11~ Last Moments

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Quick A/N:

Sorry if the last chapter was a bit... boring, for lack of better word. And I'm apologizing in advance for this one, because I was just looking for a filler before the main stuff. Anyways, enjoy!

Thanks for the reads.

J xxx

*Maddie's P.O.V*

The next morning I woke up in the same spot, in the crow's nest with Grapple's arms around me. Sunlight filled my vision and in the distance I could see the outline of an island.

We were there, almost.

I looked up at Grapple and he looked down at me, meeting my gaze. I smiled and flicked his chin. "Don't you ever sleep?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Technically, I'm not alive. So I have no need to."

A lot of shouting on the deck below caught our attention and we peeked over the edge. We glanced at each other before each grabbing a rope and sliding to the deck, one after the other. The thumping of our boots on the deck put a halt to the arguing, and I glared at the crew. "What is irritating you all so much that you risk bloodshed - even though that's not possible for you."

Immediately they all looked guilty and moved away to do their own thing. Only Ragetti remained behind and he muttered in my ear as he walked past, "The crew are concerned for yer well being, what with you and Grapple being official now."

I didn't get a chance to ask him what he meant because he'd moved away, but I glanced curiously at Grapple, who shrugged. He clearly didn't know either. I saw Barbossa making his way down from the helm and he made eye contact with me. I really didn't feel like facing him this morning so I headed below deck to the brig. It was high time I talked to Will.


"I was wondering if and when you would show your face around here."

I gave him a small smile and stepped out of the shadows so I was looking into his cell. "How did you know it was me?"

"Your footsteps are lighter than a man's, and you smell like fresh lavender and sea salt instead of seat and a rotting corpse."

He was sitting against the wall, fiddling unconsciously with his shirt sleeve. I pulled up a barrel and sat down on it, churning over things to say in my mind.

"Miss Elizabeth?"

A gruff voice in the cell behind me made me turn, curious. In the opposite cell was the crew from the Interceptor, most who seemed to be the pirate-y, scruffy type. One had a parrot on his shoulder, one was a dwarf and I saw one female out of around what looked 20 men. One man who looked to be in his fifties was at the front, nearest the cell bars, staring curiously at me. When he met my eyes he seemed disappointed.

"It's not her, Gibbs," Will said quietly. "This is her sister, Maddie."

The man stuck his dirty hand through the bars and I grasped it with my equally dirty hand in a friendly shake. "Gibbs... didn't you use to work for the Navy?" I asked.

"Once..." he replied. "I remember the day we pulled Will from the water, your sister was singing about pirates." He smirked. "Eight years ago when I said it was bad luck."

"And yet here you are, a pirate yourself," I returned the smirk then turned back to Will. "Will?" I spoke after a moment.
"Talk to me, please."

"Why should I?" he stood and I rose to meet him as he approached the bars. "Give me a reason why I should talk to you, when you're with them. I thought you being kept against your will, but no... I find out you're one of them!"

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