Chapter Fourteen - The Licking Of Flames

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I had gotten (Your Name) to nurse Nygus as fast as I could. I had told Nygus everything. She had told me to put (Your Name) on the bed. She had done a lot of tests and looked at (Your Name) everywhere checking to see if there was any physical harm.

She finally turned to me satisfied. "Did she out of it at all?"

I shook my head and said "No she was perfectly normal... or as normal as she can be." Nygus nodded and went into another room. I sighed and moved the chair I was in next to (Your Name). I checked her out myself and no I don't mean "check her out". I mean check her out medically. After I was finally satisfied I sat back down and got lost in my own thoughts.

'What did she do? I saw her soul and her hand. What I don't understand is how she exactly shot electricity out of her hand? The kind of power one person could have like that is.... amazing really. She's like a miniature version of my father, you know power wise not appearance wise. But I'm guessing that's how much power my father held within him at that age.... like me.' My eyes went wide and my head shot up. 'Wait she has power in her like my father would have when he was younger.... just like me. Power wise me and her were almost the same or at least I think. I'll have to pay more attention to her when she's fighting since that's when she uses her powers so I can see how much power is inside her exactly. But another question is what exactly is she? I mean no normal meister could have that much power, right? Unless she's like Maka and has black blood in her but, that would make her mad with power. She can't he a witch because that would mean the DWMA would have known and she'd be evil. She can't be a Kishin because well then she'd be.... I would just know. Shinigamis have the abilities to see if a persons a Kishin or not so that's how I know. So what the hell is she?' As I thought this all I didn't even notice (Your Name) was awake and starring straight at me.

I finally felt like I was being watched so I looked down to see a pair of e/c eyes looking towards my way.

"Hi." She said quickly, knowing that her cover had been blown.

I smiled a close mouth smile. "Hello." She smiled at me and blushed. She tried but getting up but quickly stopped. I saw her face twist in pain. "Hey take it easy. You had electricity flow threw your body, your probably gonna be sore." She nodded and layed back down.

"How long have been out?" She asked. I looked at the clock.

"44 minutes exactly." She smiled. I loved her smile..... because a smile can tell a thousand words, which means a smile can answer unanswered questions is what I kept telling myself.

"Of course you would know the exact time Kid." I smiled with no teeth again. My usual smile, a smile that just meant exactly nothing. But the more I looked at her the bigger my smile grew. She looked at me curiously with a sort of shimmer in her eyes.

"What exactly are you smiling at Kid?" She asked.

Thank Death Nygus walked in interrupting our moment.....wait our moment?

"Ahh good your up. Well how do you feel?" Nygus asked. I looked at (Your Name) curious at her.

She just shrugged and said "Well I'm not dead." I sighed at this. She looked at me curiously "What?"

I shook my head smiling "What she meant is how are you feeling. We already know your not dead." Her lips formed an 'o' shape.

"Well I feel actually pretty good. Can I go back to class?"

Nygus shook her head and said "I'm afraid not. You should go home and get some rest. I would say tomorrow you can. Kid your should probably get back to class."

I quickly thought of an excuse and as much ad it pains to lie, I did. "Ah Stein said I should stay with (Your Name). And since she has to go home Stein would probably want me to take her home." I finished my sentence with my usual blank face. Let's just say sadly I have a really really good poker face.

"So Stein wouldn't mind if you skipped class?" Nygus asked suspiciously.

"No he wouldn't mind. He was the one who told me to make sure (Your Name) was alright." I lied through my teeth. To be truthfully honest Stein would probably through a fit with me skipping class once again. He had told me I should only skip class if was for uttter most importance...... to this was utter more importance.

Nygus nodded and said "Okay. If it's ok with Stein then go right ahead Kid. But first drink this (Your Name)." (Your Name) looked at the bottle with suspicion swirling in her eyes. "It just helps to get back your strength. Apparently you used a lot of strength in that battle. Which I'm not surprised, someone must have a lot of strength to have electricity run through your whole body and manage to get up and win the battle." I nodded in agreement.

(Your Name) looked nervous. "Yah I guess." I looked at the bottle now on the bedside table. It was green and about as tall as my wrist. So I guessed we would have to wait a little. But what (Your Name) did next surprised both me and Nygus. (Your Name) took the bottle and poured all the liquid in her mouth with one huge gulp. I starred at her surprised.

She looked at both of us and said "What? Me and Paige have chugging contests all the time." I knew she was lying but, I didn't want to tell Nygus that. How did I know she was lying? Let's just say shinigamis have this sort of sense.

Nygus nodded and said "Well you should be okay to go home now. Be careful and you have any pain you should come back here. Not the hospital because they don't know how to take care of meisters and weapons."

(Your Name) nodded. Nygus gave me one last look and went to the other room.

Readers POV.

I looked towards Kid and asked "Hey Kid? I know I ask this all the time but, can you help me home?" Kid smiled at me and nodded. He held out his hand and I took it. I put one foot down then the other and stood up slowly. Kid was there in case I fell. Thankfully I didn't though, at first my movement were a little shaky but then it was as if the electricity never passed threw my body. Kid looked at curiously probably wondering why I looked so normal after an ordeal like that but surprisingly he just shook it off.

"Ready?" I nodded and we walk out the infirmary, pass Steins room and out the doors of the academy.

As we walked down the steps and down the first couple of blocks Kid looked as if something was bothering him.

"Kid? Is something wrong?" I asked worry spreader across my face.

Kid looked at me then looked back up ahead. "You know you make me think a lot. You make rethink things that I let at peace a long time ago." I looked at Kid surprisingly. I always knew there probably be someone who would get curious of my past life. I just guess I never thought it would be Kid.

"Yah and?" I looked at Kid.

He finally turned to me and said something that made me stop in my tracks. "And I don't want to pry in your past. You can tell me when your ready. No matter how curious you make me, good things always make you wait." I just starred at this unusual young boy. He had on of those blank faces again.

"I don't understand you at all."

Kid raise and eyebrow and replied "Join the party." I smiled at this boy, he smiled back and we continued walking down the sidewalk to my house.

I had been looking down at the sidewalk when Kid stopped in his tracks. I looked up him curiously. His mouth was wide opened. "Kid what's wrong?" I looked into his ember eyes and saw something else. I finally turned and looked at my house.

Flames were dancing along the roof of the house. They circled around the glass that was now steaming from the heat. I heard crackles as the flames ate up my house. I looked down to see flames licking at my feet. I quickly moved back muttering only one word. "Crackers."

A/N: Muhahahaha cliff hanger! And boom posted two chapters in one day! I feel pretty proud just saying. Well you can thank that to music. I decided to just sit down put my head phones in and write. I'm gonna have to say the next couple chapters are were the story is probably gonna take off, I'm not gonna make any promises though. P.S I do not own Kid, you, nor do I own any other Soul Eater characters mentioned in this book. But I do own Jenna, DJ, Taylor, Dylan and Paige. So in the words of Paige to end this chapter: VWHAT?!

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