41~ Davy Jones Locker

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*Third Person*

The Black Pearl was stranded in the middle of nowhere... some sort of beach in the Locker, if you could even call it a beach. Large amounts of pebbles but nothing else.

Jack Sparrow was aboard the magnificent ship, placing a peanut on the tip of his fork and quickly glancing around to check that no one else had sighted the small morsel of food. He opened his mouth... but before his tongue could even taste it, there was a gunshot and he dropped the fork, falling backwards.

The real Jack Sparrow put away his pistol and walked over, picking the peanut up with two fingers. "My peanut," he growled before crunching on it. "All heartily, slacken braces!" he called.

"Aye Captain," a Jack Sparrow hanging from the rigging answered. "Slacken braces!"

A Jack Sparrow running across the deck with a bucket in each hand passed the word on to the several other Jack Sparrow's scrubbing the deck. "Step lively, with a will."

"Aye, aye."

"Aye air."

"Right away, sir." Came the replies as Jack Sparrows climbed the rigging, rushed around the deck and did anything they could to prepare the ship. One was still ling on the deck; the one Jack had shot. "Help."

"Man the yards, you filthy toads!" One yelled. He walked past one Jack who was holding a very good poker face, before he let out a series of chicken noises and walked away, very much acting like chicken while another walked past him with an egg in hand. The chicken Jack walked - more like strutted - past another Jack sitting off to the side from everyone, a goat beside him.

The multiple Jacks on the sails said their work simultaneously, calling out in order. "Haul! Haul!"

Another Jack below them looked out at the horizon. "Haul the sheets, handsomely boys!"

"Aye, sir!" One answered.

"Right away, sir," answered another.

Those two jacks ran past the Jack sitting next to the goat, who was slowly shuffling closer. The goat looked away, almost uneasy.

Captain Jack Sparrow was walking around the deck, inspecting the work of his crew of multiple Jacks. He paused and spotted one by the railing. "Mr. Sparrow."

"Aye, Captain." The Jack stopped coiling the rope he was holding and turned to the Captain. By now several other Jacks had stopped to watch.

"What say you about the condition of this tack line?" Captain Jack Sparrow asked.

"It be proper to my eyes, sir."

"Proper?" Captain Jack Sparrow walked over and began uncoiling the rope, thrusting it into Jack's arms in a huge mess. "It is neither proper nor suitable, sir, it is not acceptable nor adequate. It is, in obvious fact, an abomination"

The other Jack scurried to redo his work. "Begging your pardon sir, but perhaps if you gave a man another chance."

"Shall I?" Jack pulled out his sword and ran it through the other Jack, leaning in to mutter in his ear, "That's the sort of thinking that got us into this mess." before the other Jack fell to the deck, supposedly dead. Captain Jack began wiping his sword blade on the ship's railing, continuing his rant to the rest of the crew. "We have lost speed and therefore time, precious time, which cannot be recovered once lost. Do you understand?"

"Aye, Captain," many Jacks replied.

"Aye aye, Captain," one answered hastily, a bit slower than the others.

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