2~No One's Bonny Lass

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My eyes snapped open and I looked around my dim bedroom. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. Why had that memory occurred?

No point staying in bed now that I was awake. Peeling back the covers I delicately crouched on the floor to grab some old clothes hiding underneath the bed. Without opening the curtains I could tell that it wasn't even dawn yet, but I could hear the tell-tale sounds of people throughout Port Royal. I slipped out of my nightgown and pulled on the old clothes, something I knew most would never approve of in a young lady... that I thankfully was not.

In the eight years since I sighted that frightening black ship on the horizon, Elizabeth and I have grown to become close friends with Will. Even when I was around hem I still felt like a third wheel though, being the younger child. But I got my chance: every morning Will has given me sword fighting lessons. In turn I have become, apparently, more skilled than him and even Captain Norrington- he got a promotion a few years ago. Every now and then I have a duel against some boys in the street who think they are better, or even the occasional sailor or soldier. Either way, I have gotten the better of them and earned a reputation as a tough- nut.

Whenever I rode or walked through Port Royal I got a mixture of opinions flashed at me. Full grown men and young boys admired and respected me, learning to keep out of the way if I was angry. Fine women narrowed their eyes at me, clearly disapproving. Young girls would stare in wonder at me until they reached an age when they too took on their mother's opinion of me.

Will was the one who gave me the old clothes; a shirt that used to be pristine white which I have cut the long sleeves off to my elbows, a brown vest that fits over the top, dark pants that come to the middle of my calf and black boots that fit me nicely.

Tying my hair in a loose plait and placing a three- point hat over it, I opened the window and snuck out, the same way I have been for eight years.

Now at the age of 19, and elizabeth at 20, there are certain things that are more expected of us than when we had been children. Of course Elizabeth obeys with the slight exception, while I avoid it as much as possible. Sure, there are the few things I do keep the family name in good reputation, but surely my Father knows by now that I don't belong in this world?

Walking silently through the stable yard, I smiled to find the black mare Midnight all saddled up and waiting patiently. I patted her gently on the nose, and picked up the quiet breathing of someone nearby.

I smirked. "Jeffrey, you know you cannot sneak up on me."

He strode from the shadows, his brown hair falling in small strands across his forehead. Being three years older he is a lot taller than me, but I am just as strong.

"And you know you cannot keep this up forever," he smiled as he stood in front of me. "Word is going to get out and you're going to find yourself in a heap of trouble."

"I know, that is why I'm making the most of it while it lasts." I brushed a few pieces of hair from his cocoa brown eyes, and just like every other time we made eye contact my heart melted.

He gently caught my wrist. "Your father would never approve of... us. I could loose my job and you- I don't even want to think about what would happen to you if he found out."

"You don't need to worry, because he won't find out. The way he sees it, you're just a close friend that I need to have at times of stress. Elizabeth has Will for that, so why can't I have you?"

He didn't smile only brought my fingers to his lips and kissed each of them delicately. I smiled, wrapping my free hand around his neck and drawing him close. How I had come to fall for this gorgeous, sweet stable boy I have no clue. Our lips met and I felt sparks go off in my stomach. I gently pulled away before I could faint and he gave me a leg up onto midnight. He squeezed my hand and went back to his duties. "Don't get yourself into too much trouble today!" he called over his shoulder.

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