Capítulo Veintiuno.

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From the words of our awesome god that is named Micah McKenna, this is his point of view now.

Chris Hemsworth as Armando Causi


The Ruthless Mafia: Capítulo Veintiuno

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." I chanted in my mind, blood gushing down on the side of my head. I winced when I felt a pain in my stomach, something wet running down the sides of it and I knew they did more than just punch me. My legs were fine but my upper body was in some pain. It wasn't that, but they knew not to touch me more than they should.

I don't even know how I ended up here. I was at the mafia headquarters, then BOOM! I was here next. I should've seen it coming, really. But I can do is blame Ramone since it his fault for being so stupid. He should have his ass kicked for not having alarms and security sensors.

You're right.

I know I'm right, voice. It is why they call me the awesome god. You should be blessed to be apart of such a person.

How I got here?

I'll tell you how. It was like a typical story where the characters are dumb enough to do something they're not supposed to. It was like the typical story you read on the Internet or on an app or something.

It was 6:43 in the morning at the ass crack of dawn when I cracked open one of my eyes. I groaned as the wave of hunger pains cascaded through my stomach. I hadn't eaten dinner last night, which I should've considering it was lasagna made by India. It was delicious too, I mean the pasta topped by the meat and tomato sauce and ricotta cheese and enriched with spices...

Okay, that is not the story.

I had gotten out of bed, out of the door and tiptoed down the stairs where I was sure I could've eaten in peace. I walked over to the cabinet and pulled a bowl as well as a box of Lucky Charms. I poured me a hefty amount and got the milk from the fridge and poured enough to drown the cereal. I grabbed a spoon from the utensil drawer and pulled out a stool for me to sit on.

When I took a spoonful of cereal, not even a second later, I heard rustling coming from the doorway. I knew it wasn't Ramone because that idiot needed his rest to continue his daily killings. It could've been Demetrios, but the dread and unease that I felt in my chest let me know that it wasn't him.

I remained calm because Ramone had given me some incentives to help with getting out of the situation. He was one paranoid son of a bitch but I didn't commend him on it.

I knew it was a woman's silhouette by the way she was standing there but something told me that it was Nikari or India. It could've been Ramone's mother, but I had a feeling she would've spoke by now.

"Holy fuck." I whispered to myself as her body came into view and my eyes widened in surprise. This was motherfucking Zicara Kiloway! I should've known her bitch ass was up to something the minute she stepped foot in here yesterday. "I hope this works..." She muttered to herself before I heard the clicking of something and I instantly knew she had a tranquilizer gun. "Oh my god--"

She had aimed the gun at me, pulled the trigger of the gun and a needle lodged itself right into my arm. The pain of the needle wasn't as intense as it would've been had I of not felt sleepy. I let out a small cry as I fell backwards off the stool and descended to the ground, closing my eyes in distress. The drug had gotten into my bloodstream and I immediately was out like a light. How no one knew she was here, was a very interesting question that I would like to have answered. The last thing I saw before I closed my eyes, was a man and Zicara standing over me.

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