55~ End Of All Things

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*Third Person*

With the downfall of Davy Jones also came the downfall of the Flying Dutchman. The magnificent ship began falling towards the center waters of the maelstrom, dragging the Black Pearl With it.

"She's taking us down!" Barbossa shouted as he retook control of the helm. "Make quick or it's the Locker for us all!"

Maddie hurriedly helped Ragetti load the cannon they'd strapped to the mast with a double-chained cannonball. Alongside him and Pintel she covered her ears as Gibbs set it off, the cannonball flying skyward at impeccable sped, by good aim and pure luck striking its mark where the masts of the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman were tangled. Barbossa ten steered them away as fast as could, against the current.

Maddie crumpled to the deck as the ship gave a jolt as it broke free, but also in relief and exhaustion. However, her eyes were wide with despair when she realized jack, Will and Elizabeth were still onboard the Dutchman, and she felt incredibly helpless as she watched it sink into the center of the maelstrom.

Onboard the Dutchman, Bootstrap pulled out the knife that Will had stabbed into the ship's railing, and his gaze drifted over to his son still lying on the deck. Elizabeth still had Will's face cupped in her hands, and she felt her heart shatter as his breathing slowed. "No..." she whispered, leaning in just as Will exhaled and went limp, and grief and pain overwhelmed her. "No, no. No!"

Jack watched this, not sure how to react. Them his attention turned to the crew of the Flying Dutchman, who seemed to materialize out of the ship and walk towards them, Bootstrap holding the knife and another holding the open chest, all of them repeating, "Part of the crew. Part of the ship, part of the crew. Part of the ship, part for the crew," over and over.

"Don't leave me," ELizabeth whimpered, right as Jack grabbed her by her shoulders and hauled her away, sensing what the pirates were about to do. Elizabeth struggled and protested the whole way. "Don't. No! I won't leave you."

As the crew of the Flying Dutchman approached Will, Jack grabbed a coil of rope tying one of the ship's smaller sails down and a shotgun, bracing himself for what could possible be one of the worst ideas of his life on how to escape a sinking ship. By now, Bootstrap was kneeling beside Will.

"The Dutchman must have a captain," he said, before raising the knife above his head.

"Hold on," Jack warned Elizabeth, who wrapped her arms tightly around him as he fired the shotgun at the coil of rope. They were then hoisted into the air off the deck, but just before they did, an unexpected companion grabbed ahold of the end of the rope: Jack the monkey. They were lifted clear of the Flying Dutchman as it toppled into the depths of the maelstrom and the ocean seemed to suck it up.

Elizabeth burned her head in Jack's chest as their stolen sail from the Dutchman kept them airborne long enough for the Black Pearl to swing around and pick them up as they glided down into the now calm ocean.

With the 'death' of the Flying Dutchman and its captain, the storm seemed to blow itself out, much to everyone's surprise and relief. But everything and everyone was still soaking wet, and parts of the ship were blown apart, and there were many bodies of both ally and enemy scattered across the deck.

Gibbs extended a hand to Elizabeth and helped her onto the deck, followed by Jack the monkey and Jack. Maddie ran over to Elizabeth and swamped her in a hug, receiving one just as bone crushing, as both sisters were relieved to see the other still in one piece... in a way.

Maddie pulled back from the embrace and held Elizabeth's face in her hands. "Will. Did he...?" Elizabeth's expression was answer enough, and Maddie's face contorted with grief as she remembered Tia Dalma's words and the pin she'd experienced during the fight. She brought Elizabeth back into another hug, and for a brief moment she was reminded of a time in their childhood when they had questioned who was actually the elder sibling. It made her smile very briefly, but it was overcome by grief.

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