Capítulo Veintisiete.

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"I chose you then, I choose you now, and I'll keep choosing you without a doubt in my mind. There will be no pauses, no stops in heartbeat. I'll forever choose you."


The Ruthless Mafia: Capítulo Veintisiete

"Dun, dun, dun..."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, DEMETRIOS!" I whacked him on the head, shuffling close to him. I was afraid of the dark since Nathaniel used to lock me in a dark room with no windows as some form of punishment.

"I wonder what would happen if some deranged murderer came here and sliced our heads off our body." He said casually and I glared at him. "STOP SAYING SCARY SHIT LIKE THAT." I shuddered as we walked down the hall. "Where is the wall?" I asked, trying to reach out for it. "Don't do that. What if the killer pops out of nowhere and cuts your arms off?" Demetrios muttered and I let out a squeak.

"You're the reason why people die in scary movies." I grumbled out, tangling my hands into his shirt. "You'll be my shield." I nodded affirmatively and he sighed. "I don't even know for sure if there's someone in the house. The lights just shut off all of a sudden." He clicked his tongue and I pulled out my phone from my pocket.

Nikari and India were watching over Xiomara in the safe room so I knew they were okay. I couldn't get a signal on my phone because it was out of service. How's that possible? It was just working not even 2 minutes ago. I made a noise of displeasure as I slid my phone back into my pocket. I was scared and Demetrios making those weird noises weren't helping either.

I can actually see why he is single now.

Cause he's a fucking asshole who doesn't care for the well-beings of others. I would say he was everything like Ramone, but Ramone went and brought my family here. No mafia boss that high up on the ladder like he is, would do something so sweet and kind. But then again, Ramone Alejandro Vega wasn't a typical mob boss.

He was who he was and I liked the way he was. I loved the pure anger that was radiating off of him when he busted through the door when I was being tortured by Zicara and Armando. I love how he took charge when we had sex last night. It felt so good and he was hitting all the right spots. He made my toes curl and his kisses were so toxic.

I really shouldn't be getting a boner at a time like this.

I heard the front door open and two pairs of footsteps entered the house. There was a sigh and some clattering against the wall.

"Why is the house so dark? I could've sworn it was bright as fuck before we left." I heard Maddy's voice call out and we peered around the corner just in time to see Derek tripping over something on the floor. He let out a small cry and fell down. I stifled a laugh as I watched him land on something. It definitely wasn't the floor.

"Why does the floor feel like this?" Derek asked himself as he began touching it. "It feels soft and human-like." Then I heard a groan of anger.


What if was an alligator?

Or a really large spider?

I would shit bricks if it really was either of those things.

"That's because I'm not a floor. I'm a fucking person!" The floor spoke and Derek got off of it, looking at it weirdly. "Oh its you, the unnecessary character. What are you doing on the floor? Are you trying to communicate?" Derek asked. "I mean I don't speak stupid, so I'm sorry." He walked off with a cackle and Raymundo got up, walking after him. "I'm a very much important character, thank you."

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