Chapter 2

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Taylor's P.O.V.

An author once said when something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you. Let it destroy you. Or you can let it strengthen you. In my case, my leg fracture did all three

It's been two weeks since my accident. I'm in a brace, in crutches and I hate it. Even more because I'm not a firefighter anymore. But that isn't the end of my career. Because I got another opportunity, working at the Chicago Police Department, District 21. When I was younger I used to be a wizard at computers. So I'm going in to help them along with their other tech at the intelligence unit.

So I got dressed and headed over. Once I got to the station I wobbled up with my crutches. After walking in I saw a women behind her desk "Hi, I'm Taylor. I'm here reporting to work" I said with a smile

She had an annoying look on her face. She picked up her head and looked at me "I don't remember you being in the police academy"

I chuckled "Oh no I'm not a police officer. I'm a tech, I'm suppose to report to the intelligence unit"

"Hey Platt, we got these files in" An officer came in and handed the files over to the women I was talking to

She grabbed them and the officer left "Right up those steps through the door. Sergeant Hank Voight is who your looking for"

I nodded "Thanks" I turned and walked to the stairs. Stairs in crutches, shouldn't be a problem. I walked a couple steps up but when it came to the door that's where I had problems. I opened the door and tried to hold it while I walked up but it wasn't working

"Here, let me help you"

I turned my head to see an officer "Thanks" I said with a smile. He held the door and I moved up a couple steps through the door. I turned around and looked at his tag "Thanks, Roman"

He let out a smile and nodded "No problem"

I turned back around and headed up the stairs. After making it to the top I saw couple people sitting at desks. A girl looked up and stood up from the desk

"Hi, you must be Taylor. I'm Erin" She approached me and stuck out her hand

I shook her hand "Yea, it's nice to meet you. I'm looking for Hank Voight"

She nodded "Right this way"

She began to walk and I followed after her. She opened a door and a man stood up from behind his desk

"Hi, I'm Taylor Marie" I said sticking out my hand

"It's very nice to meet you. I'm Sergeant Hank Voight. Boden gave me a call. Welcome"

I nodded "Thanks"

"Come on, meet the team" He moved out from behind his desk. He motioned for me to go first which I did. Once we both walked out everyone was standing around

Voight cleared his throat "Everyone, I want you to meet our newest member of the team. This is Taylor Marie. This is Erin, Jay, Adam, Antonio, Kevin, Alvin, and Mouse whom you are going to be working beside" After introducing he looked back at everyone else "Taylor works as a civilian tech and surveillance expert"

They all nodded "Alright sweetheart lets get you settled in" Voight said as we both left to the desk I was going to use. Which was one next to Mouse. Instantly the team got on a case to work on. Mouse and I were on standby. I sat at the desk next to Mouse after the team left

"So" I began "Is your name really Mouse?" I said looking at him

He chuckled and looked at me "No, It's Greg Gerwitz"

I stared at the ceiling for a second "Hmm, I like Mouse better" I looked back at him and smiled

He smiled back and nodded "Exactly. So what did you do before this?"

"I was a firefighter, down at firehouse 51" I explained

He raised his eyebrows for a second "Wow, that's awesome"

"Yea, expect for what happened two weeks ago"

"What happened?" He asked sitting back on his chair

"Well, my partner and I were inside a building. We were on the third floor making our way down. Once we got to the bottom it was getting too unstable. My partner was standing still talking to our Chief. I saw the roof was beginning to cave down so I did what I had to do. I shoved him out of the way but right when I did the roof caved in. Pilling up on top of me, I was pinned down for quite sometime. Turns out I had a leg fracture and it wasn't going to heal correctly. So there was no way I could ever go back to being a firefighter" I went to staring at the ground

He stayed silent for a second "I'm sorry"

I shook my head "It's okay, I don't think it will be bad working here"

"Nah, it's actually pretty awesome" He patted the desk and stood up "I'm gonna go grab a cup of coffee. You want one?"

"No thanks"

"Alright" He said as he left

My phone began to vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and smiled at the ID caller. I slid my finger on my iPhone and held it up to my ear "Hey"

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"I'm good, leg still hurts but what can you do"

He chuckled "Yea, how's work"

"It's okay, how's the firehouse?" I asked taking a swallow

"It's okay, missing you here though. It's not the same"

I stayed quiet for a second "Yea, I miss it"

"Yea, hey I got to go. Just wanted to check in on you"

"I'm fine Kelly, thanks"

"Okay, see you a Molly's tonight?"

I smiled "Yea"

"Alright, bye"

I hung up and laid my head back on the chair. Mouse came back a couple minutes later with a coffee in his hand. Once he sat down his phone went off. He answered it and put it on speaker

"Whatcha got for me.. Us" Mouse said looking at me. I smiled at him and listened on the phone

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