25~ A Mad Dash Through The Jungle

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*Still Third Person*

HIgh in the mountains of cannibal island, the cannibals were preparing for a ritual, pounding rhythmically on large drums. Two female natives walked towards Jack, who sat on the throne, and attached a necklace around his neck. "Thank you," he said, inspecting the necklace, which was made of severed human toes and fingers. He studied a two and bit off the tip of the nail, chewing it a little before spitting it out again, a look of wonder and disgust on his face.

*Maddie's P.O.V*

Brilliant. Just brilliant. Honestly, my luck keeps getting worse. Stuck inside a cage suspended in thair between two cliffs? At least I'm not alone.

To fill you in: Once myself and Jack's crew had been knocked unconscious, as far as I know, half of the crew were killed -gulp- for their bones to make these two cages. In each one were six crew members of the crew, including myself, and now Will. Once we'd woken up in these cages, Will explained how he had been placed in here with us while we were unconscious. I wasn't the only one with a splitting headache and a slight bump where we'd been hit. Thankfully, I still (somehow) have my sword with me.

It had been a joyous reunion for myself and Will once I'd recovered. He'd embraced me in a tight hug, earning several curious glances from the cannibals and crew. I'm guessing they aren't used to this behaviour. Will has filled me in on things, although I still got the feeling that he wasn't telling me everything. In return, I told him of everything that had happened since Port Royal - leaving out my encounter with Davy Jones. I also apologised to him six or seven times for abandoning him and Elizabeth. Each time he flicked me around the back of the head to shut me up, telling me that what I did wa better instead of the three of us being caught and me facing an immediate hanging.

I am now leaning against the side with one leg dangling through the bottom. Marty and another crew member are doing the same. Will and Gibbs are standing, looking rather frustrated.

"Maddie, how long were you trapped here?" Gibbs asked.

"I lost count. I was too busy trying to stay alive."

"And you just happen to speak their language?"

"Being trapped in their village... there is nothing to do but sit there. So yes, I decided to learn their language. Turns out it came in handy."

"So, why don't you convince them to let us go?" Will turned to me.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You try explaining that to a village of cannibals."

Will turned away, hitting his fist against the cage in anger. "Why would he do this to us? If Jack is the chief..."

"Aye. The Pelegostos made Jack their chief. But he only remains chief as long as he acts like chief." Gibbs said from beside me.

"So he had no choice. He's captive there as much as the rest of us."

"Worse, as it turns out." We turned to Gibbs in curiosity and fear. "See, the Pelegostos believe that Jack is a god in human form, and they intend to do him the honour of releasing him from his fleshy prison." On the other side of Gibbs, Cotton grabbed his hand and bit it, causing Gibbs to yelp and snatch it away. "They'll roast him and eat him."

"Where's the rest of the crew?" Will asked.

"These cages we're in weren't built 'till after we got here."

I smirked when Will snatched his hand away from the bone cage in alarm. "You just figured that out, Will?"

"Hey, I wasn't the one who got knocked unconscious! I didn't know!"

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