Chapter Sixteen - Jack Frost

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Ahhhh! Last chapter soooooo cute and fluffy! I don't care if some of you don't like fluff because I do so I don't even give a carebear! But anyway on with the story! P.S I do not own Kid, You, nor do I own any Soul Eater characters mentioned in this book. I do however own Paige so in the words of Paige: Whatever I don't want talk about it.

Reader's POV.

I woke up in Kid's chest. I tilted my head up, wondering how did I get here? Then like a tidal wave it all comes back to me. Our house burned down, Kid had offered to let us stay with him, I fell asleep, had a nightmare, Kid came running in here when I did have it and he stayed with me until I fell asleep.

I looked up at pale, peculiar boy. He looked like an angel when he slept, even though he's the exact opposite thing from an angel but, he still looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. His dark ebony bangs fell into his eyes. His mouth was opened just a crack but, it was still so very cute.

Before I even knew what I was doing, my hand went Kid's cheek, cupping it. My hand went farther up his warm face, to his hair. I pushed the midnight bangs from his eyes. I smiled at this boy.

Just then a million questions decided to pop in my head. Like for example: Where's his mom? How old is he? When's his birthday? And a lot more questions swam through my head. I took one last look at Kid, then snuggled back into his chest and fell asleep....again.

Liz's POV.

I watched as the two younger girls played together. I sighed and just kept walking, wanting to get home as fast as possible.

"Hey sis? Can me and Paige go to the park?" Patty asked me.

I didn't really like the fact of my little sister and her one year older friend going to the park in a city where people get killed all the time by things. "I don't think so Patty."

All of a sudden Paige and Patty stopped in front of me. They both gave me puppy dog eyes. "Pwetty pwease!" Patty said.

"We'll be extremely areful!" Paige said using the same baby voice as Patty.

I sighed and shook my head. I couldn't help but smile because in so many ways Paige and Patty were the same. I stopped as did the girls and did my serious voice. "Okay you guys can go to the park but I have some rules firstly."

"Let me guess, don't talk to strangers, don't except candy from a stranger, and especially don't get in any white vans with a man in a drench coat." Paige said

I raised my eye brow, amusement probably swirling in dull blue hues. "Actually yah. Oh and one more thing. If you see a Kishin do not fight it. Understand?"

Paige and Patty nodded. "Don't worry sis, we're not that dumb." Paige and Patty giggled. I smiled at the two young girls.

"Okay, I'll see you two at the mansion later." Paige and Patty nodded and scampered off in the direction of the park. I sighed and continued walking in the cold. I tightened my scarf around me as Jack Frost nipped at my nose. I smiled at that thought. It made me think of mine and Patty's parents.


I walked with mommy to the grocery store. I looked up to look at mommy. I smiled, she had the same long dirty blonde hair like mine.
She looked down at me and smiled. "What are you looking at Lizzy?" I giggled at her. She smiled down at me and prepositioned my little baby sister.

"Mommy why it gotta be so cold out?" I asked, pulling my hat down tighter.

She looked down at me and said "Because silly then Jack Frost wouldn't be alive." I tilted my head at mommy.

"Who's Jack Frost mommy? Do he have supapowers?" Mommy smiled at me. I liked it when mommy smiled, she looked pretty. I wish I had mommies smile but I gots daddies smile.

"Well, Jack Frost is a boy. He loves winter and cold things. And I guess you could say he has superpowers. He can make ice balls and he can make it snow." I looked at mommy surprisingly.

Little sister started whining. Mommy gently rocked her and said soothing words trying to calm her down. "Shh..Shh come Patricia, mommy's got you." I starred up at mommy, then she looked down at me and smiled. "It looks like Jack Frost is nipping at Patricia's nose."

I giggled and said cheerfully "Bad Jack Frost! Don't nip at Patty's nosey wosey."  I started skipping while following mommy.

Mommy laughed. "Patty....I like it." Mommy mumbled quietly.

           ** End of Flashback**

I felt a silent tear flow down my cheek but it quickly froze. Before I knew it I was already at the front steps of the Gallows Mansion. I sniffled and walked up the steps.

I opened the door and quietly walked in to the warm building. I looked in the living room, then the kitchen wondering where Kid was? I hadn't seen him since he disobeyed one of Steins rules and help (Your Name) up. Surprisingly Stein didn't yell at him! And luckily we didn't have to fight today, but more than likely we'll have to tomorrow.

"Kid?" I called out while walking slowly upstairs. Maybe he's in his room fixing unsymmetrical crap or something like that.

So I walked upstairs and lightly knocked on Kids answer. I shrugged and twisted the door knob slowly and quietly. Now having to live on the streets and mugging, robbing people for a part of my life I know a lot of things. Like a trick of the hand, picking a lock and a lot more things that I'm absolutely proud of.

But anyway back to the story. I opened the door and quietly walked in. I looked around Kids room, then my eyes fell upon his bed. I smiled at what I saw. Cuddling up next to Kid was (Your Name). Her head was resting on the side of his chest and her left hand fell upon his heart. Kids arm was slipped around her waist and, his head layed on hers gently. I sware I could see a tiny smile on Kids face. Now I would've gotten closer to look but, Kid was a very light sleeper and I didn't know how well (Your Name) slept.

I smiled at them one last time and quietly walked out, shutting the door behind me slowly.

I giggled as I walked down to my room. Now I'm glad Paige and Patty were at the park or else they would absolutely torture both Kid and (Your Name). I know Patty and Paige won't go in Kid's room unless I said it was okay. Which I would've done if I was still looking for him with Paige and Patty. So anyway thank Death they weren't with me.

I walked into my very pink room and plopped down on my fuzzy pink comforter. I stretched my long body and mumbled "I never thought Kid was into (h/c)'s."

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