3~ Broken Spirit

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He strode across to me, frowning. I noticed he was dressed up nicely, and remembered he was going to the ceremony. I mentally punched myself. Why did I have to get myself involved in this? I should've been home by now, getting ready.

My father glared at me, and raised a finger as he spoke. "For the last eight years, I believed you went for an early morning ride to clear your head. But is that really what you've been doing?"

I went against my better judgment and answered, "That statement is more or less true."

His eyes scanned me up and down. At the moment I certainly did not look like any daughter of his: hair matted and hanging loose, clothes ripped and covered in dust, sweat and drops of blood. Not to mention the sword in my belt.

"I thought you'd given up this nonsense years ago! And it just so happens that you haven't!"

"You never know when these skills will come in handy, Father."

"Oh, I'm sorry/ So for eight years you've trained yourself with these 'skills' by picking fights with the people of Port Royal!?"

I stared at him, surprised by his outburst. "You think I've been in fights by choice? I've only been in fights when I recognize that the odds are against the innocent party!"

We glared at each other, waiting for the other to speak. Eventually my father sighed. "Madison... it is time you gave up all of this and started acting like a proper young lady. Running around in men's clothes, waving a sword around... it's going to give people the wrong impression of our family. Is that what you want?"

I narrowed my eyes slightly. "You see? This is why we've never seen eye to eye. You think that you're doing what is best for me, but what you're really doing is what is best for yourself and Elizabeth." He looked slightly hurt, but I didn't allow him to interrupt. "Have you ever thought, for a second, that maybe I want to run around in men's clothes, that I enjoy being free again, like I was when I was a child? Have you ever thought that maybe I don't want to be a fine lady like everyone else in Port Royal? That my future doesn't start here, but start out there!?" I flung my arm out seaward, and my father's eyes widened. "Mother understood this, and she didn't pressure me to grow up into the world of corsets and fans and marriage. She allowed me to be whoever I wanted to be." I hadn't noticed that tears were running down my cheeks in my anger. "Why can't you see that!?"

My father stared at me like I had just announced that I wanted to marry a pirate... If you can't imagine that look, think if your parents when you've just told them something and they don't know whether to be angry or confused. My father's face looked something like that.

He raised his chin and glared down at me, "Madison Swann..." Oh, here it comes. "...you are banned from leaving the house ever again! Do you understand me?"

I was shocked. Of all the things he could've said, it had to be that.

"Fine!" I placed my hat on my head and jumped aboard Midnight, swiveling around to face him. "But I'll find a way out; I always do. So don't be surprised if you wake up one morning and I'm gone!"

Without waiting for a reply I nudged Midnight into a canter and then a gallop, heading in the direction of home. Normally I'm not one to cry, but as I rode my vision became blurry I had to pull Midnight over, giving me time to wipe my eyes. Where I stopped gave me the same view I have from my bedroom, and I sighed as my eyes fell upon the open water. I saw a small boat with a sail and a silhouette standing atop the mast heading into the dock, but I paid no attention to it. I turned away and continued the journey home.


"Miss Swann! Maddie"

The sound of Jeffrey's voice made me look up, jerking me out of my gloomy mood for just a moment. I dismounted and helped him put away the saddle and bridle then gave Midnight a well deserved groom after being cooled down. Being with Jeffrey made me forget about my argument with my father, until he asked me about the fight.

"Did you really think that no one would hear about it?" he asked. "Did you honestly think you could do something that extreme without anyone rushing to intervene?"

"What did you expect me to do, Jeffrey? A man was being beaten up simply because he lost a bet, but it turns out he won that bet."

He shook his head, smiling. "You have a good heart, Maddie. But sometimes that gets in the way of making good decisions."

I stopped what I was doing and stared st him. "Jeffrey, please... not you too. I've already been told to stay in the house for the rest of my life by me Father. I don't want to risk losing you too."

He walked over and put his arms around me. "I'm only like this because I'm afraid of losing you. I know you won't be in Port Royal forever, and that's why I want to protect you while you are still here."

I looked up at him. "Jeffrey... I'm not staying here. I am for the moment, and I will stay if my sister is getting married. Otherwise, I'm out of here. That's why I'm wondering... would you like to come with me?"

He looked surprised, and then his eyes lit up. "I would be honoured. You're lucky I sailed here from the other side of the world, so I have some sailing experience."

I smiled and we said goodbye, him going into the stables and I into the house. Immediately I was bustled upstairs by Estrella, the maid who is responsible for myself and Elizabeth. She ran a bath for me and laid out a new gown on my bed. It was not formal but not casual either, one of the few dresses I didn't mind wearing. I hid Will's clothes under my bed again and sword with them. Sighing, I returned to my usual spot by the window. I stare out the window a lot, but if I am banned from leaving the house, this view is going to become more than familiar, it is going to become real friendly.

Looking over in the direction of the fort, I could hear musicians playing their glorious tunes. Over at the dock I could see the two ships that gave to Royal Navy their pride: the Dauntless and the Interceptor. And what fine ships they are. Reaching for the telescope I keep hidden behind the curtain I ran my gaze over the battlements of the fort. I could make out two silhouettes, one clearly was the newly promoted Commodore. The other was female, and I could only assume to be my sister or someone else.

With a groan of frustration I slammed the telescope shut and put it back in its place behind the curtain, leaning my head back against the wooden frame of the door and closing my eyes.

A/N: Sorry if this chapter was a but short, but I was running out of ideas so this was just a filler. Exciting stuff happening soon!   

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