Capítulo Veintitres.

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"Embrace what you have because you never know what you have until it's gone."


The Ruthless Mafia: Capítulo Veintitres.

"Don't be an idiot, Micah." He whispered in my ear and I shivered when his hot breath made contact with my skin. "I love you more than you know." I smiled and I felt him grin as he pulled me in, my back to his chest.

"Wakey, wakey, little Micah."

I felt poking and prodding in my body while I was sleeping. "Get the fuck off of me." I muttered, turning around, eyes still closed. "I'm trying to sleep." I closed my eyes once again and settled back into my dream when all of a sudden, I felt the blunt head of a knife press against the crease of my neck.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll sit the fuck up."

I was hallucinating. I had thought I was in my own room at Ramone's headquarters, sleeping in my own bed and India was yelling for me to wake up. But the dark, crusty imprint of the wall and the deep voice that spoke reminded me of where I was exactly.

I wasn't at home with Ramone, laughing at his cute faces when he snorted at my lame jokes, no. I was here in the cold cellar that stank of sweat and piss, held captive to Antonio Causi. All because he wanted to kill Ramone, he hadn't gotten to finish the job when he was young.

And these voices would remind me of it as long as I lived.

When Antonio was telling me that he was the reason Ramone is the way he is now, it led me to believe that Derek's suspicions of Ramone getting gang raped were true. He also let it slip that he did a little more than he should to Ramone. And if they were true, I want nothing more than to kill him with my bare hands. He didn't deserve to breathe the precious we have. He didn't deserve to have the heart that is beating inside of him right now.

I don't give a damn who Antonio Causi is because when Ramone comes, he will have hell to pay and I can't say I don't find that pleasing.

"We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way." Armando boomed from above me but I stayed facing the wall. You motherfuckers kidnapped me and expect me to be all compliant? No, fuck that. I wanted nothing but to be out of this place so I folded my arms and pouted.

"....the hard way it is then."

I had no idea what he meant by that but I heard a cap being removed from something a person huffed. "I honestly didn't want to do this, but you asked for it." Zicara finally spoke up and I leaned up to ask what she meant by that, but then I felt a pinch in my neck and medicine being injected into my bloodstream.

I stared at her in horror as my body became limp. Armando picked me up bridal style as she smirked at me while tapping the syringe with a fake fingernail. "This here," She motioned to the green liquid still inside of the syringe. "Is a secret medicine that can be used to make you lose all feeling to your body. You'll be paralyzed for awhile and that's all the time we need." She smirked. "Antonio wants us to fuck up your body a bit, ya know, make it so that Ramone can't deny our requests. Because if he did, you die." She grinned, placing a hand along her neck in a notion that let me know she meant it.

"But you'll feel the pain. All of it." Armando walked me out of the cell, my head dangling helplessly. I turned it slowly to the side to see the puppy following behind Zicara. He had a mean look on his face, like he was seconds away from biting her in the leg. Good dog, I shall give you a treat when we are saved.

I so badly wanted to struggle because I didn't want them to touch me with any weapons they had. They were playing fire with fire. If they were using me to get to Ramone, I had no idea if it would work or not.

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