Capίtulo Ocho.

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The Ruthless Mafia: Capίtulo Ocho


I woke up to hear incessant yelling coming from my front door as well as banging. What in the hell? 

I looked at the clock and my eyes widened. It was 5:42 PM. Had I really slept for a whole day and no one picked up on it? But nonetheless, it was a good nap. 

"MICAH!" I groaned and got out of bed, trudging out of the room and downstairs, where my daughter was playing with her nanny. "Hi daddy!" She grinned toothily at me and I smiled at the sight. "Get the door."

I walked over to the door and opened it, only to reveal the people I've been trying to avoid.

Maddy Leblanc and Derek Giordano.

"What do you want?" I hardened my tone and erased my face of all emotions. They stared at me for what seemed like years, before pushing past me and walking into my house. "Hey little Xio." Maddy hugged my little girl as Derek pulled on my arm and took me with him up the stairs to my room.

"Why are you here?" I raised an eyebrow as I sat on the bed, already ready for them to leave. I wanted no part to do with them, after what they said yesterday.

God, only 24 hours past and the pain was still there like it just happened. It intensified more when I realized that, yesterday was probably the breaking point for our friendship. All 3 of us. As sad as that makes me, I'm still not giving up on my mission to avenge my mother. They don't understand because they still have their mother alive and are able to see them everyday. I'm not. I was robbed of that chance three years ago.

Then Maddy came into the room, locking the door. "Great. Let's get this over with. I have more important things to do like killing a mafia boss." I clicked my tongue and looked at my fingernails. "Go on. It's not like we're friends anymore." 

Then Derek turned to me, his glare holding me down. "Did you just say we aren't friends anymore?" I shrugged before replying. "Yesterday, you made that pretty clear. I'm just putting it in words for you." I got up but Derek pulled me back down by my waist.

"You listen to me, Micah James McKenna." He stared me down, hurt evident in his eyes. "We aren't friends, that is true because you are my brother and I promised your mom I wouldn't let you do anything stupid. You are rash and impulsive and it's my job to make sure you stay safe." Derek said and I sighed.

"That's just it. I want to do it and I will do it, whether you're by my side and that goes for both of you," I pointed to him and Maddy. "I love you guys, but I will do this. I'm willing to give up my own humanity to bring this bastard down."

I balled my hands up into a fist as the image of Ramone laying at my feet dead came to mind. I wanted so badly for that to become reality, but I couldn't because these two idiots were in my way.

"We get that. We really do." Maddy pleaded with me. "Okay so why are you here?" I folded my arms. I was still pretty pissed off because after all these years, I thought we'd finally see eye to eye on something. I guess not.

"We don't want you to get hurt." She muttered, looking down on the floor. "So what? I'm not going to stand by and let him get away with what he did. Just not having it. If you want to help me, then help. If you don't then leave. Either way, I'm doing it." I glared at both of them, waiting for them to leave so I could carry on, but no one made a move for the door.

"I said you can go."

"You win this round,you asshole. But if you get yourself killed, I'll bring you back myself just so I can beat the shit out of you." Derek threatened menacingly and I rolled my eyes. "What does that mean?"

"It means since you're family to us, we'll help you but I won't hesitate in bringing you back if you die Micah." Maddy narrowed her eyes at me and I smirked.

"Oh yeah? What are best friends for?"


"Since they told me of the plan right after you left, I already found the place his headquarters is located," Morgan said as he looked at the map of New York City. "Its based in lower Manhattan, right around where there is no land, just as you expected. There is no buildings or any establishment there, which makes it a good place for him." I nodded in agreement with him.

"There's one thing though."

"Come again?" I raised an eyebrow.

"He's smart at picking a location where others wouldn't interfere. There's nothing for you to hide behind, just land and the way the place is set up, you can't hide in a car either." Morgan stated and I saw the look of fear in his eye for me. "So the only place for me to hide would be," I began and he finished the sentence for me.


I gulped as sudden fear raked me. What if I became captive to him and he wanted to torture me upon endless hours?

"Oi, stop getting scared. You wanted to kill him so you're going to." Derek rolled his eyes at me. "I'm sure there is someplace he could hide without getting caught." 

"Yeah there is. I did a drive by yeseterday and I saw that you could hide in the attic that they have without getting killed too quickly. I'm pretty sure there is places you could hide in without getting caught on the inside too as well." Morgan let out a short breath and we all nodded.

"Alright," I grinned. "Let's get this party started."


"Alright Micah," Morgan started as I began putting guns in my black uniform as well as a wire so he could hear things if I got caught. Derek threw me glasses that had a hidden camera on it and I put them on, ready to go.

"We are going to drive you over there but not so much that he'll see us. When it hits midnight, we will tell you to go through the attic and lay low there. It's a easy climb so you shouldn't have trouble." I nodded. "Seeing as you'll be there for awhile, here's a bag filled with some stuff for you." He threw me a big ass bag and I almost died because of how heavy it was.

"We'll have men listening to you, tailing your location and Derek will keep track of everything on his computer. You can have your cell phone so we can have your GPS, but don't use it. If he hears the slightest ringtone, you are dead." He thrust his finger in my face and I grimaced.

"Now that you're all prepared, let's run through the plan." I nodded.

"First, you'll sneak in through the attic and stay there until I text you the heads up to proceed moving throughout the house. Then you'll get to the second floor, where there is nothing but rooms. You can hide in one of the rooms and wait until I give you further direction. Then after that, we'll tell you of Ramone's whereabouts and tell you how to kill him." Maddy muttered as she went through what was on her checklist from the backseat of the car.

"But for fuck's sake Micah, do not do anything without my permission. Anything rash that you do can ultimately lead you to your death. Derek warned me. "Do not do anything impulsive."

"I got this. Just take me over there." I had so much adrenaline running through my bones and I wanted to put it to good use.

"Alright, let's go." He started the car and began driving from NYC to lower Manhattan, which only took us about 15 minutes. When we got there, there was nothing but land upon land. Just grass upon grass. "This is as far as we can take you, so he doesn't suspect anything."

I looked up into the distance and saw a nice white mansion, littered with limos and vehicles around it. "Is it always like this?" 

"Yeah, there's always people here so I need you to be smart Micah." I nodded at the three of them. "Good luck Micah. You'll need it." I gave my salute to them and got out of the car when my watch struck midnight.

God, it was so pitch black. I couldn't see anything through my binoculars without the night vision lens. As far as I could tell, there was no one outside to see me climbing up the side of the house, so I was good. I kept running towards the house, where I was sure a lot of things were going to happen.

Ramone Vega, your ass is mine now.

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