Capítulo Veintiséis.

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I wrote this chapter in the throes of sleep, guys.

"I'll do everything for you, even when you don't ask. You changed me for the better."


The Ruthless Mafia: Capítulo Veintiséis


I groaned out as I snuggled deeper into my warm pillow, sighing in relief. It kept moving, like since when do pillows move?

I heard a chuckle from above me and furrowed my nose. "It's not a pillow. It's my chest which you are drooling all over." I heard an amused voice and my eyes shot open. I was laying on Ramone's drool worthy chest and he was looking down at me.

All the memories from last night popped into my head and I blushed, flinging myself into the nearest pillow and hiding my face. My asshole clenched in pain but it was pain that I wanted to relish in. I wanted more of Ramone. "Be quiet. I'm tired." I huffed, trying to fall back to sleep. "No. I have a surprise for you." Ramone said as he crawled out of the bed. "If the surprise doesn't involve your dick, I DON'T WANT IT!" I shrunk up into a ball to conserve my body heat and then all of a sudden, the covers were thrown off of me.

"Ramone, what the fuck?!" I cried out as he picked me up from the bed. "I think you'll like this one." He smirked at me as he carried me to the bathroom. "First we are going to take a shower together.

I wanted to have shower sex because he said later because we had important things to do. After we took our shower and put on some clothes, heading out the room. I tried not to smile as I looked underneath my shirt and saw all the marks Ramone made.

"Stop grinning." Ramone said without even looking back at me. He told me he was going into the kitchen, probably to eat. That Eat-Every-Second fat ass bastard.

I rolled my eyes and turned into the main room but stopped when I saw a familiar face. Her beautiful black hair in curls and her sea foam green eyes widening and her smile bright.

She beamed at me before taking two steps back and leaning her head to the side. "Hold up. Is that you, my sexy Micah James McKenna?" She asked with a questioning look on her face.

I mimicked her actions and stepped back. "Oh yes. Is that you, my dear Madelina Neve Leblanc?" She held her arms out and I ran into them, squeezing her tightly. "Oh you bitch. I missed you so much!" I picked her up and swung her around.

"I missed you too Micah." She hugged my body tightly and I felt at ease before putting her down. "Where's the idiot?" She chuckled and pointed behind her. Derek stood there on his phone with his earphones in. I took the chance and ran up to him, jumping on him and tackling him to the ground.

"What the fuck?!" I heard him yell before I started kissing him on his cheeks. "I." Kiss. "Missed." Kiss. "You." Kiss. "Derek!"  He stopped trying to fight me off once he realized that it was me.

I heard a growl and I knew it was Ramone returning from the kitchen but I still stayed on Derek. "Yeah." I smiled brightly at him and his facial features relaxed. "Did he kidnap you guys?" Derek stared at me before rolling his eyes. "No. We casually got into his limo." He sarcastically sighed but I knew he wasn't lying. "Do you think we would be sitting here all calm if he kidnapped us?" I sighed and got off of him, grabbing him and pulling him up.

"Touché bitch. Touché."

He grinned at me before patting himself down of dirt.


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