Chapter Twenty Two - Fighting A Enemy

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A/N: It has been a couple monthes since Kid told her that he would protect her and never let anything hurt her...just saying. P.S I do not own Kid, you, nor do I own any Soul Eater characters mentioned in this story. I do however own Taylor, Dylan and Paige.

I walked the hallways quietly looking for my young weapon. She had said she was going to hang out with Soul. Surprisingly she hasn't yet asked him out and he hasn't asked her out. There madly in love with eachother it's written all over their faces.

I turn a corner and who do I run into? Taylor. She sees me and instantly sneers. Dylan. who wasn't paying attention ran right in Taylor.

Taylor turns around quickly with a angered look. "Watch where your going!" She yells. Dylan quickly backs away from his meister.

I step up and say "Hey! Do you really treat your weapon partner like that?" Paige picks the perfect time to walk from behind the corner holding hands with Soul. She sees us and instantly she lets go of Souls hand.

"Listen here, I can treat my partner however I want so stay out of my business brat!" She pushed me a little making Paige now step forward.

"Hey! You talk to my meister like that and,I'll slice your throat!" I knew Paige was exaggerated just a tinici winci bit....a lot.

Taylor started raising her fist to Paige and it came down on...Souls hand.,"Hey save the fighting for later." Taylor looked like she blushed but then she quickly took her hand off Souls.

Taylor smirked then said "Yah your right. And how about we fight right now?"

Paige opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off. "Fine. Right now, outside." She nodded and started to the door.


We took our positions outside and Dylan started turning. A green sword appears I'm Taylor's hand swirls and everything.

I look at Paige who is grinning which makes me smirk. Paige flips backwards and a lime green light flies into my hands then CLANGS and turns into a solid.

Soul whistled out to Paige. "Your weapon form is so cool!" I shook my head but smiled non the less.

"Soul are you only saying that because it's your form?" I asked still watching Taylor.

He scoffs and replies "Ta no...that would be so uncool if I did that." He coughs awkwardly and I just shake my head.

Taylor sneers at me ready to fight. I wait for her to make the first move. Finally she comes running at me which makes me come running towards her.

We're right about to clash weapons but then she slides underneath my opened legs. My eyes widened and I quickly flip forwards dodging her attack. I dodge it right in time.

"That was a close one!" Paige yells which I agree with. Okay so looks like I'm not gonna play nice either.

I run at her zigzaging with alarming speed. I slam Paige down but Taylor blocks my attack. She pulls the sword up making me skid backwards. She smirks then comes at me quickly. I do my best to block her attacks but she's fast.

She throws a swing my way and I block it with Paige but the force knocks me backwards. Luckily I'm still on my feet.

"You couldn't have picked a different weapon form? You know I don't like Death Scythes!" I said.

"Hey like it's my falt!" Paige yells back. I see Liz, Patty and Kid walking up the academy stairs. Paige starts to glow then turns back into a human and quickly runs towards them.

"Paige!" I yell as Taylor comes at me with Dylan. I dodge here and there sliding out of the way and flipping. I manage to get behind Taylor and pinch her neck or pressure point.

Taylor stands still them drops Dylan with a loud clang. I look at Paige and nod then kick Dylan to her. Dylan turns back into a human and tries to run to Taylor but is stopped by Paige tackling him to the ground and yelling "THIS IS SPARTA!"

Taylor recovers and swings at me with a fist. I lean back and watch as her fist goes past me. I punch her in the jaw then take her head and push it down the slam my knee into her stomach.

She falls to the ground and I smile.


I shake my head and make my way over to Paige who is sitting on top of Dylan. Paige gets up and I help Dylan up. "Nice fight." I say with a smile.

He looks at me surprised but smiles and nods then goes to check on Taylor.

I see Kid smiling at me and I smile back. He comes over and says "Very nice battle if I do say so myself."

I laugh and say "Coming from the son of Lord Death that means a lot. Mmm maybe some day we can fight you Kid." I stand up straight and jump a little and put my arm around his neck. He smiles and I sware I see him blush but then I just see his pearly white skin.

His arm goes around my waist picking me up a little so I don't have to jump. Paige and Soul must have sneaked off and then I saw Liz and Patty walk into the academy. Liz had a smirks on her face for some reason though.

Oh well, me and Kid walk into the academy and go to our first class.

A/N: Hey guys hoped you liked that! Fluffing beating up Taylor! I also would like to say that right now I'm really bored and would like to rp so yah know...Message Me Please!!! PEETA OUT!

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