37~ Thief!

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A/N: I am working on the next chapter, which should be a bit longer.

J xxx

P.S. This is what I imagine Maddie to be wearing (Or something similar) in this chapter.

P.S.S If you do not have wifi, it is a picture of Westley as Roberts from The Princess Bride.


*Maddie's P.O.V*

"Maddie, why are we doing this?"

"Ssh!" I pressed my hand to Grapple's mouth to silence him as a bunch of soldiers marched past. Their numbers have been growing the last few days, meaning Grapple and I have to be extra careful.

Our journey from Isla Cruces to Singapore had taken a few days, and twice since arriving we've almost been discovered. I told Grapple everything I knew about the Navigational Charts that Sao Feng has in his possession, and after spending time in Singapore before, I know exactly where he keeps them and I have a plan just crazy enough to work, although risky.

The soldiers passed and I removed my hand, continuing to tie my hair back. Grapple grabbed my hand and I paused. "Promise me you'll be careful?"

I smiled at the concern in his eyes. I nodded and pulled a black mask over my head, looking at him through the eye holes. "No promises, but I'll try."

He handed me a pair of black gloves we'd swiped and gave me a hu. "I'll be waiting here."

I nodded again, double chucked my word was at my waist and walked off, keeping to the shadows of the dingy harbor of Singapore unless I had no choice but to walk out in the open. I found the ladder Grapple had told me about on the map we'd stolen, and quickly climbed it at the sound of approaching footsteps. Glancing down I recognized Mercer, Beckett's right hand man, walking at the head of a group of soldiers. Rolling my eyes, I silently ran across the unsteady rooftops, not very keen on running into anyone.

You see, from my previous visits to Singapore, there is a shortage of people here who actually like me. Most want to kill me or make me pay for any crimes I committed. As you can tell, I haven't become one of the most popular people in the world. Someday I hope to change that.

I saw the rooftop I wanted and increased my pace, crouching down at the edge and crawling along the surface, listening carefully for any disturbance. I saw a shadow that didn't belong to me cross in front of me and I froze, grateful for the black colouring of my outfit that I blended into the shadows. I watched silently as the figure opened the patch in the roof and slid down a rope, and I noiselessly moved over to watch. I drew my knife from my boot and got prepared to jump down as well. I have no idea who that person thinks they are, but I was here first!

I flattened myself to the roof when there was a crashing sound and the doors to the temple flew open. The figure inside drew a sword and I admit they fought bravely before soon being outnumbered. One of the residents took the charts while others hauled the thief away. The hood fell away from their face as the person struggled before being knocked unconscious, and I felt my chest tighten.

The thief was Will Turner.

As quickly and noiselessly as I could, I ran back to where Grapple and I have set up a temporary camp. I dug my knife against the wood and sighed, leaning against the wall.

"I take it that the plan did not go well?" Grapple asked casually, removing my mask and handing me my other shirt and coat.

I snorted. "It was going fine until someone else decided to pull the same trick."

"Someone else tried to steal the charts?"

"I can only think of one other person who would know how to use the charts, but he's dead..." I frowned in thought. "My old friend Will was the thief. He was caught, and if he's here, I can only imagine the others are not far behind him."

He handed me a carton of water which I skulled gratefully. We have been living off very little food and water while here, so we have to ration everything.

"You're not going to listen to me when I say, don't go looking for them, are you?"

I gave him the carton and smirked. "Nope."

He sighed and took a sip from the carton. "I was afraid you would say that."

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