Chapter Thirty Two - Jealousy Is A Bitch

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I woke up the next morning with the sun shining in my eyes perfectly. I opened my eyes fully and saw that I was in one of the infirmary beds. I looked over to see Kid sleeping on the chair I had fallen asleep in. Kid must have carried me to the bed last night.

I smiled and got up and closed the curtains that always seemed to be waking people up.

"(Your Name)?" I quickly turned around and saw Paige looking at me. I smiled and quickly went over to her.

"Paige, your awake!" I said happily.

She grinned and said "Yah, you underestimate my abilities in living. I mean come on I would be like the fourth to last person to die in the Hunger Games, give me some credit here." I grinned and shook my head at the young weapon.

"Well then are you hungry?" I asked.

She nodded and said "Yah but I can my own food. I don't any of your pity help silly foop." She joked.

I raised my eyebrow and said "No to bad, at least let Kid pick you up."

Paige rolled her eyes and mumbled "Where's Soul?"

I smirked and asked "Why? Got something to tell me huh, huh, huh?" She blushed red and started to stutter.

"N-no! Of course not! Wh-what w-would I ahh...exactly have to umm...tell you?!" I rolled my eyes. She just makes it to obvious. Now no one knows about me and Kid because well....we're actually good at keeping secrets!

I shook my head and smirked. "He's worried sick about you."

Her eyes widened and she said quickly "Ohh, please go get him for me!" I giggled and nodded.

I opened the door and who do I find sitting in the hallway? None other than Soul Eater Evans himself.

His eyes widened when he saw me. He quickly stood up and asked so fast "HOW'SPAIGE?!ISSHEOKAY?!"

"Ahh...she wants you." Soul quickly ran inside. I decided to give them some time alone. I shut the door quietly and started walking the hallways.


I saw Soul and instantly I smiled happily. He saw me and a smile broke out on his face. I giggled and held out my arms to him. He quickly came over and gave me a big hug and kissed my cheek.

"You worried me. I thought I lost you." He gently whispered in my ear.

I pulled back and smiled softly at him. "You underestimate my strength Soul. I'm not gonna leave you here alone with flat chest." Soul chuckled lightly at that.

He caressed my cheek gently and leaned in to kiss my lips.

His lips pressed against mine and wow. Bang. Fireworks immediately exploded on my lips.

I felt his sharp teeth nibble on my bottom lip a little making me giggle. Man...if (Your Name) saw me... whooo she probably pry Soul off me and beat him to a pulp. I can't wait till she finds someone so I can make fun of her.


I silently slipped out as Soul and Paige had started to lock lips. Sorry but I didn't want to listen to that.

I walked the halls until the person that made me happy...(Your Name).

She looked up and smiled a beautiful symmetrical smile. I had found out that was the only symmetrical thing about her actually. It didn't bother me though for some reason.

I smiled back and she took my hand and started leading me somewhere.

I chuckled and asked "Where are we going if I may ask?"

She giggled and said "Where aren't we going?"

I smirked. Oh so she wants to play that game huh? "Why would we even being going to a certain place when we're already at a certain place?" I totally got her.

"Why wouldn't we go to a certain place since the certain place we are at is the same certain place, if we go to the certain place then that certain place will be new to us." My mouth dropped and I actually didn't know how to respond to that one.

She turned a corner then pushed me against a wall. She leaned up and put her arms around me neck and started kissing me. I smiled in the kiss and my arms found their way around her waist. I pulled her closer to me never wanting to let my little Phoenix go.

She stopped right when I was about to slip my tongue in. She rested her forehead against mine making me smile. When we first met I noticed that she always made me smile a lot more like. . .

"I love you Death The Kid." She looked straight into my golden hues.

I smiled and looked into her beautiful eyes that I loved. "I love you too (Your Name)." I actually truthfully didn't know her last name. Would it be Gorgon? I didn't like it and she probably didn't either so I said screw it.

But I did love this one single girl...and only her.


I glared at (Your Name). Kid was my man! That little bitch, me and Kid are suppose to be together.

I mean yah I've liked Kid for awhile now and my feelings for him have progressed by a lot. And now I see some bitch with a weird soul steal him? Hell no!

Maka Auburn will not stand for this! One way or another...

Kid. Will. Be. Mine.

A/N: DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN! Oh I was gonna have this end with a cliff hanger but I decided not too. And also I do not ship Maka and Kid. I was gonna make it be Liz who was jelly but I made her sound to sweet and nice to you in the story. So she can't be a bitch and be like GET OFF MY MAN BE ATCH! So yah I made it Maka. And no I do not ship Soul and Maka...THEIR JUST FRIENDS! But yah anyway hope you liked this chapter it was kinda cool doing different POVs. But anyway guys thank you very much, PEETA OUT!

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