33~ The Pursuit Through Isla Cruces

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*Elizabeth's P.O.V*

"With good reason!"

We all looked up in surprise, and I gasped, scrambling to my feet and running towards one of the people I've been hoping to find on this mad adventure.

"Will!" I wrapped my arms around him in a hug and he returned it, smiling. "You're alright, thank God! I came to find you." He planted his lips on mine, and I pretty much melted inside. It feels good to be in his arms again.

"How did you get here?" Jack asked once we broke apart.

"Sea turtles, mate. A pair of them strapped to my feet."

"Not so easy, is it?" Jack smirked.

"But I do owe you thanks, Jack."

"You do?"

"After you tricked me onto that ship to square your debt with Jones..."

I turned to Jack, noticing how uncomfortable he looked. "What?"

"What?" he answered in a high pitched voice, glancing at Norrington.

"... I was reunited with my Father," Will finished, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Oh, well, you're welcome, then."

"Not to mention that Maddie is rather pissed at you," Will added. "So if I were you, I'd watch my back the next time you see her. I cannot believe you didn't try to stop jones from taking her. She could've been killed!"

Jack looked even more uncomfortable as I gaped at him, unable to believe what I was hearing. "Everything you said to me," I spat at him. "Every word was a lie!"

"Pretty much. Time and tide, love." I was tempted to knock some sense into him, but he turned away from me when he noticed Will unsheathing a knife and kneeling next to the chest. "Oi, what are you doing?"

"I'm gonna kill Jones."

I stared at Jack as he unsheathed his sword and leveled it at Will. "I can't let you do that, William. 'Cause if Jones is dead, who's to call his terrible beastie off the hunt, eh?" I saw Will hesitate before standing up, the key in his hand. "Now, if you please," Jack extended his hand out. "The key."

Will really surprised me next when he reached across me and snatched my sword from my belt, pointing it at Jack. "I keep the promises I make, Jack. I intend to free my father, and I hope you're here to see it."

Norrington suddenly took out his sword and pointed it at Will. "I can't let you do that, either. So sorry."

"Ah, I knew you'd warm up to me eventually." Jack took a small step towards Norrington but stopped when he swung his sword around to Jack; Will turned his to Norrington and Jack, unsure, pointed his at Will, forming a triangle."

"Lord Beckett desires the contents of that chest," Norrington growled. "I deliver it, I get my life back."

I stared at the three of them. They are fighting like little kids over a toy - but with swords.

"Ah... the dark side of ambition," Jack smirked.

"Oh, I prefer to see it as the promise of redemption."

With a yell, he launched himself at Jack. Jack ducked and Will and Norrington's swords clashed. They lashed at each other back and forth, ignoring my pleas to stop.

"Stop it!" Now is not the time to behave like children!

Jack grabbed the key from Will and ran off, Norrington and Will chasing him. Norrington kicked Will in the gut and pushed him to the ground. "Will!" I rushed to him and he looked at me.

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