Chapter Thirty Three - Heart Broken

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I do not own Death The Kid. you nor do I own any Soul Eater characters mentioned in this story. I do however own my OC's like Paige, Trinity, Sally, Taylor, Dylan, Jenna, and DJ.

Paige, Liz and Patti have been in the hospital for about a week. Paige had a cast on her arm, Liz had a cast on her leg and Patti wasn't allowed to move at all.

At the moment I was sitting in Liz and Patti's hospital room with Liz playing gold fish.

"Got any...2's?" I asked eyeing Paige.

She coughed awkwardly and said "Nooooope."

I shook my head and knew she was lying. "Paige.. your lying. I can tell.. idiot."

She pretended to be hurt by grabbing her heart. "Hoe dare you call me a lier. I thought we had some-" She stopped when one of her cards dropped revealing a 2.

I raised my eyebrow at her and grinned. "Excuse me?"

She coughed and faked a surprise look. "Oh my God! A 2 just magically appeared in my hand!" I shook my head and picked up the two.

"I win." I simply said with a smile. I got up and dusted my booty off. "Kay play for second winner. I'm gonna go take a walk." Truthfully I was going to find Kiddo.




I nodded and walked out the door. I walked down the hallway and saw Black*Star the brag. I quickly turned a lot of corners just to get away from him.

I turned around and smiled when I didn't see him. "Good, I lost hi-" I was turning around when I saw. . .


I put my hands behind my back after just walking out of the Death Room. Me and my father had yet another awkward talk but when don't we?

I sighed just thinking about it.

     Lord Death And Kids Talk

"Father why did you want to see me?" I asked in my usual monotonous voice.

"Oh come on now Kiddo! Today is a celebration!" He jumped around happily.

I raised my eyebrow questioningly at him. "Celebration?"

He nodded and said "Today is the day when your mother died!" My eyes widened. Wait...what?!

"M-m-my mother?"

"Yuparoo! Don't you remember Kiddo?" He asked concerned.

I shook my head and said "I didn't even know I had a mother."

"Really? Mmm maybe you were to young to remember." I nodded in agreement.

"Father? Could...could you tell me about her?" I asked hoping he would say yes.

The room was so silent that I was sure Asura himself would break threw the wall.

Finally after who knows how long he quietly said "No."

I became angry. Why couldn't he just tell me something about the mother I couldn't remember?! And why the hell would this be a celebration?! Shouldn't it be mourning?

I shook my head and glarred at my father. "Fine." I said with a icy cold tone and liquid poison dripping from the letters. I turned around and walked out of the damn room.

I was angry no I was furious. I needed to calm down but couldn't I needed (Your Name), she's the only one that can calm me down.

I turned the corner and saw Maka. I quickly went over to her and asked "Maka, have you seen (Your Name)?"

She rolled her eyes and signed. "Why are you even with her Kid? She's not meant for you I mean have you seen her soul? It's weird, like she's trying to hide something."

It's because she's a witch and she has to do a spell to hide her soul. it makes it look like a normal meister soul but it does look suspicious. I'll have to tell her later. Truthfully I would love to see her real soul though.

"So is that a no?" I asked.

She walked closer to me and caressed my cheek. I raised a eyebrow and stepped back."Oh Kid... me and you were meant to be can't you see? Your a shinigami and me with my anti-madness wavelength. We would be the perfect couple." She walked closer to and outlined my lips. I stepped back again but ran into a wall...damn.

She pressed herself against me and I turned my head away from her trying to escape. But if I did move Maka would get hurt and I don't like to hurt my friends.

"Maka what are you-" I was interrupted when Makas shoved her tongue into my mouth. She moaned and my eyes widened.

I tried pushing her off gently but she had a tight grip on me. Eww I didn't want her kissing me!

"Kid?" I turned my head and saw (Your Name) with tears running down her face. My eyes widened and I didn't care anymore, I shoved Maka to the ground. I didn't care anymore because (Your Name) is hurt.


... Kid and Makas locking lips.

"Kid?" I said as I looked at the scene in front of me. Tears streamed down my face.

Kid pushed Maka off and came over to me quickly. He cupped my cheek and his skin felt so warm against mine. "(Your Name) I swear to you it wasn't what it looked like. I love yo-" Kid was interrupted when I slapped him so hard across the face that it stung my hand badly.

My hand print was highlighted in red on Kids cheek. It was even worse than normal since Kids skin was so pale.

"I don't want to hear it. I don't ever want" I just shook my head and turned around quickly and ran as fast as my legs would take me. I twisted threw corners and ran down the hallway then to the academys front door. I opened and ran outside. I slammed right into Black*Star.

We both fell over and Black*Star glarred at me. "HEY YOU JUST PUSHED A BIG- hey, (Your Name) are you okay?" I shook my head and started crying.

Tsubaki quickly came to me kneeled down to me. "Where foes it hurt?" She asked thinking I was hurt by Black*Star.

I stuttered out "M-m-my h-hhea- heart..." Her eyes widened and immediately she understood. She hugged me tightly and gently rubbed my back.

I cried into her shoulder and just couldn't believe it.

My tiny heart that belonged to Kid was now shattered into millions, billions of shards. How could he? After I told him my whole life story, my secrets that even Paige doesn't know, he was the first person that...that I loved. He made me feel loved as well and all of that was gone. I felt broken and didn't know what to do.


(Your Name) slowly cried her eyes out then fell asleep slowly exhausted. I sighed and said quietly "Black*Star please pick her up for me?" He nodded a bit confused.

He picked her up bridal style and I stood up. I nodded for him to follow me. I decided to take her back to Paige and just tell her she fell down and got hurt.

"What did Kid do now?" I asked aloud quietly.

A/N: . . . °_°

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