Capítulo Diez.

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David Gandy as the notorious yet alluring, the dangerous yet sexy Ramone Vega


The Ruthless Mafia: Capítulo Diez

I was in a dark inferno, struggling to reach the light at the end of the tunnel.

I was scared, all one with no to save me. There was no one but me and I wanted out. I wanted to be back home in my bed sleeping, and that this was all a big nightmare.

The I felt a harsh slap. "Angel, you're taking forever to wake up."

But I knew that it was not just a dream.

I opened my eyes to see a man with smooth tanned skin, sparkly blue eyes that darkened with every glare, a mustache with clearly aligned stubble, pink lips etched in a straight line and coarse, black hair that sat along his head, a piece dangling down in his face.

"Ah, there you are," He grinned, but it was deadly. He got up and walked over and sat down in a chair, letting me look around. "You see, you are in my office." I saw nothing but a black couch, several swivel chairs and a desk with picture frames along the wall. He sat behind his desk in chair, his right ankle on top of his left knee, and his chin on top of his fist.

"The only reason why you're in here is because I figured I'd let you see the inside of my personal place before I kill you," he smirked widely and my eyes widened in fear. "So you're Micah James McKenna, and you just turned 23 some months ago. You're a kid compared to me so tell me, why did I find you lurking out my office?" He questioned and I looked down to see my hands in handcuffs and my arms tied. "Wait, how did you know I was here? You didn't have an alarm or anything." I asked, truly scared of the response.

"Angel, I'm Ramone Vega. I knew you were outside of my house last night. You're not as quiet as you think you are and you're not as slick as you are. Trying to find out information about me, you had to have gotten caught with the way you recklessly did things. So I arranged a party and kept all the guards to make it look unsuspecting and I even took off the alarm system and the laser grid. That owl you saw, was my pet owl Rocco. He's trained to squawk if he sees an intruder," He said and I paled in fear.

All those suspicions I had, I should've listened to them.

"He told me there was someone in the attic and I knew it was you. I told my right hand man to shoot somewhere and tell everyone to run to one spot because I knew you would think it was clear and sneak out. I also knew you would pick the last room, because why not? No one suspects the last room." He shrugged and he smirked once again. "And it just happened to be my office, where I was awaiting for you in the dark." He finished and I was appalled at how much he planned ahead of me. I really thought I could best him!

"See, you shouldn't underestimate me Micah. I'm not as careless as you like think I am. I know about everything before it happens. That's why I'm not dead." He sat back in his chair, a smug smile on his face and I knew this was the end.

This man didn't seem to be stupid, no. In fact, he was damn intelligent and I hated myself for not listening to Derek when he warned me back in high school.

He may have weaknesses, but he was Ramone Vega. You would have to get real close to see all those weak spots and you have to hope you're alive after you do.

"So my question to you is, why are you here?"

For the first time in my 23 years of life, I had no words. I was speechless. I had nothing to say and all I could do was sit there, shaking in fear and await what was to come. I'd thought it would be a easy kill, but it looks like I'll be the one killed.

"You killed my mother." I stated and he titled his head. "Oh? And who was she?" He asked in reply and I coiled back at him in anger. "Don't you fucking dare play that stupid game!" I snarled at him, not caring what kind of position I was in to do this. "The only damn reason I'm here, is because you jackass killed my mother and I wanted to kill you so I could feel the satisfaction you felt when you took her apart and left her for everyone to see! You're such a son of a bitch!" I yelled at him, a tear sliding down my face and I tried pulling at the handcuffs but I got no avail.

Then he laughed.

He fucking laughed.

I growled at him, my anger heightening even more and I wanted to break free of these handcuffs and strangle him.

"How ironic. You want to murder me yet you're the one in handcuffs, all tied up." He chuckled. "Not your best shot is it?"

"Not my best shot," I mocked him in a high voice as I looked up and glared at him. "Kiss my ass, you fucking asshole." I knew I was treading on the thin line of death. I knew I was doing things I shouldn't be doing in this situation, but this man made my blood boil so bad.

"My, you amuse me. You don't beg for your life like the rest of the people I've killed. You know, I might actually enjoy seeing your blood on my hands, Angel." He winked at me and I tensed up. "I want to kick your ass so bad." I sneered and he threw his head back, laughing.

I knew I should stop saying these things, but I had no filter and no way to stop my mouth from moving. I knew I should stop talking so I could save my own life to go back to Xiomara, but I just couldn't.

Then his expression turned grim and he got up to his full 6'3 height, much taller than my 5'10 and walked over to me, bending down. "You're really something, aren't you Angel?" He narrowed his eyes and took my chin in his head, forcing me to look at him. "Just because I find you funny, doesn't mean I won't hesitate to beat your ass. Just because you're an attractive kid doesn't mean I won't kill you. Right now, I'm itching to sever your arms from your body and the only thing that's stopping me from doing it, is the want for you to beg for your life."

I glared at him in disgust and the corners of his mouth quirked up. "You want me to beg for my life?" I asked, truly in horror of what's he asking me to do.

"Yup. See you're like a dog. So well trained."

"FUCK YOU! I am not a god damn dog and I damn sure won't beg for my fucking life, you cocky son of a bitch!" I head butted him in the face and his head lurked back a little and he touched his face to see blood coming from his nose.

I grinned at my accomplishment but I wanted all of his blood to be pouring out of his body.

"Not bad, Micah," He winked and smirked but I knew that smirk meant something was to come. "But not as good as this."

He took and balled up his fist and landed it on the crease of my nose and I could hear the cracking of it, letting me know that he broke it. I moaned in agony as the blood began to pour out. He stood up and he kneed me in the chin, knocking my head up and making my teeth crash together in pain. Then he took my hair in and and slammed my face into the ground.

I screamed out as pain racked all over my face and my muscles trying to clench together to subdue the pain but it wasn't working. It hurt too much and I feel blood gushing out of my mouth.

Was this better than death?

I laid on the ground, breathing heavily as I sought an answer to my question.

Was death really this harsh and cruel and so ruthlessly painful?

Would I really die at the end of the ruthless mafia boss, Ramone Vega? Was this really the end?

Then he gripped my hair in hand and lifted my face up so he could see my eyes and vice versa. He looked all over my face and his eyes landed on my lips, darkening a shade of blue.

"There's no way in hell that I could've possibly killed your mother." He whispered in my ear, his smooth tone taking over my mind. "Oh yeah? Why's that?" I asked back sarcastically.

"Because I don't kill women."

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