Chapter Twenty Three - A Bit Of Tinsel

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A/N: Ohhh second Christmas night, fly your second Christmas kite... -StarFire. Hey guys just wanted to say that you guys are gonna have to view the chapters by clicking on the skip to chapter button because Wattpad messed it up and now there all messed up until Chapter 29. So read this and then go to skip to chapter then find Chapter 24 and read it like that. Do the same for 25 26 27 and 28. Sorry guys I know that's a pain in the booty but that's Wattpad for yah.

"Whoooooo Hooooooo!" Black*Star screamed running out of the academy. I shook my head but smiled at the blue headed boy.

"Yah you know it Black*Star!" Paige yelled running after Black*Star with Patty close behind. Soul sighed with a smile and shook his head.

I smiled and said "Hey Soul go control your girlfriend!"

Soul nodded and started running after her but stopped, turned around and yelled to me "She's not my girlfriend...yet." He grinned and continued running after my weapon. I laughed and shook my head.

I felt someone walk close next to me so I turned and smiled. "Hey Kid." Kid smiled at me and almost looked as if he blushed. For some reason nearly every time he was next to me I would always feel...different.

"Hello how have you been?" He asked with a grin.

I shrugged and said "Fine really. So Kid how are you liking the break we get from the academy?"

He looked forward and was silent. I always wondered what he thinks about. I worry about him...a lot really. I grab Kids hand gently and stop walking, making him stop as well. I look at him with worried eyes and he looks back at me with curious orbs.

"Kid what's wrong?" I ask worried about him...just like always.

Kid smiles and says "Nothing, just thinking is all." He give my hand a gentle squeeze. I don't really believe him but really what can I do? He never likes to worry people.

I smile and nod and we walk back home holding hands and not even noticing it.


Me and Kid finally got home and we walked in. We were instantly blasted with confetti and water. Paige and Patty blew up with laughter.

"PATTY!" "PAIGE!" Both me and Kid said at the same time. I looked at Kid who looked at me with annoyed expression. I smiled and giggled a bit.

I pulled a piece of tinsel from his ebony locks and said "There, now at least your still symmetrical." His eyes widened and his mouth parted in...what exactly? I had no clue, maybe shock but who really knows when dealing with Death The Kid.


I watched as (Your Name) gently pulled, whatever Patty and Paige had put in that bomb, and out of my hair.

She smiled at me which made my heart soar. Her beautiful lips opened to say something. "There, now at least you still symmetrical." My mouth parted and all I felt for this one simple girl was absolute love.

She grinned at me and gently took my hand in hers and turned back to the girls. "Okay you two very funny, but me and Kid are going to be cleaned up so that leaves you two to clean up the mess."

"Paige refuses! I will kick you in the sheens!" Her young weapon yelled.

She just simple smirked and said "Okay then I'll take back your Christmas gifts." Paiges eyes widened and she quickly nodded then headed into the kitchen to get cleaning things.

(Your Name) giggled and led me to my own bathroom in my room. I was still a bit dazed but quickly got out of it once I remember what I was thinking about earlier today.

Phoenix of Death (Death the Kid x reader)Where stories live. Discover now