Chapter Twenty Nine - Teleportation

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A/N: ? that is how I start off this authors note because...all the chapters are mixed up! Well at least for me they are because I type them out on a piece of crap phone so maybe in the comments if you could tell me are they really all messed up or is that just my phone? But if they are then can you guys just go by the chapters on the title and then you won't be so confused. But anyway we left off where I was getting dressed and Kid flipped out because he was in the same room. And yes it is where I left off in the story even though WATTPAD is being poop. P.s I do not own Kid, you, nor do I own any Soul Eater characters mentioned in this story.

Both me and Kid had gotten dressed in separate rooms. I went downstairs and saw a note on the table from Paige, Patty, and Liz.

Dear (Your Name) Me, Patty, and Liz went to the mall so we could get you and Kid something for Christmas. Don't worry you can still take me Christmas shopping since I know how much you absolutely love it! Love, Paige.....and Patty and Liz.

I grinned at the note then felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I felt a chin rest on my shoulder reading the note I had in my hands.

"So then we have the whole house to ourselves?" Kid kissed my neck making shivers run up my spine.

"Yep..." Was all I could say. The telephone rang so I managed to sneak out of Kids arms and answer the phone.

"Hello?" I asked as I heard Kid chuckle.

"Hello? Is Kid there? Or someone?"

"Ah yah your speaking to (Your Name)." I said as Kids arms found their way around my waist once again. Kid nipped at my neck making me smile. "Kid stop it, I'm on the phone."

"Oh (Your Name)! Well it's Tsubaki. Me and Black*Star were gonna go to the arcade so we were wondering if you, Paige, Patty, Liz and Kid would like to come. We already called Maka and she said she was studying."

I grinned and said "Oh well it's just ahhhh *Kid lightly kisses my neck.* oh me and Kid here but we wou- mmmm *Kid moving the trails of kisses to the top of my spine.* yah yah me and Kid would love to come! See you there!" I quickly hung up and teleported away from Kids kisses. I grinned as he noticed me a couple feet away from him.

He laughed and asked "So who was on the phone?" He went into the kitchen and I followed.

"Tsubaki. She wanted to know if we would like to go to the arcade with her and Black*Star. I told her it was just us and that we would be coming. If you think about it, it's kinda like a double date."

Kid raised his eyebrow and grinned. "Black*Star and Tsubaki huh? You caught on to their little glances at eachother too then?"

I giggled and said "Yah, I didn't think anyone else did but me. They hide it pretty well."

"Yah well I'm very observant. Even ask my father, at times I don't even like his judgment."

"Oh yah if your still so observant then how come you didn't notice that I had the same feelings you have for me, mmm Mr. Observant?"

Kid took a bite of a apple then pointed to his mouth and shrugged. Signaling that he couldn't talk because of his stuff mouth. "Yah huh, sure, get your shoes on."

"Okay." He said perfectly fine with a grin. I rolled my eyes but giggled.

I got on my black flats and Kid had went back upstairs. A couple minutes later he came back down wearing a gray shirt with a black coat over it and to top it all off a light gray scarf. He also wore black jeans and just plain and simple shoes.

I smiled at the little outfit he put together because it was perfectly symmetrical. "Cute and symmetrical." He grinned and nodded as I got my coat and put it on.

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