Chapter Seven - The Mysterious Purple Eyed Boy

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A/N: Ok before you guys get to the story I would first like to thank-you to all the people who have read Phoenix of Death. At first when I started this I thought 'Hell I'll be lucky if I even get one person to read this.' Well now I know there are more than just one person, there are about 293 since the last time I checked! So I would just like to thank-you for all the readers and how about on chapter nine I'll do a shout out to all of the people I can find who read my story! I would say chapter eight but everyone knows chapter eight is always the best in a Death the Kid fan fiction or x reader. But anyway guys enough with me lets get on with the story! I do not own Death the Kid, you, or any Soul Eater characters mentioned in this. I do however own Paige, Jenna, DJ, Taylor, and Dylan. So in the words of Paige I DON'T GIVE A CARE...BEAR!!!!!!!!

After Kid had talked to us he had to hurry and get back to his class with Maka and Black*Star who indeed was still on the ground, Tsubaki had to carry him.

But when they left Paige and I got a lot of questions threw at as.

First Jenna came up and asked "Hey how did you train your weapon to do that?"

"Do what?" I asked playing dumb.


I rubbed my ear and said "You don't have to shout and a magician never reveals her secret." I grinned wickedly.

Taylor walked over all smug like and said "Huh, well what her weapon can do can't be to special if she can't even tell us what she did." I felt Paige glare at her.

I was right about to say something but Paige beat me to it by saying "Well at least we lasted longer than you or your partner." I smiled at Paige. She could have her moments, I will say that.

Taylor just stood and glared straight at Paige. It was my turn to be cocky. "Take a picture it will last longer." Paige giggled at my comment. Taylor turned towards me and lip pulled up in disgust. Knowing that she was beat Taylor walked away from everyone and sat back down at her seat and read.

'No way in hell are me and her getting along.' I thought quickly.

"Hey. Umm... that was a good fight. Your a really good meister." Taylor's partner, Dylan, said.

I smiled at him and replied "Yah you probably would have done an amazing job if you sucky ass meister hadn't gotten hit so quickly."

Dylans eyes widened and said "Taylor's not that bad when you get to know her." He casted his eyes down.

I shrugged and said "Whatever you say. Anyway it was nice to meet you." I grabbed Paige who had been listening the whole time and started walking out of the classroom. Just in time the teacher yelled class was over.

Paige looked at me and smiled. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye and asked "What you smiling at. Also why is it I never see you not smiling?"

Paige just simply shrugged and replied by saying "I don't know. But what I do know is that someone likes you." I looked at Paige, surprised by her words.

Out of curiosity I asked "Who?"

Paige grinned like a two year old at candy store the said "Dylan." I felt a blush rise in my cheeks. Paige fell over giggling hysterically.

I simply rolled my eyes and said "Come on idiot." I started walking away. Still hearing the sound of Paiges laughter.


A lot of my other classes went by a bore. But a couple where very...interesting. I soon realized that even though I knew no one in Professor Sids class like Maka, Soul, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, Kid or even Black*Star, I had a lot of them in my other classes. Especially one person in particular... Kid.

I would always steal glances at the young OCD boy. Sometimes I would get away with it and then most times he would see me looking at him. I would quickly look away and blush. One time when he caught me and I looked away but then I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and saw him grinning.

Me and Paige had just gotten done with our last class and we were walking down the hallway. I was talking to Paige who always never stopped talking.

"Hey what do you think of Soul?" She asked me.

"I don't. He's a nice guy or in his words a cool guy." I giggled at the last part.

Paige glared at me and said "Hey leave him alone. He is a cool guy." Paige paused a moment before quietly asking "Do you think he's cute?"

My head shot directly toward her. I was right about to say something until Paige said "Watch out!"

I spun around only to run directly into someone. I fell to the ground, my head slammed against the ground. I felt dizzy but surprisingly didn't get knocked out.

"Oh my Death! I'm so sorry are you ok? Here let me help you up." I heard a deep male voice say.

All of a sudden my vision was blocked off by a very handsome boy. He put his hand out for me to grab. I took his hand a lifted me up using both his hands.

I took a step back to get a better look at him. He had midnight black shaggy hair almost like Kids but more...scruffy. He was tall, about one inch taller than you, actually he was about Kids height. But what stood out the most was his violet eyes. He was starring at me while I starred at him. I blushed and quickly look away.

"I'm really sorry about that. I didn't see you." He said in a apologetic voice.

I look at him and say "Its fine. It was my fault anyway. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

He smiled at me and says "Well its nice to meet you. My names Damien." Damien put his hand out.

I smiled back at him and said "Its nice to meet you too, Damien. I'm (Your Name)." I grabbed his hand and shook it.

"Ahh.. (Your Name) do you want to go to Deaths cafe with me today?" Damien asked.

I coughed awkwardly and said "Sorry I have plan today. And I'm not just saying that because I don't want to go with you because I really do because I think your pretty cute and-"

"Ahh Damien is it? Sorry but we have to go before (Your Name) says something she'll regret." Paige said with a giggle.

I simply nodded.

"Oh ok. Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Bye (Your Name)" Damien said sadly. And with that Damien walked away and out of the academy.

I looked at Paige and said "Thanks for stopping that before I said anything embarrassing." We started walking down the hallway and out of the academy to our house, waiting for Patty, Liz, and Kid to show up. All of a sudden I remembered something.

"Wait do you think Souls cute?" I looked at Paige grinning.

Paige blushed fifty shades of red and quickly said "I don't want to talk about it." And with that she ran up ahead of me, running all the way to our house.

I laughed and said aloud "Oh I can't wait to use this against her." I grinned wickedly.

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