Chapter Six - Your Smile is Beautiful

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Everyone is starring at Paige. Well almost everyone. I look at Kid and find him starring at me. He see's me looking at him and he quickly looks away.

I can feel Paige vibrate with happiness. "We really surprised them hey (Your Name) ?!" Paige said excitedly.

I laugh and say "We sure did Paige."

All of a sudden we hear someone scream "OMG PAIGE YOU LOOK JUST LIKE SOUL! BUT COOOLER! YOUR LIKE A ..A... GIRAFFE!"

I guessed that was Patty because it was a squeaky voice and it also mentioned giraffes.


"LADIES! This isn't conversation time! Its suppose to be a friendly battle! Now if that's all done you may start." Sid said.

And with that all hell broke loose. Jenna started shooting arrows or should I say her soul at Maka. Maka was just barely dodging them with Soul.

"Hey Maka! This hurts and is so not cool! We shouldn't be playing defense we should be playing offense!" Soul whined. Maka ignored him of course.

Kid started shooting at Taylor which sadly she didn't get in time to block and got shot in both arms and the stomach.

'Man I was really curious to see what her sword did.' I thought to myself.

"Hey wait a minute." I started counting in my head. "Hey Paige where's Blac-" But I was interrupted by the shouting of Black*Star.

Thank Death he was loud or else my head would probably be chopped off.

"Ha your lucky. But I will win this battle!" Black*Star shouted.

I rolled my eyes and swung at him with Paige. To someone else's eye it would look like I was just an amateur fighting. But to me and Paige I was slowly finding Black*Stars weaknesses.

After a while I finally concluded that Black*Star was fast and strong and nearly had no weaknesses. Except one. He always attacked and didn't think of a strategy, so therefore he didn't think that his opponents would think of a strategy.

But I had. I swung my left fist at him and then with his attention on my fist I took my leg and kicked him as hard as I pleased straight in the groin. Then when he fell I took Paige and placed her at his neck.

"Haha we beat beat him!" Paige said happily.

I grinned. Then Sid came over patted me on the shoulder and said "Winner (Your Name), Paige. Loser Black*Star and Tsubaki." Sid looks at me and says "I think I'm gonna talk to Lord Death about moving you into the EAT class." Then he walks away.

Paige turns back into a human and does the little trot she does when she's happy and says "Haha we won. We won. We won! In your face Black*Star!"

Patty came over and hugged Paige. When she pulled back she looked at Paiges shirt and said "Who's that?"

Paige smiled and said "That's Tweek."

Now I know what's gonna happen next. Patty's gonna say eww he looks gross or something like that and then there goes that friendship.

"Ohh. He looks cute!" Patty squealed.

Paiges eyes widen before she said "You think so too?!" Patty nodded.

Then her and Patty started talking about Tweek and other things. I smiled at Paige who didn't have to grow up fast like me.

Then Kid came over and said "That was a great battle. You are a very good meister."

I blushed at Kid who simply smiled. Then Paige came over on hands and knees crawling and says "(Your Name) please please please can Patty come over?"

I laugh and say "I don't care. Its up to Kid."

All of a sudden Patty comes over doing the same thing Paige did and asks Kid. Kid says yes.

Paige and Patty squeal with delight.

I crooked smile at them and see that Kid starring at me. 'Oh great he's gonna flip out that my smiles not straight.'

But instead of flipping out he says "You look cute when you smile." I blush instantly.

Then Kid blushes realizing what he had just said. Paige and Patty were laughing on the floor.

'Men what are gonna do with them?' I thought.

A/N: Well I'm kinda sad I didn't do a cliff hanger but what Evs.
PEETA OUT!!!!!!!!
-Love Adventure_Gal.

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