Chapter Three - Those Ember Eyes

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A/N: Hey guys sorry that I haven't been writing but I do have a very good excuse! Me and this other writer have been "busy" doing "things". Her name is MelissaEveritt she's a really good writer so go check out her, she has really good truth or dare book that you should go check go.....RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!! Ok so enough with my blabble on with the story!!!!!!!!
P.S. I do not own Death The Kid, you, nor do I own any of the Soul Eater characters mentioned in this. But I do own Paige so in the words of Paige Party Time!!!!!!!!

Paige and I walked down the hallways trying to find the death room.

We had already missed first hour so we tried fast to find the death room so we wouldn't be late for second hour.

All of a sudden I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to find a blue haired boy eyeing me up and down. He finally had noticed that I had turned around and was starring at him.

"What see anything you like?" He said with pride.

"Black*Star!" Your hear a girl voice say. You turn you head about an inch. You see a girl with long black hair in a messy pony tail with her bangs sprawled out on the top side of her head. She had star on her right breast which made you guess that either she was Black*Stars partner or she was a really obsessed girlfriend. You guessed partner.

You then turned back to Black*Star and mockingly said "You wish." You started to walk away but someone grabbed your shoulder. You turn to see the black haired girl smiling at you brightly.

"I'm so sorry about Black*Star.He can be....well he can be Black*Star. I'm Tsubaki." She said warmly.

You couldn't help but smile back at her. She was really contagious.

"Its nice to meet you Tsubaki. My name- "

"IM THE GREAT BLACK*STAR! I WILL SURPASS GODS!!!" He said with a smug look.

"You know what stupid? Its not nice to int-"


Usually you would have said no because you don't believe in violence but this guy was really damn annoying!

"Fine! See you after lunch!" And with that you walk away.

You look at Paige who was still smiling brightly. You got annoyed so you asked "Why you still smiling? We just go into a fight."

"Because we haven't even been in this school for five minutes and your already picking fights... that's my job."

You roll your eyes but keep walking trying to find this God damn death room!


You and your weapon finally find the death room. You go inside and see Lord Death talking to someone. You instantly know who the person is even if he is turned around. You listen to their conversation.

"Father I was wondering if you knew anything about the new student?" Death the Kid asked.

"Well Kiddo all I know is that she's a meister and her parents died at a young age. And well that's about it." Lord Death said.

"Mmm how about her weapon?" Kid obviously wouldn't let this go.

But that's when you thought that was enough. People could ask questions about you behind your back but when it came to Paige thats where you draw the line.

You cough to get their attention. Lord Death sees you and waves you in. Kid turns around and sees you. You think you see him blush but as quickly as it came it was gone in a blink of an eye.

"Heyya Hiiya! You must be (Your Name) and Paige. So which of you is the meister and which is the weapon." Lord Death asked cheerfully.

Paige quickly answered that question. "I'm the weapon and this is my amazing meister, (Your Name)."

You blush.

'Damn how can Paige go up to a Death God without any fear at all?' You thought to yourself quietly.

"Well great! Now you'll be in the Professor Sids class. Which is right down the hallway on the left."

Paige said "Thank you." quickly before skipping out of the room. I sighed to myself.

'What an idiot. She thinks we only have one class.' You think quickly to yourself.

"*cough* Umm Lord Death may I have our schedule?"

" Of course! I like your friend she has...spunk something we need more of here at the DWMA."

Lord Death hands you your schedule. You walk out of the room but every step you take feels like a boulder is tied to your feet because you feel his ember eyes burning holes in your back.

You walk out of the room when all of a sudden you hear Paiges voice say "Ooooo I think Death the Kid like likes you!"

I give Paige a rude gesture which she returned with a smile.

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