22~ Island of the Cannibals

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*Maddie's P.O.V*

I felt a sharp sting in the side of my neck and my world went black. When I next opened my eyes I was in some sort of cage made out of bamboo and twine. The way it was all tied together at the top and weighed down with stones, I could see that there was no way I was getting out of this one easily. Honestly, I get myself into the worst of situations, don't I?

Someone was sitting outside the cage, watching me intently. I cautiously sat up, taking in my surroundings and surveying the person in front of me. Friend or foe? Then again, they had just captured me.

Another wandered up and began sticking his spear through the cage at me. I moved away from it and hissed at him angrily - I guess I have developed a 'wild-cat’ instinct. Another came up behind me and did the same and did the same. Three more appeared so I was on my feet, trying to keep all of them in my sight as they jabbed at me with their spear tips and I kept hissing angrily at them. Out of no where, a piece of fruit landed at my feet and the cannibals slowly retreated, still watching me. I picked up the fruit and wiped it on my shirt before gingerly biting into it. It was the first taste of food I'd had in days, and I forced myself not to eat it too quickly. They threw me another piece of fruit and I slowly ate that. Soon I had three more pieces of fruit lying in the cage with me, but I decided to save one for later. All the while I was eating, a few of the cannibals were watching me intently and I swear, beneath the layers of face paint, I saw sparks of curiosity in those dark orbs.

Night fell, and I curled up in a ball, trying to relax. Feeling a slight tingle spread through my legs I stretched out and turned on my back, watching the stars. I remembered something my mother had told me when I was about six years old, something I hadn't forgotten. She told me that every shooting star you saw was a soul going to heaven. After meeting Davy Jones I felt a twinge of doubt about that theory, but it was nice to have something nice to hold on to my mother's memory. I sighed and felt a single tear roll from the corner of my eye. Was Jeffrey up there, watching me getting stuck in more trouble? Or was he watching over my sister and Will, making sure they were safe?

All these possibilities filled my mind, making me dizzy, as I finally drifted to sleep.

Over the next few days I was trapped there, the routine was the same: I would wake up, find myself being watched by six or seven cannibals who would hand me food. Then I would avoid their spear points once more and walk around the cage, clearly restless. I was not made to be kept in. I had developed a small understanding of the cannibal’s language, which came in handy when I needed food or water. This made them a bit more friendly towards me, although I was still their prisoner. On the fourth day of being trapped, I could take it no longer. Half the village had raced off the beach, chanting and waving their spears in the air. All I could gather of what they are saying was, “Chief had returned. God trapped - we help!”

This left me curious as they all raced off, leaving two or three behind to watch me. As one came close to hand me a bowl of water, I finally broke. Grabbing his shoulders I smashed his forehead against mine, knocking him out instantly. Using his spear I broke through the bamboo and ran. Two fierce looking females suddenly approached me and even though I had a spear and had managed to disarm one of them, I was not going to win in a fight against them. So, I dropped the spear and ran, yelling madly, in the direction I hoped would take me to the beach. Unfortunately, as I ran through the thick jungle and the beach came within view, something wrapped around my ankle and the next thing I knew, I was upside down... again.

“Oh, perfect!” I muttered angrily to myself as I reached up to try and untie my foot from the twine noose. The two female cannibals came up and jabbed at me with their spears. I dropped down again and relaxed, showing them that I was giving up. All the blood was rushing to my head so I twisted around to see half the cannibals villagers marching a group of people, bound and weaponless, through the jungle towards us. My eyes widened as I recognized several amongst the group.

“You've got to be kidding me,” I muttered.

The leader of the villagers eyed me curiously before asking the women something. I didn't need a translator to know he was asking them, “What is the prisoner doing out here?” To which they clearly replied, “She escaped.”

I glanced at the group that had just been caught and they all stared at me. I gave a small smile and a little wave. “Hi.”

“I don't believe it...” A familiar figure walked towards me. “Miss Swann?”

Suddenly the ground was rushing at me and the pressure around my ankle lessened. From the group I heard 'oohs’ and saw cringes of sympathy from them at my fall. Just what I needed, sympathy from pirates... I collapsed to the ground on my side, throwing the noose away and trying to stop the world from spinning. My arms were pinned behind my back and hands bound. I was then asked by the lead villager why I was out of my cage. In their language, of course.

I replied to him in their language, “You cannot keep a free spirit caged,” before spitting in his face. Cheesy, I know. But it sounds a lot ruder in their language. He looked enraged at me and nodded at the females, who hauled me roughly to my feet.

“Maddie?” I looked up and saw Jack peering at me in concern and curiosity. “You can speak the language of the Pelegostos?”

“Nice to see you too, Jack. Is that who they are? Explains a lot. And yes, I can speak their language.”

He smirked at my sarcasm but then we were all hauled back to the village. While Jack was hauled away elsewhere, myself and he crew were pushed roughly to our knees I the centre of the village. Many were glaring at me and yelling all sorts of things like, “Kill her!” and “Throw her in the chasm!” I shut my ears of their yelling and turned to Gibbs.

“Long time no see, Mr. Gibbs. How're you holding up?”

“Good, Miss Swann - I mean, Maddie. How's your sister?”

“In trouble, I'm afraid.”

“Well, I'm sorry to hear that,” he said, sounding genuinely sorry and I smiled. Gibbs had always been most sympathetic of the crew while he was part of the Navy. “Jack told me how you can handle a sword. Is it true?”

I didn't have a chance to reply because he was suddenly hit hard over the head and he collapsed to the ground, unconsious. Many of the crew were telling same. Then I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head and my world went black.

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