Chapter Five - The Death Scythe

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A/N: Ok special shout out to Darky10 she was the closest to guessing. Sorry its kinda short but I just love to leave all you little souls at a cliff hanger. P.S. I do not own Kid, you, or any other Soul Eater characters mentioned in this. But I do own Jenna, DJ, Taylor, Dylan, and Paige so in the words of Paige SILLY FOOL!!!!!!!!

You and Paige walk to Sid's class. You got there early so you tried to see if you saw anyone you knew. You didn't.

"Paige I think were in the class in which people suck." You say with an elegant accent.

"Mmm yes indeed." She replies with the same accent.

We both laugh. All of a sudden the teacher comes in and yells "EVERYONE SIT DOWN NOW!"

You and Paige quickly find a place to sit.

Then class starts. At first its so boring you think but then the teacher says "Ok were gonna see how good you are at fighting more powerful students."

Right when he said that Maka, Soul, Black*Star, Tsubaki, Death the Kid, Liz, and Patty walked in.

I starred at Kid who all of a sudden must have noticed me starring at him because he turns to me and smiles. I quickly look away.

"Ok! I want Jenna and DJ, Taylor and Dylan, and how about (Your Name) and Paige to come down here and show these meister and their weapon partners what ya got." Professor Sid yelled.

I watched the other meisters and weapon partners go down. I look at Paige who is smiling happily. I roll my eyes and think 'When is Paige ever not happy?' I get up and start making my way down to where the fight will take place.

I look at Jenna and her partner DJ. Jenna has long dark almost black hair which right now is in a ponytail.I then look at her partner DJ who has blonde hair that sweeps over his right eye just barely. Right now Jenna has green eyes with a hint if topaz specks. Jenna's eyes look amazing. And then there's DJ who's eyes are just baby blue.

I look to see who my other teammate is. Her name is Taylor and her weapon partner is Dylan. Taylor has here hair up in a bun but from what I can tell is it looks a little short, which is a deep mahogany color. I look at Dylan who has short ruffled brown hair. Dylan looks like a twig that could snap with a flick of the finger. Taylor looks at me with black lens so I can barely see her eyes. I smile at her but all she does is snort like she's better. I roll my eyes.

"Ok weapons change form and meisters get in your stances ready to fight." Sid said.

I watch as Liz and Patty transform into twin pistols and think 'Of course twin pistols...symmetrical.' I look at Tsubaki who transforms into a beautiful sword. Soul changes into a death scythe. I grin to myself knowing what's coming up soon. I look to my right to see Jenna standing there with a crossbow, I try to think what she uses to strike with but I just forget about it. I look to my left and see Taylor standing there fiercely with a magnificent sword. Its hilt was a dazzling light green with dark forest green swirls going up the hilt and stops right where the blade began. The blade was a really light light green that sparkled in the light.

I look to Paige who is smiling, I smile back because her smile is so contagious. I hold out my hand and she looks at it and says "Silly fool, I don't know where your hands have been!"

I roll my eyes and say back playfully "They've been with your mama last night."

She laughs and says "Good."

She looks back at my hand then back to me with her crimson red eyes. She smiles and jumps in the air.

She slowly transforms into a weapon. I grab her and listen to all the gasps behind us and grin.

Paige has turned into a death scythe and looks exactly like Soul.

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