Phoenix of Death (Death the Kid x reader)

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"Hurry up Paige! Where gonna be late for our first day!" You screamed.

"Shut up! I'm trying to find my favourite shirt! Have you seen it?" Your weapon Paige yelled.

"How would I know where your damn shirt is."

"Well until we find it I'm not going anywhere." Paige said while coming down stairs arms crossed.

"God damn it Paige!"

You check the laundry room, then the living room, then Paiges room, and finally for some reason your room. Nothing.

"Paige I can't find your damn shirt. Can you please just wear a different one." You plead.

She looks at you curiously before saying "I found it dummy." She points to a south park shirt with her favorite character on it, Tweak.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me you idiot?! Now we only have... WHAT THE HELL!" You yell.

You point straight towards the clock and yell "Why the hell didn't you tell me it was 7:45?! Where forty-five minutes late you.. you... poptart!"

Her mouth dropped and said "L..language (Your Name)"

"Whatever I'm sorry. But you deserved it. Come on we gotta hurry before were expelled on our first day."

Paige nodded but looked distant.

You sigh before continuing "Listen Paige I'm sorry. Its just first day jitters. Your not a poptart your more of a... vicious man eating wolf. Friends?"

Paige gave you her biggest smile and said "Fine. Friends. Plus you probably die without me. And I can't be meisterless now can I?"

You sigh and say "Come on we probably already have detention on our first day."


You and your weapon were speed waking down the side walk when you hear a scream.

"Kid its just a small crack in the cement!" You hear a girls voice say.

"But this one humongous crack in the cement makes it asymmetrical!" A boys voice says with hint of an accent you can't place. You guess his name is Kid.

You decide just to ignore them but as you turn towards your weapon to keep walking she's no where in site.

"Paige! Where the hell are you!?" You scream in no direction in particular.

All of a sudden you see her walking over to where you the voices. You sigh because you know your gonna have to go get her. So slowly you walk over to where your weapon is. With you and Paige there it makes five people total. Two girls,  one with long dirty blonde hair which was all the down to the middle of her back and was very tall, the other girl  who was the total opposite with short hair which was bright blonde cut at her chin and was a little shorter than you. They both had the same blue eyes so you guess they were sisters because not only did they have the same color eyes but they looked the same.

Then there was a boy with ebony hair that ran a little past his ears, with three odd white stripes in the left side of his hair and was wearing a black and white suit with a skull brooch.

All of sudden Kid ,you guessed his name, noticed you. No no no he didn't notice Paige he just noticed you. He didn't even give Paige a glance but he starred right at you. He walked right up to you and looked you up and down. You felt like you were being judged so you blushed.

He finally looks you in the eyes and says "Your asymmetrical in everyway! What the hell is wrong with you?! You asymmetrical piece of garbage!"

You blink in surprise. Did he just call you garbage? No wait he called you asymmetrical garbage. Like hell you were taking this.

"I'm symmetrical garbage?! I'm not the one who has three white stripes in their damn hair on one side only you.. you... poptart!" You screamed at the boy.

He just starred straight at you, his mouth in a tight line, his shoulders looked strained, his legs perfectly standing straight. He looked perfect.

All of a sudden that perfectness disappeared. One second he was standing up the next he was on the hard cement pounding both his hands (symmetrically) on the cement crying out "I KNOW! IM ASYMMETRICAL GARBAGE! I SHOULD JUST DIE! IM FILTH I TELL YOU FILTH!"

Paige and the shorter girl broke down laughing on the cold cement while the taller girl just stood there sighing.

You felt bad about calling him those mean things. So you got down on your knees and looked at him.

He had been pounding his hands so hard that they were bloody. You grabbed them and put them together on the ground in front of you. You saw the puddle of tears still forming on the ground and nearly cried yourself for saying all those things that made him like this.

So slowly you picked up his chin so that he was looking straight at you. You had gotten a better view of him now and saw that his eyes were yellow but two different kinds of yellow. There were two rings around his pupil. The outside was a bright yellow while the inside was a darker yellow, it made you think of gold.

You both were looking into eachother eyes. You looking at his golden orbs while he looked at you brown circles.

"Listen I'm sorry about calling you all that stuff. Your not asymmetrical garbage and I think a lot of people would be sad if you died. Truth be told your the most symmetrical person I know." You say with a bright smile.

He looked at you before slowly saying "Do you really believe so?"

"Yes. I truly believe so."

He smiled at you before picking both of you up. You where still holding his hands so you slowly let go of them.

But he held out his hand to you and said "Hello nice to meet you. I don't believe we've  been truly introduced. My name is Death the Kid, Lord Deaths son , but you can call me Kid. And what is your name?"

"(Your Name). And its nice to meet you too Kid." You took his out stretched hand and shook it four times.

He then held out his other hand. You looked at him curiously before shaking his other hand four times just like the other.

"These here are my weapons." He pointed to the taller girl and said "This is Liz" He pointed to the shorter girl and finished "and this is Patty."

"Your a meister?! Me too! Do you go to DWMA?" You asked excitedly.

"Yes. My father runs it." He said calmly.

"Cool! Well this is my weapon Paige." You point to Paige.

She waves her hand at Kid, Liz, and Patty before saying "Ello its nice ta meet ya." She said in a British accent.

You roll your eyes. Before saying "Wait why are you guys so late?"

Liz answered your question by saying "Because this symmetrical weirdo has to do his daily things in order to live or so he thinks."

"I don't need to do it but it makes living much better for everyone else." He said calmly.

I smiled at him warmly and asked "Well do you want to walk together so Paige and I won't have to be loners at school?"

He grinned at me before saying "I don't think you could ever be a loner at my fathers school."

You shrugged your shoulders before asking "So is that a yes?"

"Of course. Lets hurry before its eight."He said.

All of a sudden Patty and Paige squealed with delight "Yay new friends!" The looked at eachother and laughed hard.

I couldn't help but smile at them.

Phoenix of Death (Death the Kid x reader)Where stories live. Discover now