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*Maddie's P.O.V*

Will nudged me awake, and I looked up to meet his concerned gaze. I rubbed my eyes and massaged my temples. I don't exactly remember hitting my head...

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Yeah... I just feel like I've been kicked in the head by a horse."

He chuckled and finished tying something off. I felt a light squeeze around my arm and glanced down. Wrapped around the part of my arm with my pirate branding, Will had tied a strip of material from his shirt, and along my palm was a bit of leather fitted like a glove. I thanked him and looked around. There was no sight of the Flying Dutchman, but there was the sight of a ship nearby. It was the same ship I'd spotted on the horizon before I'd fallen asleep. It was then I noticed Will was shirtless...

"I had to signal them somehow," he explained as I blushed slightly. "Otherwise they might've just thought we were a lone sailing boat."

"Fair enough."

As he pulled his shirt back on, we pulled up alongside the ship and a ladder was dropped over the side. Will steadied it for me while I climbed up and he followed. The ship was indeed a fine one; not like the posh Navy ships, but still fine. Just at the feeling of wood beneath my feet again I felt woozy, and suddenly a blanket was wrapped around me and I was escorted to a cabin along with Will. We were sat down, an extra blanket was wrapped around each of us and a hot mug was pushed lightly into our hands. I took a sip and warmth flooded through me. I sighed in satisfaction and relaxed. Will smiled at me and I could tell he felt the same. In a matter of minutes, I could feel of my limbs again and was no longer shivering. My head was clear and I could see straight. Will clearly felt the same, as the colour had returned to his cheeks.

Then a man walked in, and from the way he was dressed I assume he is the Captain. He watched us as we drank the warm liquid and let out the last of the shivers beneath the blankets. "Strange thing, to come upon a longboat so far out on the open water," he said, raising an eyebrow. "Even stranger for a young couple to be stuck out here."

I nearly spat out my drink in horror and Will began choking. The Captain looked taken aback. "Was it something I said?"

I wiped my chin and looked up at him with watery eyed. "We- we're not a couple. He's my to-be brother-in-law."

"And how did you end up here, so far out to sea?"

"It's a long story."

"Just put as many leagues behind us as you can," Will said. "As fast as you can."

"And what are we running from?"

I saw Will's eyes flick to something behind the Captain and I followed his gaze. I soon spotted a dress draped over a chair at the back of the cabin. Will stood up and walked to it. I stood up as well, dropping the blankets and setting the mug aside. "That dress..." Will muttered. "Where did you get it?"

"It was found aboard the ship," the Captain answered. "The crew thought it was a spirit bring some omen of ill fate."

Will picked it up and sniffed it. I saw him smile. "That's foolish."

"Ah, yes, exceedingly foolish," said the sailor beside me.

"It brought good fortune," said another. "The spirit told us... pull in at Tortuga. And we made a nice bit of profit there."

"Off the books, of course."

"I believe..." Will turned to them with a smirk. "... some of your crew may have jumped ship there."

He caught my eye and I mouthed to him, "Elizabeth?" And he nodded. I broke into a grin. So she did get away.

"Why do you ask?" the Captain frowned, not seeing our little exchange.

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