26~ A Passing Fancy & The Stowaway

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Hello people!


I was trying to finish this chapter before reaching 100, but that is long passed, thank you again!

Sorry my updating schedule is out of whack, busy with work and I also had a bit of a writer's block - as well as other stuff that is irrelevant and I don't think you're interested in hearing about.

Anyway... enjoy! Man, I'm reading over this and getting goosebumps just imagining what is going to happen next :D


*Maddie's P.O.V*

Much to my disappointment, I didn't stay up there for long. My curiosity sparked when I heard Jack and Will arguing below.

"Have you considered keeping a more watchful eye on her? Maybe just lock her up somewhere?"

"She is locked up - bound to hang for helping you."

I grabbed a loose rope and swung down and around, landing nimbly on the rail by the helm. Gibbs stared at me from where he was standing at the helm, and Will looked at me once before turning back to Jack.

"There comes a time when one must take responsibility for one's mistakes," Jack was saying.

Will snatched the sword of a nearby crew member and held it at Jack's throat. He beat me to it, I had my hand ready to draw my sword. "I need that compass of yours, Jack. I must trade it for her freedom."

My eyes widened as I stared at WIll. He couldn't be serious? I removed my hand from my sword and hopped down to stand next to Gibbs. I would definitely be having words with Will later. Jack's eyes flicked to me quickly, and I glared at him. He blinked, and removing the sword from his throat. Good, I take it he'd gotten my message. "Mr. Gibbs?"


"We have a need to travel upriver."

"By need, do you mean a trifling need? Fleeting? As in, say, a passing fancy?"

"No, a resolute and unyielding need."

I saw Gibbs looking rather worried, and he wasn't the only one. Jack's words normally had a double meaning to them. What was he planning?

Will joined him at the rail, and I stood cautiously on the other side of Jack, exchanging a glance with Gibbs. "What we need to do is make sail for Port Royal with all haste," Will told Jack.

I froze. "And risk being caught by the Company?" I spat at him. "Have my boots hanging up there with my sister's? Not bloody likely."

Jack stared at me before facing front. "William. I shall trade you the compass if you will help me find this." He pulled a cloth out from his coat a showed it to WIll. I caught a glimpse at it too: a drawing of a key.

Will indicated the key. "You want me to find this?"

"No. You want you to find this because the finding of this finds incapacitorially finding and/or locating in your discovering a way to save your dolly belle, ol' what's-her-face. Savvy?"

As I said, his words have two meanings. I narrowed my eyes at him, beginning to descend the stairs. "This is going to save Elizabeth?" I heard WIll ask.

"How much do you know about Davy Jones?" Jack lowered his voice, but I caught every word. I stopped and looked back up at them, frowning.

"Not much."

"Yeah, it's going to save Elizabeth."

Will seemed to accept that, and put the cloth away before walking down the stairs after me. "You alright, Maddie? You look a little frozen."

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