50~ Only A Fool's Chance

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Hey all! Sorry for the slight delay in an update. And a heads up, I am changing this one as light bit so it is Maddie giving the whole "encouragement" speech rather than Elizabeth, as I found it suited. So please no hate on me!

Another heads up, I will be posting the battle as one long chapter, and that might take me a while to write, so I apologize in advance if there is a longer delay in another update.

Anyway, enjoy!

J xxx


*Maddie's P.O.V*

Not long afterwards, Barbossa stepped back onboard. He muttered something to Gibbs, Marty, Pintel and Ragetti. And the four of them rushed below deck. I frowned but thought nothing of it. Instead I left the railing and walked over to the pirate Captain with Grapple beside me.

"Well?" I prompted, folding my arms over my chest. "What happened exactly?"

He didn't answer, leaning against the railing as Will and Elizabeth got helped back onboard and they came over. "We need to use the Black Pearl as a flagship to lead the attack," Elizabeth said, and I exchanged a glance with Grapple. Just what exactly happened onshore?

"Oh, will we now?" Barbossa spoke in a certain tone that made my stomach clench. What was he planning? Movement caught my eye, and I turned to see Tia Dalma walking up the steps onto the deck... bound in thick coils of rope and being led towards us like a common stray by Gibbs, Marty, Pintel, Ragetti and several other crew members. Now my curiosity was piqued, as well as suspicion.

"Barbossa, you can't release her," Will said, and instantly him and Elizabeth were being at weapon-point by other crew members.

"We need to give Jack a chance," Elizabeth protested to Barbossa, who whirled upon her.

"Apologies, Your Majesty," he spat. Okay, not I'm confused. Majesty? "Too long my fate has not been in me own hands." His hand snaked up to wrap around the wooden pendant around Elizabeth's neck, all the while she glared at him. "No longer." He gave a sharp tug and it came off in his hand.

He glanced once at me, and i merely moved over to my sister and Will, still feeling utterly confused but all the same, he has no right to talk to my sister like that. He's been doing it basically since the day we met him, and I hate it. Whatever he has in mind, he knows that I stand with my sister. He shrugged and walked over to where Tia Dalma, still tightly bound in rope, was standing at the foot of the mast. Her eyes flicked to Barbossa, and I got the feeling that she knew what he was up to.

"What's going on?" I hissed at Elizabeth from the corner of my mouth.

"Barbossa is a fool. She won't help us," she hissed back.

Then it hit me. Tia Dalma isn't who she says she is, I figured this out not too long ago. Why does Barbossa think releasing her will help us from this mess? Her heart is loyal to one thing only, she owes allegiance to no one, least of all those who imprisoned her in the first place.

A wooden bowl was held out in front of Tia Dalma, and Barbossa dropped in two items from his hand. My mind flashed back to last night at the meeting of the Brethren Court, and my stomach clenched. Nine pieces of eight. "Be there some manner of rite or incantation?" Gibbs asked Barbossa.

"Aye. The items brought together, done. Items to be burned," Gibbs poured some rum from his canteen into the bowl as Barbossa spoke and he was handed the same stick used to light a cannon, "and someone must speak the words 'Calypso, I release you from your human bonds'."

Pintel frowned. "Is that it?"

"'Tis said it must be spoken as if to a lover," Barbossa replied. As the crew nodded knowingly, I had to hold back a laugh. As if Barbossa knew how to speak in such a way. And I was proven correct, as he held his head high and yelled, "Calypso! I release you from your human bonds!" Many raised their eyebrows at his exclamation, but all watched in apprehension as Barbossa went to set the items alight. There was a but of smoke, but nothing happened. Tia Dalma's gaze flicked over to Barbossa in a knowing way, and I felt the corners of my mouth turn upwards in a smirk.

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