Chapter 12

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Jay's P.O.V.

Marcus Cicero once said the life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living

"Okay thanks" Erin said as she put the phone down. She stood up and grabbed her jacket and knocked on the outside of Voight's office

"What's going on?" Atwater asked. I looked up at her just when Voight walked out of his office

"We gotta get to Chicago Med. It's Taylor" She announced

I stood up without any hesitation I stood up, grabbed my jacket and headed to the stairs. My heart was racing the entire ride over there. We went in one car and the sirens were on. I kept replaying everything that happened the night before in my head. Get the hell out of my house! That was echoing everywhere. After getting to the hospital I ran into through the emergency room and noticed people wheeling someone in to a room

I slowed down and began walking towards them but Adam and Alvin were there. Looks like we got here same time they did "Is that her?" I asked pointing to someone they just wheeled in a room "Is that really Taylor?" I continued to walk but Alvin held me back. Tears were already forming in my eyes

"Jay, just hold on" Alvin said holding me back

I couldn't believe what was going on "Oh my god" I covered my face with my hands and turned around. We just had a fight, I had just seen her last night. Then this happens

We all walked over to the waiting room. The entire team waited around to hear any news about her

"Where's Antonio?" Erin asked

"He had to take care of a few things. But he's not answering his phone" Voight said

I had my arms crossed and leaned against the wall "What happened?"

"Her car was parked out front. We knocked a couple times but she wouldn't answer. I peeked inside the window and saw a body but I didn't know it was her. We broke the door and went inside. We checked every room but they were clear. Then I saw it was her laying on the kitchen floor. She barely had a pulse but I took off my jacket and tried to stop the bleeding. She was out cold. I couldn't tell what kind of wounds she had, there was too much blood" Adam explained

Everyone stayed silent as we waited, and waited "We need to head back to intelligence. We are going to make it our mission to find whoever did this to her" Voight said as he took a couple steps "Jay, stay here with her. If there's any update"

"You guys will be the first I will call" I said to him. He held out his hand and I shook it

Everyone all began to leave while I sunk into the chair. I waited for maybe an hour later before Dr. Rhodes walked up to me

"Jay" He called out

I stood up from the chair "How is she?"

He exhaled "She's lost a lot of blood, she had several stab wounds in her abdomen and one cut on her arm. They were severe but luckily non hit her arties. Do you know how long she was bleeding for?"

I shook my head "We don't know yet" I said

Dr. Rhodes let out a sigh "Well, she had been bleeding for quite awhile, because she lost over 40% of her blood"

I glanced at the ground "Oh my god" I said under my breath

"I was able to stitch up her wounds but I did notice she had a serious head injury"

"Head injury?" I asked

He nodded "Now because of the amount of blood loss and the trauma to her head. I'm afraid she's being put in life support"

I looked at him in disbelief "Life support? As in brain dead?" I could feel my heart sinking already

"No she isn't brain dead. She's just not able to breath on her own due to the trauma on her head. We have a machine that's helping her breath right now. We're going to keep running more test but as soon as the swelling goes down" Dr. Rhodes explained

I couldn't believe everything I was hearing. I didn't want to. I just want her to be okay "Can I see her?" My voice cracked

He nodded "206. Upstairs in the ICU" He moved aside. I walked straight passed him and headed to the elevator while I took out my phone


Erin sat at her desk going through a file when the phone rang. She picked it up "Yea" She paused for almost a minute "Okay, thanks" She hung up and stood up from her desk "Hey guys" Everyone turned their attention to her "I just got word from Jay at Chicago Med. Taylor's on life support"

Everyone stayed silent, they all knew it wasn't good. Mouse came out from a room and headed to the board "Okay, I found that Taylor had two cameras. One facing her front door" He explained grabbing everyone's attention as they faced him "Now at 7 o'clock this morning this guy walks up to her front steps" He puts a picture of someone wearing a black hoodie on the board "The second she opens the door he rams in. Then at 7:05 he walks back out shuts the door behind him and walks away. Now the other camera she had was facing the street. It shows the same guy walking to this SUV" He says putting another image on the board "I ran the license plates and it came back to a Jacob Garcia. I already sent the address to your phones"

Voight nodded "Okay, let's go" Everyone stood up and they all walked


I stood outside the door and watched Taylor through the window. Not 30 minutes ago Dr. Rhodes told me she's on life support, and yet I still can't believe it. I turned around when I heard rapid footsteps approaching. Great, just who I don't want to see. Antonio, and he's late. Shows how deeply he cares about her

"Hey, I just got word. How is she?" Antonio asked as he approached

I held up my hand "Don't even come close"

He looked at me "What? Jay I was busy I didn't have my phone with me. What happened?" He looked through the window beside me

"I don't care where you were. I know about you and Taylor. The fact that I don't appreciate you lying to me about that"

He sighed "Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you. We were"

"That doesn't matter. Your 10 years older than her"

He shook his head "Jay, age doesn't matter"

"Yes it does. But right now I want you to stay the hell away from her"

Antonio scoffed in disbelief "What? Come on, let me see her"

Jay stood in front of him preventing him from going inside "No. My sister is on life support. I don't care how long you have been seeing her. Stay away from her"

I could see he was getting infuriated, but so was I "Get out of here"

His eyes lite up with fire. He took a couple steps back "Damn!" He yelled making a couple people turn to us. I kept a straight face and watched as he left

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