39~ Flash of Green

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*Maddie's P.O.V*

It's getting colder the longer we sail. I've lost count of the days, but I'm thinking it has been three or four... something like that. Grapple and I are still hiding in the cargo hold, but we know we can't hide forever.


I turned my head to Grapple, who is huddled beside me. All I can see of his face are his eyes and nose because he is hiding in his hood, trying to keep warm. "What are you gonna do when we are discovered? You aren't gonna go charging around like a wild animal, are you?"

I smiled softly at the idea but shook my head. "No. I won't risk a fight if I can help it. I just want to see the looks on their faces when they recognize us - if they recognize us at all."

"Oh, they'll recognize you, all right."

I still don't fully believe him, but what else do I have to go on? Sighing quietly, I rolled up my sleeve, running my fingers over the pirate branding. I have tried so hard to keep this hidden, but sooner or later word will get out and I'll never be able to escape the taunting; Madison Swann was branded as a pirate by the Company.

Shaking my head clear, I wrapped my coat tighter around my frame and opened my mouth to say something else when a gruff voice grabbed our attention and suddenly we were hauled roughly to our feet and marched out of the cargo hold into the chilly morning air with swords at our throats.

Okay, this isn't how I planned it to go...

"Captain Barbossa!" The man holding me called, and Barbossa came striding towards us with Will and Gibbs hovering nearby. They all looked about as cold as we felt, if not worse. Grapple and I lowered our heads, exchanging a quick glance as our hoods covered most of our heads.

"What's this?"

"Found these two stowaways in the cargo hold. And get this -" My arms was suddenly jerked outwards and my sleeve rolled up to reveal my pirate marking. "- this one has been branded."

I yanked my arm back but kept my head down. I could just imagine Barbossa frowning in thought. "For such tanned skin you're clearly not from Singapore," he said. "What causes you to stow away on our ship?"

We said nothing. I'm still seething at my mark being revealed. "Maybe they're mutes, Captain?" Pintel offered and I smirked.

I held my silence and so did Grapple, until we were shoved to our knees and our heads yanked back, our hoods falling down so everyone could see our faces. Grimacing at the pain from my hair being pulled, I saw everyone's eyes widen. Elizabeth ran over, as did Will and Barbossa looked like he would almost faint in shock.

I smirked. "One word to describe this would be awkward," I muttered. "If I could pick another, unintentional."

Elizabeth hauled me from the man's grip and pulled me into a hug. I saw Grapple also getting to his feet but he remained silent. Elizabeth pulled back and I honestly wasn't surprised when she slapped me. I don't blame her; I would've done the same. "Madison Swann, do you have any idea how worried I was!?" she shrieked at me, obviously not caring that we had an audience. "Oh, if we weren't in the middle of nowhere I would toss you over board myself!"

I tried not to laugh at her furious expression. "Lizzie, I don't blame ye. I would do the same."

She pulled me into another hug and I returned it with just as much strength. "I thought I'd lost you again."

I smiled. "Never."

"Maddie Swann..."

I pulled back and Grapple and I both found ourselves being scrutinized by Barbossa. Grapple squeezed my hand beneath our long sleeves and I raised an eyebrow at the pirate Captain. "Okay, when did you arise from the dead?"

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