Chapter Nine - Maka,Soul and Killik,Pot of Fire,Pot of Thunder Battle

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The next days at the academy are fun with your new founded friends. It's Friday now, the weeks gone by fast.

You and Paige were walking to Professor Sids class when you got stop in the hallway by Kid.

Reader's POV.

"What is it Kid?" I ask curiously.

Kid smiles at me and says "Well I wanted to tell you that you'll be going to the EAT class now with me, Liz, Patty, Soul, Maka, Tsubaki, and Black*Star."

Paige was jumping up and down in excitement and even I was smiling happily. "Great! Will you show us where our next class is then?"

Kid nodded and lead the way. After a few twists and turns Kid said "Okay this is it. This is Professor Steins class."

When Kid said Stein something felt different. 'Stein. That sounds familiar. Oh well.' I thought.

We all walked in and me and Paige saw all our friends here. Maka was sitting next to Tsubaki. Black*Star was bragging about something to Soul who really wasn't paying attention. Kid moved to sit down at a seat but I decided to sit next to Maka and Paige sat down next to Patty.

Maka smiled warmly at me and said "Your in here now? That's great! I knew it would only be a matter of time before a great meister like yourself would be in here." I blushed at her comment.

"I wouldn't really consider myself a great meister." I said quietly.

Makas eye nearly shot out of her head when she heard me. "Not a great meister?! Are you kidding me? Your an amazing meister with a powerful soul. I mean I don't think anyone else could wield Paige because of what she can do, hell I still don't get what she did do."

"Yah (Your Name) your a really good meister." Tsubaki said quietly.

I smiled at them and said "Well thank-you and you guys too are amazing meisters. I mean Maka you can do witch hunter?! That's amazing! And Tsubaki can do enchanted sword mode! I don't even know how to comprehend that."? We all giggled.

A man walked in. I guessed he was the teacher because of the lab coat he was wearing. But then if he was a teacher he sure did look different. No differents not the word, more like...familiar. His lab coat had stitches on it in a couple different places, there were actually stitches all over his body including his clothes, shoes, and even face. He had dull grey eyes that matched his scraggly looking hair. His glasses reminded me of Harry Potter glasses but they looked more...menacing. But what stood out the most was the huge screw sticking out on right side of his head. He rolled in on a spinny chair which he was sitting on a peculiar way, backwards.

"Hello class. Today we will be dissecting the new students." The man said. I did the math quickly in my head and came to the conclusion he was talking about me and Paige. My eyes widened. Not because he wanted to dissect me or because I was scared like everybody else I wasn't scared of Stein at all but, because he wanted to dissect Paige!

"Is something I wish I could say but, I can't sadly." The man said.

Maka leaned in and whispered "That's Professor Stein. He's kinda of crazy but he's a good meister or so my mama told me." I nodded my head and looked back at Stein.

"So today class I wanted to see if any of your skills have improved. So I've talked to Lord Death and,we have decided to do this. Each one of you will compete against eachother until it's down to the last four meisters. I say four meisters because some of you have more than one weapon. But after we get the last four meisters, they will get to fight against me and whoever is the last one standing will be awarded by something." Stein announced.

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