Chapter Seventeen - Hide And Seek

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A/N: I'm back!!!!!!!! I missed this story so much and I'm glad that all you fateful readers are still there, sticking by my side threw thick and thin! I wov you all sooooo much! You all should be thanking a Wattpad user by the name of purple4812 because she was the one who told me what I had to do to get it back! I thank all my Wattpad friends for reading my other sucky story, It Takes Time. I also thank all you fateful readers that read and liked  Raising Death The Kid, which I'll still be continuing.Okay enough with all that fluff lets get back to the story you all have been waiting for very patiently. In the words of Paige "Ain't not ing gonna get me down!" P.S I do not own Kid, you, nor do I own any Soul Eater characters mentioned in this story.

I woke up to the rape smiling sun peaking threw Kids window. Wait Kids window? It all comes rushing back to me. Our house burning down, Kid offering to let us stay with him, Kid carrying me to his home, me having a nightmare in Kids presence, and then asking Kid to stay with me until I fell asleep.

I slowly looked up and smiled at the shinigami sleeping so quietly. He looked like an angel when he slept even though he's the complete opposite.

With out even realizing what I'm doing my hand slowly cups Kids cheek. Then it moves up to his hair and I push his hair back and out of his eyes. I stare at him breathing ever so lightly, his chest moving up and down with every breath he consumes.

I smile but then wonder if Paige is home from school yet. So with my new found curiosity I slowly get out of Kids bed and walk to the door. I take one last glace at Kid and smile then walk out the door to the hallway.

I walk around the house going downstairs curious as to what this huge mansion holds within it. I go to the kitchen and look at all the symmetrical things which includes the refrigerator and the food inside it. I sighed but smile and walk upstairs to look at the bedrooms.

I go past Kids and to the next one. I open it up and immediately know this is Patty's room. How do I know? Because everything is giraffe print and if its not then it's some neon color. I slowly close the door and keep going. I walk and see a painting, I stop to look at it.

"Hey, (Your Name)."

"EEEEEEAP!" I screamed and fell down.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Liz says quickly. I nod and get up making sure I didn't have a heart attack.

"Hey Liz."

She smiles and says "Hey I was just going to get Patty and Paige from the park if you want to come." I nod my head.

She goes back to her room and grabs her coat while I leave a note for Kid. She comes back downstairs and we leave. We walk silently until we get to the park and see them both.

"Come on pony!" Patty yelled on top of Paige. Paige sounded like a horse and carried Patty around playfully.

"What are you two brats doing?" I yell with a smile. Paige turns as does Patty and they both smile. Patty gets off Paige and helps her up. They both walk over to us smiling.

"You two punks ready to go?" I ask with mischievous grin. Paige and Patty both smile wickedly.

"Nah ah, you have to play hide and seek with us first." I starred at Paige like she was nuts. I shook my head in disbelief then looked at Liz for help.

Liz sighed. "Fine we'll play one game but that's it." Patty and Paige high fives really hard causing the slap to echo and and leave redness on their hands.

I starred at Liz like she was nuts now! Liz saw my look of insanity. "If we play with them then they'll get tired out and we'll have a peaceful night." I looked at Liz entirely different was more of a look like your a fluffing genius!

I smiled and nodded quickly then turned to the two young girls. "Okay, so who's it?" Then grinned evilly then...

"NOT IT!" Paige screamed.

"NO IT!" Patty.

"Not it!" Liz said quickly. I looked at Liz, so much for us being a team. Liz sees me starring at her and whispers "Every girl for themselves." I just shake my head at her.

"Fine. What do I have to count to?" I ask already annoyed.

"50." Paige replies with a big smile. I roll my eyes and go over and count. 50 seconds later


"Come out, come out where ever you are!" I yell looking for them. I smile evilly. It wouldn't be considered cheating if I used my soul perception, right? But before I can use it I already see Liz just standing near the slide looking bored. I walk over to her slowly and quietly.

"Ahh...found you. Oh and your not a good hider either." I say.

She shrugs and follows me trying to look for the others. "When you've been with Patty for as long as I have, you learn to always to the easy way out." I grin and nod in agreement.

I turn on soul perception and look around. I finally see a pink bubbly soul...Patty's. I turn off soul perception and look to see where Patty is hiding. She's surprisingly hiding in a big tree. I walk over to the trunk of the tree and smile. "Patty I found you!" Patty's head pops out of the leaves of the tree and smiles.

"Mmmm Kay! Coming!" Patty jumps out of the tree only for Liz to catch her. Liz barely does it but when she does she scolds Patty which Patty returns with a simple smile.

I sigh and shake my head with a smile. Then I hear a blood curdling scream coming from the nearby alley. I turn my head and hear someone yell "(Your Name)!" I know who's voice that is.....its Paiges.

I quickly run to the alley with Liz and Patty at my heels. I stop when reaching the alley way and see a horrifying sight. Paige is on her butt back up to a wall with a huge Kishin over her, saliva dripping from its disgusting yellow teethed mouth.

I hear Liz yell to Patty to turn in her pistol form. I see then shooting at the Kishin which annoys the hell out of him. He turns around ready to kill whoever interuppted his meal. He sees Liz shooting at him and within a blink of an eye the Kishin is in front of Liz and Patty. With his massive hand he back hand slaps Liz into the brick wall. Patty turns back inti her human form but is knocked unconscious sadly. I know their both alive because I can see their souls.

While I was distracted the Kishin had made its way back to Paige.

Paige looked at the Kishin frightened. The Kishin raised its huge hand and swiped at Paige with his dangerously sharp claws. Using my power I teleport to in front of her. I use my arm to block my face. Either way I knew I was gonna die. I had one last thought going threw my head as I waited for the blow to come...

'Goodbye world...'

A/N: HA! To kick off about getting Phoenix Of Death back I ended this with one of my favorites...CLIFF HANGER!

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