53~ A Battle Against All Odds -part three-

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Up by the crow's nest Marty was loading large pistols and successfully shooting at pirates continuing to swing their way from the Flying Dutchman to the Black Pearl. Onboard the Dutchman, Jack and Davy Jones were still fighting, and surprisingly neither had lost their balance yet. Jack still had the chest in his other hand, and with the rain stinging their eyes and the wind buffeting their faces, they held eye contact for as long as they dared, parrying back and forth.

Jack stabbed downward but Jones twisted with his own and brought it back up so Jack's hand was twisted and he was holding his sword horizontally, their two blades locked in and 'X' formation.

"You can do nothing without the key," Jones told him.

"I already have the key," Jack replied, praying in the back of his mind that Jones would do what he thought he would.

Jones paused and then smirked. "No, you don't." He brought out the key from under his tentacle beard and chuckled.

Jack made and "oh" face. "Oh, that key." He unlocked his blade from that of Jones and they went back to parrying, but now that Jack knew the location of the key, he swung out with his sword and sliced off part of Jones' tentacle beard. Jones roared with fury - and possibly pain - and they both saw the key fall to the deck below.

Jones grew angry then, and became a lot more aggressive. Jack blocked a strike and managed to disarm Jones, sending. The well-crafted sword to the deck as well. As an alternative method, he swung the chest and it smashed Jones in the face, making his head snap to the side.

Jones growled and as Jack went to strike he trapped the blade in his large crab claw of a hand, wrenching it to the side and snapping it. Jack held up his now shortened blade with an expression resembling a thought of "This was not thought out well," and he backed away as Jones approached, exclaiming under his breath as he nearly lost his balance o nether edge of the mast, the two ships still circling each other and getting closer and closer to the center of the maelstrom.

Back on the Black Pearl, Will, Elizabeth and Maddie were still fighting strongly. Made got pursued up to the helm by a member of the Company, where she quickly slit his throat. Barbossa locked blades with a member of Jones' crew, and where there should've been a human head, a long, slimy eel's head emerged, threatening to snap pointed teeth at Barbossa. The pirate Captain showed the smallest trace of fear before grabbing the hilt of the pirate's sword and sliced the pirate's head off, quickly throwing his body overboard.

Maddie somersaulted over the pedestal in front of the ship's wheel, stabbing at a pirate that had been sneaking up on Barbossa. He nodded his thanks at her and they continued to fight back to back, Maddie's afternoon of training with Barbossa onboard the Black Pearl many moons ago flashing through her mind, and she sent a metal thank you unto the pirate captain.

The ship's wheel was spinning out of control, which went unnoticed by Maddie and Barbossa, and the rest of the crew, as they dealt with the problem at hand. However, Cotton was one of the few not really fighting, and at that moment he lunged at the wheel and tilted it, hoping to balance the ship.

But his expression turned to horror as the Black Pearl sailed further towards the center of the maelstrom, the top mast dangling with that of the Flying Dutchman, causing both ships to become stuck in a huge mess, sending everyone stumbling with the impact.

Maddie lost her footing and would've fallen overboard if Barbossa hadn't grabbed her arm, hauling her upright. She smiled briefly at him before running down to the deck where she saw her sister and Will.

Onboard the Dutchman, the impact of the two ships colliding was not taken so well by Jack and JOnes, who were still atop the most. Jack fell backwards from the mast completely, Jones crying out, "No!" As he lunged down, wrapping a tentacle finger around the handle of the chest.

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