Chapter 33

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JB Carlson once said Everything will be fine in the end. If it's not fine, it's not the end.

Taylor's P.O.V.

I wasn't going to work that day because I was packing. Voight had already known but no one else on the team knew; well expect for Jay now.


Jay flipped through his records he was working on. He was already at work and so was everyone else. It had already been two hours since everyone clocked in. Jay slightly picked up his head to see Taylor's desk empty. He already missed her; and she hadn't even left yet


He lifted his head when he heard a whisper; it was Antonio sitting at his desk and looking at him. Jay turned all his attention to him "What's up?"

"Where's Taylor? She should already be here"

He sighed. Jay kept thinking if he should tell her; but then again Taylor should be the one to tell him "What is up between you two?"

Antonio exhaled knowing Jay was going to ask sooner or later; guess it was sooner "I uh, I"

"I think you should just talk to Taylor" Jay said before continuing his work

The Next Day

Antonio's P.O.V.

I finally worked up the courage to go talk to Taylor. She hadn't been at work these past two days. I began walking to her porch steps until I saw the front door open and Will walk out with a box

"Don't drop it. That has valuable stuff inside" Taylor said to Will

He chuckled "Yea, yea" He continued to towards the car "Hey Dawson" He nicked his head up to me

"Hey" I said before I walked up the porch and approached Taylor "Hi"

"What are you doing here?" She asked

"I was hoping I could talk to you" I said out of nervousness

She stepped aside and I walked in. I was surprised to see what I saw. Everything was packed up in boxes, her living room was practically gone "What's going on?"

"Oh, uh. Yea. About all this" She began, I could hear the nervousness in her voice. I turned around to face her waiting for her to continue "I'm uh, moving"

"Moving where?"

"Oh uh"

"Hey" Taylor turned to see Will approaching "I'm sorry to interrupt but we got to get going. Actually we had to have left 30 minutes ago but you take forever to get ready"

Taylor chuckled "Yea" She turned to me "Look, I really have to go"

I was trying to find out what to say but she was already at the doorway. I walked up to her and was about to speak when I heard my phone ring. I picked my phone out of my pocket and checked it. Damn, couldn't have come at a bad time. It was Laura saying it was an emergency about the kids "I gotta go. I'll talk to you soon" I departed from the steps and took off

Jay's P.O.V.

"She really left?" Mouse asked as we all stood around the room

"What she was offered was a great opportunity" Voight said

Everybody was here except for Antonio, I'm guessing he was with her now. I looked down at my phone to check the time. Actually she should be boarding at the airport already

"Well, were happy for her. Even if we didn't get to say goodbye" Adam said

Everybody slowly nodded

"Okay, lets get back to work" Voight said as he turned around and walked into his office

Everyone went back to their desk while I did too. I pulled out my phone again and Taylor texted me telling me she was already boarded and setting her phone on airplane mode.

For the rest of the day I was up and down completing files. To my surprise Antonio never came back to work. I finally got home after a pretty long day and went straight to the fridge. I opened it and grabbed a beer. Boy do I need this. I walked over to the couch and sat down while I opened the beer. I exhaled and brought it up to my lips

Before I could take a swallow I heard a knock on the door. I sighed in a small frustration and stood up to answer it. I opened the door and to my surprise I saw Antonio

"Hey, sorry it's late but can I talk to you?"

I nodded and stepped aside "You want a beer?" I asked as he walked in

"No thanks"

I closed the door and we walked to the living room while I took another sip of my beer "What's up?"

"I went to Taylor's earlier. She was packed up but didn't tell me where she was going. Do you know?"

I swallowed almost hard "She didn't tell you?"

Antonio shoved his hands in his pockets and shook his head

"She uh, got this great opportunity to better her career. She moved to North Carolina"

His eyes almost popped out "Your serious?"

I nodded "Yea, she texted me about a couple hours ago telling me she was there"

Antonio stayed quiet for a couple seconds "Well, that's great"

But he didn't sound so cheerful, because I knew why

"I uh, I'm gonna go. Laura is dropping the kids off" He began to move towards the door "But thanks man, for letting me know"

I turned and waved at him with the beer in my hand "Yea, no problem"

He walked out and I walked back to my couch. I sat down and exhaled as I raised the beer up and took another sip. I stared forward and thought about it. After everything that's happened I could see it. Antonio really cares about her. I should help him see to that. I pulled out my phone and dialed Antonio's number

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