7~ Prove Yer Worth

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*Elizabeth's P.O.V*

A strong hand helped me over the side of the ship I recognized as the Interceptor. But the people before me were not who I was expecting. "Not more pirates..." I muttered as Will stepped up behind me.

"Welcome aboard, Miss Elizabeth." One of the men stepped forward with a slight smile.

I recognized him instantly. "Mr. Gibbs?" The same man who had once worked aboard the same ship we had pulled Will on to when he was a boy eight years ago, when I had first sighted the Black Pearl.

He nodded and turned to Will. "Hey, boy, where be Jack?"

I turned to Will, frowning. "Jack? Jack Sparrow?"

"He fell behind." will took me by the hand and led me away from the crew to below deck. He wrapped an arm around me when he saw I was shivering. Behind me I heard Gibbs saying, "Keep to the code," followed by a female ordering the crew about. "Weight anchor! Hoist the sails! Make quickly, divvies."

By now I am seriously wondering what exactly it is that I have gotten myself into.

*Third Person*

Barbossa walked towards the one pirate he had never expected to see again, the crew all waiting patiently with their hands on their swords and pistols for the command.

"How in blazes did you get off that island?" he asked.

The pirate standing before him, leaning on an oar, was Jack Sparrow. He watched Barbossa with a mixture of hatred and boredom. "When you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land," he said. "You forgot one very important thing, mate." He wved his hand about like the answer was obvious. "I'm Captain Jack Sparrow."

Barbossa smirked. "Ah, well, I won't be making that mistake again. Gents," he turned to the crew. "You all remember Captain Jack Sparrow? Kill him." As he began walking away the crew pointed their weapons at Jack.

"The girl's blood didn't work, did it?" Jack said suddenly.

Barbossa paused then whirled around. "Hold your fire!" The pirates, Pintel especially, reluctantly lowered their weapons as their Captain approached Jack again. "You know whose blood we need?"

The corners of Jack's mouth twitched in the faintest of smirks. "I know whose blood ye need."

*Elizabeth's P.O.V*

Will sat me down at a small table and ripped off a bit of material from his shirt. I began wrapping it furiously around my palm, trying to keep from getting angry. "What sort of man trades a man's life for a ship?"

"Pirate," Will answered then grabbed my free hand. "Here. Let me." I relaxed as he continued bandaging my hand.

"Thank you."

He smiled. "You said you gave barbossa my name as yours. Why?"

I thought over this very conversation Maddie and I had already had. "I don't know." He tightened the bandage and I winced, pulling away.

"I'm sorry. Blacksmith's hands - I know they're rough," he apologised as he tied the knot.

"No... I mean yes, they are but... but don't stop."

We made eye contact and we both leaned in. His hand grazed my cheek and mine went to his neck. "Elizabeth..." he whispered.

I then moved my hand to my own neck and brought out the medallion from the bodice of my dress. I held it out to him and took it off. "It's yours."

He took it in his hand and a shadow passed over his eyes. "I thought I'd lost it the day they rescued me. It was a gift from my father. He sent it to me." He then looked at me. "Why did you take it?"

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