Chapter 27

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Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals
-President George W. Bush

(This chapter is going to be dedicated to the lives that were tragically lost on September 11. Today is the day it happened 15 years ago so I wanted to make a chapter dedicated to that day. The only characters I own is Taylor and her friends)

Taylor's P.O.V.

15 years ago

"Hey did you hear?" Darren asked as he walked in and grabbed the remote

I was laying on the couch texting. Darren lived right next door in the apartment building me and my best friend Lacy live at "Hear what?" I asked sitting up

"A plane hit the World Trade Center" He said turning on the tv to the news

At first I didn't believe him "Are you serious?" As soon as he turned on the tv he turned it to the news and there it was. Black smoke was coming up from where the plane hit on the tower

"Oh my god.." I whispered in shock "Lacy works there" Without thinking I stood up and stormed out of the apartment. I could hear Darren yelling wait behind me but I just kept running. Our apartment wasn't far from the towers, so I was running it. After running down the stairs and outside I could see the black smoke traveling upward.

I kept running passed people who were standing on the sidewalk in shock. I was out of breath but I didn't stop running. After making it to practically to the front I breathed in and out hard. My heart was beating so quickly, I could hear the sirens of the police and firefighter trucks. People around me were screaming and I backed up when I saw some things falling from the building

People were running out of the building while firefighters were running inside "Lacy!" I yelled. This was the right building, she worked in the North Tower

"Taylor, back up" Darren said putting his hands on my shoulders pulling me back

I felt like I was hyperventilating now "Darren she works in this building, she's inside"

Darren turned and looked at the building then back at me "Okay, I'll go get her"

I shook my head "It's too dangerous, I can't loose you both!"

"I'm gonna get her. You stay here okay. Stay here" He looked at me before he ran into the building

I stood hyperventilating staring at the entrance, then my eyes moved up to the building. It must've been sometime because people were running in and out and it felt like hours and hours. I felt tears emerging so quickly. Lacy and I had been best friends for years. Even though I lived in Chicago I came to New York for college. I spotted a plane veering low in the air. I could hear the engining roaring from the plane "Oh my god.." I whispered as I watched it crash into the south tower

I screamed and took a couple steps back when the plane went into the tower, it sounded like a loud explosion. So much adrenaline was running through me, I wanted to run in and help people but my legs couldn't seem to move. Tears were falling from my cheeks when I saw people jumping from the top floors in the building to their death. I couldn't imagine when the people were going through, the pain they felt. They're scared, helpless with no way of getting down here


Lacy Blake. My hand went across her name that was engraved. I come here every year to visit her memorial and pay respects to the other lives that were lost. I felt a hand on my back and I softly flinched. I turned my head to see Jay standing next to me. I looked back at her name

"15 years ago. 15 years ago today I lost my best friend, I lost my sister" Saying those words made a couple tears fall onto her name

Jay put his arm around my for comfort "She was my best friend. And I didn't even get to say goodbye" That last word I said made my voice crack

15 years ago

I finally began running to people who were running out of the building. Someone was limping and I ran up to them "Come on" After helping a couple people I turned to the entrance

"Darren!" I screamed as I saw him run out with Lacy in his arms. I began to run to him

"Get back! Let's go!" He yelled

People were screaming everywhere and the towers were worse then they were before. Darren and I ran a good distance away until he put her down

"Lacy! Oh my god, is she okay?" I kneed down to her and tried shaking her "Wake up Lacy come on"

"I think something fell on her, I grabbed her as soon as I found her"

She had blood pretty much almost all over her, something big must've fallen down and hit her. Her office was pretty high up. I shook her but she wasn't moving. That's when I began to sob "Lacy! Wake up, please wake up!"

Darren was panting as he was next to me "Tay, Taylor we gotta go" He said grabbing my shoulder "I think the building is coming down we've gotta leave her" We were almost far from the building

"No, I'm not leaving her!" I yelled as I was sobbing and sobbing

"We have to! The building is coming down"

I turned my head with my watery eyes and saw the South tower beginning to dismantle and come tumbling down. I looked at Lacy one last time before I let Darren help me up and we began to run and run. Screams, fearful screams filled the streets as the debris began to scatter onto the streets and the ashes began to scatter on us and everyone around. That time was probably the fastest I've ever ran. I could hear the loud sounds of what sounded like pieces of the building falling behind us. The toxic dust was everywhere and it was covering my eyes.


Jay pulled me into a tight side hug. I felt him lean over and kiss the top of my head "There was nothing you could do for her but she's looking down at you. She's in your heart and she always will be"

I squeezed my eyes shut and tears that were on the edge fell. I leaned over and rested my head on the stone while I let out my last few remaining tears. After I stood straight up and sniffed while I wiped my tears. I took one deep breath to calm myself down "Thanks for being here" I said putting my arms around Jay

"No problem sis" He said putting his arms around me again "I'm always gonna be here for you"

I kissed my hand and placed it on Lacy's name "I'll see you soon Lace" I whispered then turned with Jay to walk away. There were a lot of people and there was a small podium where a couple people stood and read the names of the loved ones that were deceased

"So, don't hate me but I did something you might not like" Jay said in a tone where he was trying to cheer me up

"How about you tell me tomorrow" I said looking at him as we passed people on the way out

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