57~ The Last Goodbye

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A/N: I know a few of you really wanted MaddiexJack, which I'm sorry isn't going to happen. However, to make up for it, there is a bit of Jack fluffiness in this chapter. Hope this cheers you readers up a bit!


*Maddie's P.O.V*

It was night. The stars were shining in their millions in the dark sky as we sailed across the calm water, only a gentle breeze causing small waves to lap against the wood of the ship. It was very peaceful, just what we needed after the extreme chaos of the day before - make that the many days before, since we first got the charts from Singapore.

Now, with Elizabeth and her new life far behind, and Will and the Dutchman elsewhere, and no sign of any member of the East India Trading Company, we can all relax and hope to start of our own lives again... should our lives as pirates ever be classed as somewhat 'normal'.

However, we do need to restock on supplies, since most of the gunpowder was used in the battle and we are running low on food and other items, so we're making our way to - where else? - Tortuga.


The next morning, everyone was preparing for our arrival at the well known pirate port, as the sun rose high over our heads and the heat was bearable enough to work in fo the moment. I stood at the railing, having finished my given task for the moment, and watched as the island which held the port loomed closer. The last time I visited Tortuga was when I was traveling with Jeffrey, and that was a long time ago now. It still makes me smile to think of the look on his face when we stepped inside the rowdy tavern to be met with a crowd of drunken behaviour, enough of it to last him a lifetime.

Wow, everything seemed so simple then... Except, that is where the Company got wind of my location,and so that is where the chase began. If only it hadn't ended with the capture of my sister and Will, otherwise much would've been different, if not better for everyone.

"You didn't go with her."

I turned my head and saw Jack standing a few feet away, a rather forlorn expression on his face, not like the usual smirk he wore, but his brown eyes were still shining brightly, so I get the feeling this sort of look is temporary. In answer to his comment I shook my head, turning to stare ot at the water below as he stood beside me.

"No," I murmured, flicking strands of hair from my face. "Not this time."

"Why not?"

I linked my fingers together and willed myself not to cry. I admit, I am already missing Elizabeth, but this is for the best. "That will always be her world, while I only have a foot in it," I explained quietly. "I might find my way there one day, but that day is not today."

Fro mthe corner of my eye I saw him smile, and he cleared his throat quietly. "Well... if it's anything to you... I am glad that you chose to stay."

I turned my head slightly to look at him, curious. "Did I hear that correctly? You're glad that I stayed?" He nodded and I laughed. "Jack, you know how much you can annoy me, and I thought after our last big 'chat' - which ended up with you getting slapped and having a knife thrown at you head - I thought you would've been glad to see the back of me."

He shook his head and actually looked shocked I would say such a thing. "Never, lassie," he said, leaning one arm on the railing as he tilted his body towards me. "You are a valuable member of the crew, one I definitely would want on my side in a fight. Just yesterday was proof of that, even if I do piss you off on several occasions."

I smiles and he returned it - a genuine smile, not a smirk nor anything mean. "I must say, it is somewhat nice to hear those words leave your mouth, Jack."

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