Chapter Eight - Shiniwhaty?

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I got home and instead of torturing Paige with her crush I just went straight to my room to lay down.

"Damn it! My head hurts." I say aloud while rubbing where my head had bounced off the hard academy floor.

I looked at the clock which read 5:30. I sigh because Liz, Patty, and Kid were coming at 6:00 sharp. Meaning no later and no sooner.

'What to do? What to do?' I thought quietly to myself. I tried to think of something to do but all I could think of was Kid.

'Lord Deaths son was warm. He doesn't look anything like Lord Death. I mean what was I thinking? That he would look like a miniature version of Lord Death himself! And what was with those three cute white stripes in his hair about? I wonder what exactly Kid is. Also where's his mom? Wait does he have a mom? Wow this boy makes me really confused. Maybe I should just ask him... nah.' I thought about all this quietly to myself but what I couldn't get out of my head were those eyes.

I sat up in bed. I must've done it to fast though because my head got a major headache. I grabbed my head in pain but still got up and walked over to my desk. I grabbed a pencil and a blank piece of paper.

When ever things made me curious I would always draw them out. And right now Kid was on mind.

After awhile and I was finally satisfied I took a good look at what I had just drew. My head tilted to the side and I smiled my crooked smile then I giggled a little. I had drew Kids eyes. I grabbed colored pencils and started coloring the pair of eyes now starring back at me. I didn't have a two different shades of yellow so I went creative.

I had drew two rings around  his pupil. I colored the outside ring a regular yellow then on the inside pupil I color that in yellow then take the orange and lightly press it against the yellow. After finally getting the color I wanted I take the black and color in the pupil. I almost think I'm gonna break the black because I'm pressing on it as hard as I can but when I'm finally done the black is still good.

I take a good look at the now ember eyes. "Wow." I say aloud when I look ay them. They look exactly like Kids. I smile to myself. I look at the clock and see that its 5:55.

"Wow where did the time go?" I wonder aloud. I get up and look at myself in the mirror. I take my shoes off and my shirt then my pants and other things. I get new clothes and take a quick five minute shower. When I get out I decide to just let my hair dry naturally like always. I quickly get dressed and go downstairs.

I see Paige and Patty on the floor with their IPods playing some game together. I look over to see Liz on the couch painting her nails a very, very neon pink. I almost gag at the sight but instead ask "Hey where's Kid?"

Paige and Patty ignore me, thankfully. But Liz takes a break from her nails and says "Oh he's not coming. He had to do something about the mansion because I guess it was unsymmetrical." Liz shrugs her shoulders and goes back to painting her nails. I sigh and think 'Great now what am I gonna do?'

Just like a tidal wave, an idea hits me. I quickly grab my coat and look back at Paige and say "Hey I'm going for a walk. Your in charge of the house."

"Don't worry I'll burn it down for you." Paige says not even looking up from her IPod.

I shake my head at her and smile then say while walking out of the house "Wouldn't have it any other way."


I finally make it to my destination and knocked on the door. I hear a lot of different things going on in the house and then I hear a yell saying "Come in!"

I quickly open the door and take off my shoes. When I look back up I see things that amaze me.

"Perfectly symmetrical." Kid says walking into the room I'm in. I smile at him. He looks confused for a moment.

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