Chapter Two - The Symmetrical Boy

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A/N: Special shout out to MelissaEveritt you really made my day!!!!!!!! I feel all warm and fluffy inside. So this chapter is to you Melissa!!!!!!!! Ok enough with my babble, on with the story!!!!!!!! P.S. I do not own Death the Kid, you, nor do I own any Soul Eater characters mentioned in this. But I do own Paige because I a made her up so in Paiges words BOOM goes the dynamite!!!!!!!! Ok on with the story (again)!!!!!!!!

We finally made it to school after having to stop eight times because of the "asymmetrical things" that bothered Kid. Paige and Patty laughed while Liz just sighed. I on the other hand kinda felt bad for him but at the same time was getting annoyed. I mean come on he didn't have to stop everytime there was a tiny crack in the cement!

Kid and I were already at the top of the steps when I heard something plunge to the ground. Wait no scratch that make that two somethings.

I looked behind me to see Paige and Patty helping eachother up.

"What happen to you two?" I asked suspiciously.

Paige and Patty looked at eachother and fell to the ground with laughter. Finally after one-minute of this I heard Kid sigh and say "Well if you two aren't gonna tell us then we'll leave you here." Kid started walking away.

All of sudden you hear Patty wheeze and stutter "S..sorry K.Ki...Kid. But Mme an..d Paige tr..ied to use eachother to w..w..walk as one p..p..person." They both started giggling again while they slowly pulled eachother up.

Liz walked right past you looking more annoyed than Kid.

"Hey sis wait up!" You hear Patty call to her older sister. Patty runs past you with a smile plastered on her face.

You wonder where Paige is.

"HEY (YOUR NAME)! BOO!" Paige screams at you.

You jump backwards thinking its safe to but you quickly remember your on a lot of hard concrete stairs. You prepare for the pain to come when you first fall on the stair your on then fall back to a lot more stairs going *thud* *thud* *thud* all the way to the bottom.

'What the hell am I thinking no one could prepare for something like this. Damn you Paige!' You think quickly to yourself.

You finally hit something but instead of it being hard it was actually quite soft.

'I didn't think stairs were soft. Hell I didn't think any stairs were soft.' You think to yourself.

Except you can smell the stairs cologne. Then you feel the stairs arms wrap around you. And finally you hear the stairs grunt when you land on them. After doing all the math in your head you quickly dismiss the thought that you landed on the stairs.

You open your eyes which had been closed during the whole predicament. You find his golden orbs looking into you e/c eyes with concern.

He smiles at you and for some reason you smile back. You stare at eachother for a couple of minutes before you hear Paige cough.

You then quickly realize that his arms are still around your waist holding on to you like a life line.

All of a sudden he picks you up so now your standing up except his arms are still around you and there starting to get warm.

'You would think Lord Deaths son would be cold.' You thought to yourself.

You looked down at his arms and raised your eyebrow to him. He just smiled and pulls you closer. So close he whispers in your ear "Gotcha."

He then finally lets you go. You stare at him and stares back until Liz screams "Oh no your gonna be late its 7:57."

His expression changes to a panicked look. He nods at you before running up the stairs and into school.

You feel someone touch your arm. "Hey (Your Name) are you alright? You feel really warm." You hear you weapon ask. All you do is nod and quietly follow her up the stairs.

You kept replaying the whole event over and over in your head. You still couldn't believe it.

Death the Kid had ruined his symmetry... for you.

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