Chapter 3

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Taylor's P.O.V.

Jessica Bennet once said every story has an end, but in life every ending is a new beginning. And she's right, my firefighter job was an ending. But this new intelligence job is a new beginning

I sat at the table at Molly's swinging my leg softly. I learned to tune out the noise of everyone else

"Shouldn't you be elevating that leg?"

I looked up to see Kelly sitting on the talk chair across from me "I've pretty much been doing that all day"

"So how was work?" He asked taking a sip of his beer

"Good. I mean it's so different being behind a desk all day versus getting calls and being on the field"

"Ah you'll be fine"

I nodded "Yea, I know"

He reached his hand across the table and grabbed mine "You know it's not the same at the firehouse. I could see your bummed"

I looked at our hands and looked back up at him "Well yea a little, it's a pretty big change going from battling fires all the time to being behind a desk all day"

He chuckled "Trust me, you'll be fine"

I smiled at him. He had such an attractive smile. It was like he was melting my heart

"What's up with him?"

I turned around to look in the direction Kelly was looking at. It was Jay, he was staring right at us. I turned back to Kelly "I don't know"

He picked up his beer and took a sip while he still held my hand "You know don't think it's weird that you two have the same last name? What if you are siblings?"

I scoffed "As if, Kelly you know I don't have a brother. Plus just because we have the same last name doesn't mean anything. Lots of people have the same last name"

"Well yea but you never know"

I turned to look at Jay but turned back around "We look nothing like each other anyways. I'm gonna go help out behind the counter. Plus my leg needs therapy" I squeezed his hand and smiled at him before I stood up from the chair

I made my way behind the counter and served a few drinks to a couple of people "Need a refill?" I asked

Antonio nodded. I poured another drink "So how did you get to work this morning?"

"Cab. Since I can't drive at the moment"

He picked up his glass to take a drink "I can drive you to work if you want"

I shook my head "Thanks but I couldn't ask that"

"It's not a problem"

I looked at him "Okay, thanks Antonio" I turned my head to see Jay sitting at the bar seat. And again he was staring at me, because that isn't creepy or anything

The next day

After getting ready I waited only a few minutes before Antonio showed up. I walked outside and climbed into the passenger side as he took off

"So I don't want this to sound creepy or anything but I kinda want to get to know the person I'm giving a ride to work"

I let out a small laugh "Well you know my name, I used to be a firefighter at 51 until my accident. That's how I got to work at intelligence. When I was younger I was like an expert on computers, and it came in handy today"

He nodded "That's a beautiful house, pretty big for you to be living alone in there"

I shrugged my shoulders slightly "It's not that big, plus its a good place to get away from my foster family"

He looked at me "You lived in a foster home?"

I nodded "All my life. Although my foster parents weren't parents of the year"

"Did you have any siblings?"

I shook my head "They had kids but I never saw them as siblings"

"Sounds like you had it rough" He commented "How did you make it through?"

"Boy next door. Kelly Severide was my neighbor growing up. He's actually the one who persuaded me to become a firefighter"

Antonio nodded "What about your real parents?"

"Well my foster dad gave me the number to my real dad, but I could never bring myself to call him. My mother died awhile back and I was an only child"

"So your foster dad knew your real parents?"

"Yup" I said as he pulled into the district. He pulled into a stop and turned off the car. In a quick hurry he ran to my side and opened the door. We entered the district and began walking on the steps upstairs

Jay's P.O.V.

I sat at my desk looking at the file from the case we began yesterday. I was the only one upstairs expect for Erin and Voight who were in Voight's office with the door closed. I took out a key and opened the drawer I had. I took out a file and placed it on my desk. I opened it and looked at the picture and name. Taylor Marie Halstead. I still couldn't believe it. I mean she's actually my sister. I pressed my lips together and raised my head when I heard voices and footsteps coming from the stairs. I quickly closed the file and placed it back into the drawer. Once I locked it I put the key back in my pocket. By that time I saw Antonio and Taylor walking up at the top steps. I stood up as I took out my phone and walked into another room. I closed the door behind me and dialed Will's number as I held the phone up to my ear


"Hey, It's Jay. Are you busy?" I asked

"Not really, what's up?"

"It's her. I mean I wasn't sure but ever since she came in to work yesterday. It's really her" I looked around making sure no one was around

"Have you spoken to her?" He asked

I shook my head "No"

"Do you think she knows?"

"No, she was in a foster home her entire life Will, I don't think she knows anything about us"

I heard him sigh "What are we going to do Jay?"

The door opened and it was Erin "Hey, everyone's here. We gotta start on the case"

I nodded at her. She turned around and left the room with the door open "I gotta go Will. I'll keep you posted" I quickly hung up and walked back out to everyone

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