Chapter Thirteen - Sally, Trinity and (You Name), Paiges battle

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A/N: Hey guys I would just like to say hi. No just kidding. But I would like to say sorry to you guys for not updating Phoenix of Death sooner. I'm doing stupid pointalism in art and it sucks monkey butt! Of course though I'm doing Soul Eater pointalism but still that's no excuse for not updating this sooner! So I'm really sorry, pwease find it in your hearts to forgive me!!! But anyway guys here's the next chapter. P.S I do not own Death the Kid, you, nor do I own any Soul Eater characters mentioned in this! But I do own Jenna, DJ, Taylor, Dylan, and Paige. So in the words of Paige I SHIP IT!

Sally came at us just like Trinity had told him to do. He swung but I dodged him. I decided to attack on his left since he wrote with his right which meant his stronger side was his right...hopefully. Trinity must have saw what I was gonna do though.

"Sally! Block your left she's gonna go for that side!"

Sally stopped in mid action, so I took this as my chance. I punched as hard as I pleased. Sally slid all the to the other side of the classroom and fell to the ground.

He used Trinity as support and managed to grit out "Women... don't tell my how to fight!"

"Hey I'm trying to save your ass! Your an idiot!" Trinity screamed.

"Well I didn't ask for your help woman!"

Me and Paige just stood there awkwardly. I didn't really know what to do. "Hey Paige got any ideas?" I whispered.

"I don't know but this is getting pretty interesting." I rolled my eyes at the young weapon.

"Well you know what woman?! I don't even need you!" And with that Sally not caring what direction threw Trinity. Me being so very lucky because Sally decided to throw Trinity in out direction.

Trinity spun uncontrollably towards me and Paige. I quickly put Paige up to block it but the weirdest thing happened.

As Paige and Trinity's blade touched a huge spark lit up the whole place. Sadly though the spark went all the way through Paige and down the blade onto my hand and threw me. I shook and dropped Paige. She hit the floor with a loud clang as did Trinity. I fell to the ground shaking like a leaf in the wind. I turned so no one saw what I was about to do. With me now on my hands and knees my eyes flew silver and I felt the power I could tap in to. I did just that and slammed the electricity into the floor. To people in there desks it would just look like me hitting the ground and the electricity zapping through my body. I manage to get up but just barely. I feel like this would be me if I was drunk. I tipped this way and that way, swaying back and fourth.

I grabbed Paige who was still shocked at what had just happened. I look towards Sally who's smiling like and idiot but then immediately stops when he see's me. I feel something within Paige vibrate with energy. I'm curious to what it is so I tap into that power. A tiny spark zaps on top of Paiges form...where the lightning bolt is.

"Man do I feel dumb." I look towards Sally and smile. Now knowing what to do I point Paige towards the boy and tap into that energy as much as I can. A flash blinds my eyes and lights up the whole room. I hear the cracking of wall but don't care. I finally drop to my knee's with Paige, tired. I look up and smile to what I see.

Sally on his back twitching every now and then as the electricity travels to various places in his body. Paige turns back into a human and tries to help me up. She puts my arm around her neck supporting my some of my weight. I look towards Stein who is just like everybody else...surprised.

"So? Did I win?"

Stein finally looks me in the eyes and... smiles. "Winners (Your Name) and Paige. Losers Sally and Trinity." Paige tries helping me up the stair but fails by dropping me. No one can really help me because no one can interfere with a battle unless being asked to. When Paige had dropped me I had fell on my back with my eyes closed. My back hit the ground with a thud. I opened my eyes to see a concerned, ancy Death The Kid. I feel like Kid said screw it because right when I looked at him he quickly got out of his chair and went to me. He picked me up, putting me on his back. Man did I feel weak? Hell to the yah! You try taking electricity through your whole entire body and walk off fine and dandy!

Kid's POV.

I looked Stein straight in the eyes waiting for him to yell at me. I couldn't help it, she was just so... helpless. Then I saw the power she had tapped into! She might have made it look like it was nothing to a normal eye but, whoever said I was normal? I mean I am a shinigami. So here I stare straight into the eyes of a mad scientist.

"Kid can you please take (Your Name) to nurse Nygus. I'll take care of Sally and Trinity here." I starred at Stein surprisingly. After a couple of seconds I nodded and quickly left the room. I felt bad for Paige, she would have stay there until her next class.

"Kid you not suppose to help me...dummy." I smiled as I heard (Your Name). I was also quite surprised she was still conscious.

"Now I couldn't just let Paige keep dropping you, probably giving you a concussion now could I?" I heard her give a little laugh but, barely.

"Kid? Is it alright if I pass out on you?"

I smiled sadly but answered "Go ahead." Then I felt her go into a slumber. I pick up my pace, wanting to get (Your Name) to the nurse as fast as possible. Why you may ask? Because of course I can't let my unanswered questions stay unanswered. And this one girl holds nearly all the answers.

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