, I apologize." Lady Sareth said, "What's the new plan?"

"Just sit back and watch My Lady." said King Plake, relaxing in his chair, he was losing it.

...back on Contak...

"You need to leave!" yelled a villager.

"Yeah! You're not welcome here!" said another.

Okaro didn't know what to do, he felt awful about what had just happened. He would never want to see someone's life be taken just because of a decision that he had made. Now he was at the entrance of the village, being forced to leave. Chief Ekemos approached him.

"I'm sorry, I can't stand agai..." began the Chief before being interrupted by Okaro.

"Chief Ekemos, I understand, I'll be fine." Said Okaro, placing his hands on the shoulders of the understanding old man.

"Listen, there are other villages throughout the land, find one, they will give you shelter." said Chief Ekemos, Okaro just couldn't believe the kindness of the old man.

"Thank you, but I believe that for the safety of others that I should stay by myself from here on out." retorted Okaro, removing his hands from the Chief. The Chief nodded in approval, although he seemed to be saddened.

"Good luck to you." said the Chief before turning and returning to his people. That's when Okaro saw a villager running his way, it was Sitsi and she was carry something.

"Okaro, I want to give you some clothes." said Sitsi, handing over the clothing to Okaro. She must have gotten this while everyone was busy today.

"Thank you Sitsi." said Okaro, remembering how rude he was to her earlier. "I want to apologize for how I acted this morning."

Sitsi was shocked, which told Okaro that women weren't used to hearing an apology for a man's wrongdoing. "It's quiet alright. It was early. Yoy were likely just not in the mood to talk." She said. The truth was Okaro was worried about what might of happened. At least he was able to prevent what he had dreamed of.

"Sitsi, thank you for everything you've done for me over this short time. I must go." said Okaro, wishing he could stay with her. There was something about her but he didn't want to cause any more problems for this woman who has already suffered so much.

"Of... course." said Sitsi, bowing and then returning to the village. She seemed to have trouble splitting from Okaro herself. Okaro wondered why she had this affect on him.

He turned his back on the village and began down a dirt path, thinking of what to do next.

Alright guys here's another chapter. I'm happy to be back to writing and I hope you all enjoy this chapter. This one's shorter and no where near as action packed but I hope you'll like it. Please check out the story Goku and Goten: The Saiyan Survivors. It's a great read.

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