40~ Over the Edge

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*Will's P.O.V*

I admit, it is nice having Maddie back onboard. But after watching her behaviour these last few days, I cannot help but wonder if she's got a bigger plan up her sleeve than helping us rescue Jack. Argh, she's as bad as Elizabeth; she hasn't been talking to me either since we set sail from Singapore. It must be in their blood.

It is now night, and we've long since escaped the freezing temperatures of that icy climate. It is such a relief to feel my limbs again. The crew are chilling out, eating dinner and just using up the first time in a while to relax. If you looked out at horizon, you wouldn't be able to tell where the sky began and ended; with so many stars out, it looks like the sky falls into the sea.

Speaking of which, where is Elizabeth?

I saw Maddie leaning on the railing with Grapple, and I couldn't help but smirk. They think we have no idea... But I've seen the looks they throw at each other, the way they act around one another. How Grapple would squeeze her hand, how she would smile at him like he could see right through her entire being, how he could simply accept her for the way she is, flaws and all, and she could do the same for him. From what I remember, Grapple had once been a scruffy pirate in Barbossa's crew aboard the Black Pearl, and Maddie had ben far from a fair maiden but was quite the opposite. Now, Grapple was a changed man; still a pirate but not the violent tpe he had been when I first met him. Maddie is off the scale from fine maiden now, even more of a tough looking pirate than anyone I've ever known.

I walked over to them and tapped Maddie on the shoulder. "Have you seen Elizabeth?"

She gazed at me with her blue-grey eyes, and I was surprised and nervous to see a haunted look in them. SHe nodded and pointed to the bow of the ship. "She's been there for a while. Even I don't know what's on her mind."

I thanked her and walked to the bow, here I did indeed spot Elizabeth gazing at the water. Even though her back was turned, I could tell she was troubled. "How long do we continue not talking?" I asked once I was within earshot.

She cast a glance at me over her shoulder before turning away again. "Once we rescue Jack everything will be fine," she said simply.

That confused me. "When we rescue Jack?"

She glanced at me again but I didn't meet her eyes. It looked like she was about to say something but clearly thought against it, walking past me back to the others. Sighing quietly, I took her place at the bow and looked at the water. SOmething caught my eye and I squinted, trying to determine what it was. My eyes widened when I realized it was a huge waterfall, in the middle of nowhere, and I turned to warn the others hen Tia Dalma's presence stopped me.

"For what we want most..." she said slowly. "There is a cost must be paid in the end."

Frowning, I eyed the locket around her neck and something clicked in the back of my mind. I've seen that before; Davy Jones had an exact look alike! Glancing once at her I ran past to Barbossa at the stern, still standing proudly at the rudder.

*Maddie's P.O.V*

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to meet Will's gaze. "Have you seen Elizabeth?" he asked.

I saw something stir in the depths of his eyes but ignored it, nodding my head and pointing behind me to the bow of the ship. "She's been there for a while. Even I don't know what's on her mind."

He tanked me and walked away, leaving Grapple and I alone again. Will doesn't fool me; I know he'd been watching us earlier, no doubt thinking things over in his head about how much Grapple and I were around each other. I knew we can't fool everyone for much longer, saying there is nothing going on between us. But the truth is, there is something going on. It's not full on love like my parents had for each other, well, something like that but not so much that I felt like he was my other half. Ugh, I don't know. I've never been good in relationships, not since Jeffrey...

I swallowed the lump in my throat as Grapple continued talking. "Are you sure you want to go through with this?" he asked, keeping his voice low so no one would overhear us.

I took a shaky breath and nodded. "I've never been more sure of anything. I want to take the Company down as much as any pirate does, and I will not sit by and watch Beckett destroy more lives because of his so-called logic. Jack has already paid for his crimes, and Beckett has made it perfectly clear he will not rest until my boots are dangling from the hangman's noose or I am dead by the blade of his sword." I clenched my hands into fists. "If he wants a war, then so be it. I will not stop until he is dead."

I could tell Grapple was slightly shocked by the force and determination in my words. Normally I don't come off as the violent, grudge holding type. But with Beckett it is different. The sound of footsteps averted out attention and we turned to see Will running towards us. The whole crew looked up at his approach as he stood by Barbossa at the rudder.

"Barbossa, ahead!" Will warned.

"Aye, we're good and lost now."

Will frowned, and he wasn't the only one looking confused. "Lost?" Elizabeth and I repeated in unison.

"For certain you have to be lost to find a place as can't be found, else ways everyone would know where t'was," Barbossa explained, looking completely calm.

Gibbs looked over the side of the railing. "We're gaining speed."


Will snapped into action. "To stations!"

THere was a rush of chaos, Ragetti even dropped his dinner, as myself, Grapple and the entire crew rushed to our assigned stations, trying to keep the ship steady as Will yelled out orders.

"Nay, belay that!" Barbossa crowed above the noise. "Let her run straight and true!"

I wasn't the only one that rushed to the bow of the ship; Pintel, Ragetti, ELizabeth and several others were crowded around to see what all the fuss was about. "Blimey!" Ragetti muttered.

And we all saw it: a massive waterfall, and we were heading straight for it. I saw Elizabeth move away. "You've doomed us all," she said, no doubt to Barbossa.

Turning my head I saw him wrap his hand around a length of rope. "Don't be so unkind. You may not survive to pass this way again and these be the last friendly words you'll hear."

Elizabeth cast another glance at the waterfall before rushing off. Everyone continued to scramble around the deck, looking for something to hold onto. Grapple grabbed my hand tightly as he coiled part of the rigging around his arm. I also grabbed ahold of the rigging, feeling my feet beginning to slide out from underneath me as Will yelled, "Hold on!"

The ship turned and suddenly we were tipping backwards. I heard Barbossa laughing as the crew screamed and yelled, many sliding along the dec and going overboard while others dangled in the air like myself and Grapple. Someone grabbed my leg and with the extra weight I lost my grip on the rigging and Grapple struggled to hold me up.

Our hands slipped further apart...


I was falling, trying desperately to grab ahold of something else, when I jerked to a halt. Someone's arm was wrapped around my waist, and looking up I recognized Barbossa. "Don't think we're losing ye again, Maddie!" He yelled above everyone else's screams.

I threw my arms around him, glancing up at Grapple and saw he was smiling in relief to see I was safe. The ship completely overturned and the last thing saw was darkness, the last thing I remember was Grapple calling my name and Barbossa's arms around me tightening their hold.


A/N: Sorry for the short-ish chapter. In the next chapter, Jack Sparrow is making a comeback! :D

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