13~ Traitor!

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*Third Person*

Pintel was rowing a longboat out into the lagoon, in clear view of Norrington and his men, sitting in the boats. He and Ragetti each held up a parasol, protecting themselves from the moonlight. Meanwhile beneath them, the rest of the crew was walking along the sea bed towards the Dauntless.

"This is just like what the Greeks done at Troy," Ragetti said. "Cept they was in a horse... instead of dresses. A wooden horse." Pintel rolled his eyes at his companion, even though they were sitting back to back.

While they were distracting the soldiers and sailors, the pirates were slowly and carefully boarding the Dauntless.

*Elizabeth's P.O.V*

I heard a tapping on the door, followed by my father's voice. I held back a groan of annoyance. Perfect. This is exactly what I don't need. Thankfully, he didn't come inside, but he instead sat down outside the door as he began talking.

"Elizabeth? I just want you to know I, uh, I believe you made a very good decision today. Couldn't be more proud of you." As he was talking I threw my makeshift rope out the window and carefully climbed out into a boat waiting below me. All the while my father continued talking. "But, you know, even a good decision if made for the wrong reasons can be a wrong decision."

What is he blabbing a about? I thought as I started rowing towards the Black Pearl.

Shortly after I had started rowing I heard someone call out, "Yoo-hoo!" As I came around the back of the Dauntless I saw two people in a longboat, rowing towards the Dauntless. With a chill racing down my spine I pulled faster. I recognized that voice. Pintel and Ragetti - wearing dresses?

All part of Jack's plan, no doubt, or something like that.

*Third Person*

"Oooh!" Ragetti called, waving in a very feminine way at the soldiers on the Dauntless.

"Stop that!" Ragetti scolded. "I already feel like a fool."

"You look nice, though."

Pintel chuckled then stopped, thinking over what Ragetti had said. He dropped the parasol and turned around, knocking away Ragetti's parasol. "I look nice?!" he began strangling him when they realized they were exposed to the moonlight, and therefore to the gaze of the soldiers. Pintel pulled out his pistol and shot it at the Lieutenant, just missing his head but instead knocking his hat off, causing him to turn around and spot the rest of the pirates preparing to attack. All the soldiers drew their swords and locked into an interesting battle with the cursed pirates, who were nothing but skeletons dressed in rags.

*Maddie's P.O.V*

With half the crew gone, Barbossa was sitting on a throne looking bored, Jack was searching through the mountains of treasure and Griffin was guarding Will, there wasn't much to do. I walked over to WIll and shooed GRiffin away. "Just give me a minute with him," I eventually coaxed him to step away, but only a few metres. At least he was out of earshot.

"I'm sorry, Will!" I whispered, throwing my arms around him. "I didn't know Barbossa intended for me to kill you. If I had known, I -"

"Hey, hey," he pulled away so he could look me in the eye. "It's alright. You refused, that's the main thing. You may be strong, but I don't think even you could've killed me" After a moment of silence he spoke again. "You're not actually following that pirate, are you?"

I sighed. "Will, we've already had this discussion. And it's my choice. If it means I get to sail the seas, then yes."

"Do you know what Elizabeth, what your father would say?"

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