24~ Elizabeth Makes Her Move

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*Elizabeth’s P.O.V*

I miss Will. Ever since he left, I have never felt more alone. The sun has already set, leaving the prison to be lit only by the pathetic torches and the moonlight filtering in through the window. A few scraggy male prisoners in the cell next to me have been trying to get my attention all afternoon. They’ve tried whistling, beckoning me, even complimenting me. Nothing has worked.

“... we don’t bite... Come on...” on was saying.

I was tempted to throw a rude comment in his direction but the sound of keys jangling jerked my head up. A guard was unlocking my cell and my father appeared in the doorway. “Come, quickly,” he urged.

I followed him out, the prisoners behind me protesting. “Where’re ye goin’?”

As we walked through the empty passageways out of the prison my father filled me in. “I may still have some standing in the keep. I’ve arranged passage to England. The Captain is a friend of mine.”

I was furious with him. He was suggesting I run and hide while Will is out there? “No!” I yanked my hand from his grip. “Will’s gone to find Jack!”

“We cannot count on William Turner. Come!” he began dragging me by my arm.

“He’s a better man than you give him credit for,” I snapped.

“Oh, please this is no time for innocence. Beckett has offered one pardon only. One! And that is promised to Jack Sparrow, even if Will succeeds. Do not ask me to endure the sight of my daughter walking to the gallows. Do not.” He leads me towards a waiting carriage. “Perhaps, I can ensure a fair trial for Will, if he returns.”

I glared at him as I sat down. “A fair trial for Will ends in a hanging.”

“Then there is nothing left for you here.” He closed the door and climbed into the driver’s seat. The carriage jolted as he directed us towards, I assume, the docks. I felt the carriage draw to a halt and his voice through the door: “Wait inside.”

Yeah, like that’s going to happen.

As quietly as possible I opened the carriage door and snuck out. My father was walking towards a man, and while his back was turned, I bolted. I hate to leave my father there. As much as I love him and know he is trying to help me, I will not stand aside while Will is out looking for Jack. I don’t even know if he’s alive or... NO, must not think like that. I would rather be out there, even if it means I’m amongst pirates again, trying to help Will and find Maddie again - as long as I am far away from here.


“No doubt you’ve discovered that loyalty is no longer the currency of the realm, as your father believes.”

Keeping my breathing level, I stepped out from the shadows to face Beckett. “Then what is?”

He slowly turned around to face me. “I’m afraid currency is the currency of the realm.

“I expect then that we can come to some sort of understanding. I’m here to negotiate.” We slowly approached each other, before halting several feet apart.

“I’m listening.” He didn’t seem surprised when I brought out a pistol from behind my back and cocked it, aiming it at his forehead. “I’m listening intently.”

Narrowing my eyes I held up the pardon papers. “These Letters of Marque, they are signed by the King?” I asked.

“Yes, and they’re not valid until they bear my signature.”

“Or else I would not be still be here. You sent Will to get the compass and buy Jack Sparrow, it will do you no good.”

“Do explain.”

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